Kandyman Edition
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Kandyman Edition
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Why doesn't the doctor have a lot of fancy far-future gadgets? Why does he use screwdrivers from a couple thousand years in the future?
like what? he has a time machine he can literaly go get anything he wasnts whenever he wants to. The screwdriver just gets him out of shit, and gives him on the go analysis
Why would he?
The screwdriver is all that he needs
something with holograms
what gadget that features holograms hsa been completly needed in a situation that he just had to carry with him all the time?
Something that can analyze unknown materials
Oh yeah, i get what you are saying! maybe something small like a pen? something that does not need an interface so that it isnt big, maybe telepathic? yeah something like that could be a good idea...
Something that can open doors
I fucking love the Kandyman.
>could be a good idea...
I don't know man I have the feeling that they might use it as a plot device
Where the fuck are you all?
Reminder that audios
might be a stream on or something
>tfw you may die before reclaiming the title "last of the /who/lords"
That sonic is oogleh!
I don't know where I am
So teleporters are able to 3D print a fully organic being that can regenerate properly, but they haven't been able to gene splice to give any other species regenerative abilities?
you're at an eternal fourteenth birthday party
come over and grab some fairy bread
does anyone know what the title sequence will look like for Series 10
the exact same as S8 and S9 but the music will be even more out of sync
This but instead of Jenna Coleman it will be Pearl Mackie
I mean like will they put Matt Lucas's name in there
Last Christmas and Mysterio didn't give me hope for a three-name title sequence
Anyone know where I can find the music of the Roger Delgado Master?
>Peter's hair
>Peter's sweater
good question actually
who nose
>it's a "moff wrote one no-context scene a year ago and has to figure out a way to cram it into an unrelated episode" episode
Is holey jumper + whoodie the quintessential capaldi outfit? It's the single variant he's worn the most, I think
Do you guys normally catch up on all the /who/ threads that went on while you were asleep/away/whatever, or just jump on the new one?
just a reminder
Peter Capaldi's gonna be on The Graham Norton Show on Friday with Keeley Hawes aka Mrs. Delphox, Miranda Hart, Warren Beatty and music from Jennifer Hudson
promo shots should be coming in tomorrow evening, they usually film on a Thursday
I just dive in m8 I don't even care
I keep the thread open overnight. When I wake up, I collect any (you)s I missed
Then I jump on the new one
please don't die cloister
I don't remember the last time I skipped a thread
even when I'm on vacation or simply don't come here I always read them all to be up to date
It's the curse of the /who/ lords
Same here; I just leave the tab open and pick up where I left off.
>Peter's gone
>Steven's gone
>Pearl is probably gonna be gone
>Matt Lucas will most likely be gone
>Mark Gatiss might be gone
Chris you better do this shit good
who the fuck is next, is Marigold gonna quit?
Off season,yes. On season, no.-Too much to catch up on.
>39 years old
>still plays /who/
I think I'll be fine.
he'll be forcibly evicted and rendered homeless beacuse doctor who is his only work
Doctor no more...
I always have a /who/ tab open. So in the mornings I control+f "(you)" and then hop over to the live thread
I don't support of this companion
I recently rewatched The Happiness Patrol. I'd always thought it was the absolute dregs. Legally actionable monster aside, I was surprised how sharp the satire in it was.
Apparently they'd originally conceived it as being shot in black and white as a film noir which would have been fun. I think there are test shots for this on the DVD.
The whole thing was defeated by an ultra-low budget unfortunately.
In my opinion, 7's entire run is let down dramaticaly by the horrible music. I don't think that people who watched it in the 80's can hear how bad it is, but it is truly awful and embarrassing.
I've always been tempted to mess with the colour settings on my TV and watch it in B&W anyway. Harmonica guy is great.
Keff offerino.
Lets just say I'm old enough to have recognised Sylvester McCoy from this (10mins, although why would anyone skip prime Janet Ellis?)
We definitely did know the music was terrible at the time but I think its the budget problem again. Its "will this do?" noises from a Yamaha DX7.
lol thats oresome
I think he's worn crombie-coat + waistcoat about the same amount as that
Oh, obviously original observer of opus?
Thank you Graham Norton user
>Peter Capaldi's gonna be on The Graham Norton Show on Friday with Miranda Hart
didn't expect a 12 and 13 multi-doctor episode so soon
The score in 7's era was pretty bad, yeah.
Sometimes it sounds like porno music.
why don't people like Clara
Cuz they're gay
Do you think Capaldi will fall into obscurity post-Who? I am afraid that his age might play against him when getting cast in big-budget movies.
Not sure if serious.
Capaldi isn't out to get part in big-budget movies.
He's already a very successful person. He's won an Oscar. He's had a distinguished career in television. He's very talented in music and illustration. He's not using Doctor Who as a springboard for anything; he's already achieved and achieving what he wants to.
Thread theme: youtube.com
>He's won an Oscar
A meme oscar
It's not that people "dislike" her, it's just that she was considered too underdeveloped to get invested in. This in and of itself wouldn't have generated as much ire if she wasn't as central to various plots as she had been, and retroactive an important figure in the Doctor Who mythos. People are mainly just frustrated with how she was handled
Absolutely what I thought. Season 24 basically is a porno if you close your eyes. And the loud synths that play over dialog. It's a shame they can't go back and mix that shit out. It's definitely the least timeless era of Who but those last two seasons especially are just too great for that music.
It's an excellent short and deserved the award.
>stayed too long
>became too overbearing
>too much like the doctor
>most important impossible grill/ultimate companion
>she got her own tardis
Is what i've seen on here.
The first one I can kinda understand.
he's found the time to appear in Paddington 2 apparently
>Not sure if serious
Oh, but I am completely serious. The movie industry is incredibly ageist and Capaldi has always been an incredibly underrated actor. He has an Oscar, yes, but Oscars don't mean shit but rather, the marketability an actor has. And Capaldi sadly has none. While there's no doubt he is incredibly versatile (after all, you have to so as to be active in the industry for over 30 years and managing to hand yourself when being onscreen alongside John Malkovich and he can easily switch from drama to comedy), audiences are mostly composed by young teens/millenials/generation-y who don't want to see a fifty something on screen, but rather something different where they can see themselves reflected on its characters.
He's the first actor since Hartnell (who didn't live long enough to benefit) who by taking Dr Who is less likely to be typecast. Its normally the other way round.
>audiences are mostly composed by young teens/millenials/generation-y who don't want to see a fifty something on screen
MelAnon is that you?
At least they weren't as ubiquitous and emotionally manipulative as Murray Gold's scores.
I'd rather listen to the entire soundtrack of Paradise Towers than Murray's "this scene is supposed to be funny" theme.
But I don't understand your point - Capaldi isn't gunning for these roles that you're moaning about him having trouble to get. He isn't young, scrappy, and hungry like Matt and David (to an extent) were. He's already had a fantastic career and will continue to do the same sorts of things he's been doing for the last fifteen years or so.
>He has an Oscar, yes, but Oscars don't mean shit but rather, the marketability an actor has.
You're completely missing that user's point. It isn't about Capaldi marketing himself for new roles, it's about the fact Capaldi is already self-assured and successful. He's not trying to leverage the Oscar for new roles. He's already got an Oscar. Smith tried to make himself more successful off of Doctor Who. Capaldi already was successful, then did Doctor Who. This user gets it
Should have left after The Name of The Doctor.
The Impossible Girl wasn't a terrible idea, her hanging around afterwards, and basically not being (as far as I can tell), was.
Is being realistic. Hell, even Tennant and Smith are struggling to have a career, with Tennant being relegated to make series after series of Broadchurch and doing voiceover on DuckTales and Smith to appear as Claire Foy's consort on The Crown. By comparison Freema Ageyman is getting that Sense 8 money, Barrowman is still ongoing on Arrow and Billie Piper has just won an Olivier for appearing on Yerma, which happens to be one of Federico Garcia Lorca's most dramatic plays.
>with Tennant being relegated to make series after series of Broadchurch
he was the Purple Man too let's not forget, and I'd hardly call DuckTales struggling
Matt and David are fine, no one is struggling, they're not always gonna be doing A-list movies that everyone's gonna see - sometimes smaller projects and indie films can have big impacts as well
don't project, MelAnon
Colin should do a porn parody in character with full penetration and everything. I bet he could make £1million to add to his huge pile of cash and it would be hilarious revenge.
>getting a job as Scrooge McDuck, meaning you'll always have a role if you're bored of doing Shakespeare
>starring in an expensive Netflix drama
>struggling to have a career
And I thought that AnonWho guy was dumb.
He's trolling, he downplayed an Oscar while talking up an Olivier. It's obvious why he left out the Purple Man, it goes against his narrative. Notice he didn't reply to the two posts pointing out his mistakes about Capaldi.
Will Capaldi do Big Finish?
It was obvious Tennant would, he's already done them and likes Briggs, it was just a matter of time and scheduling.
Matt has literally said he'd love to, so he'll definitely end up doing them.
Capaldi's a big DW fan but hasn't worked with BF before. Will it happen?
Can we just go back to talk about Doctor Who, please? For all I care the actors can fuck off post-Who.
How'd you know I was referring to Paradise Towers?
not right away, obviously, but I'd give it a couple years into the next Doctor's run
No, because Big Finish is where careers come to end.
The 10/Donna audios were pretty comfy, how did they go over? Will there be more?
>Captcha: Jesus Stop
But Sheridan Smith played Lucie Miller and still does the occasional Short Trips, and now she's winning Olivier awards.
Yeah I like the buffer of like, 11 should finish his TV run before 10 does audios
So 13 should finish their run before 12 does
It gives the fans enough time to "move on" and relegate the previous Doctor to the "past" rather than fervently wishing they were still on. Worked well for David.
That said, I'd be stoked if Capaldi did them whenever.
They sold well, quality-wise they really surprised me by being real good. Time Reaver was legit an excellent episode, not a classic or anything, but way better than loads of 10's TV stories.
As for future ones, all parties involved seem to want to, just a matter of time and scheduling. I'd expect another set maybe next year or late this year if we're very lucky.
>merit awards
>relevant for anything
You're an idiot, user.
How are they struggling? Broadchurch is ending after a very successful run, and The Crown is being received well on all fronts. These aren't small profile bit parts, they're key roles in successful dramas. Just because someone's face isn't constantly plastered on every poster from here to timbuktu doesn't mean they're barely scraping by.
>Time Reaver was legit an excellent episode
That moment when 10 gets all the time reaver shots at him and has to live through all those years in pain, fuck me that would have been GOAT on TV.
One of those two things has had my room mates check on me to see what the fuck I was watching while the other never had. I don't love Murray Gold but those last 3 seasons are straight cringe in the music department.
>So 13 should finish their run before 12 does
doing the math from a typical NuWho Doctor's run, Capaldi will be about 62/63 by the time they start considering doing 12th Doctor audios
>fucking up your argument so badly that you have to resort to calling people idiots
At least go out like a man, user.
Because this is definitely the song I plan to play when I lose my virginity to a David Tennant cosplayer.
>>fucking up your argument
yep we're being rused thanks MelAnon you prudish pedantic
Yeah that's why I said
>That said, I'd be stoked if Capaldi did them whenever.
Also, although 12 is my fav NewWho Doctor, he's had less fan obsession than 10 and 11 so I don't think it would matter as much for him anyway.
I'd be stoked for Capaldi to do audios anytime. Maybe a new audio-only companion, or a series with Nardole set pre S10. Jenna would be too busy, and their TV arc is already pretty set.