Is there even a single movie that is even close to the raw, 100% unfiltired and uncut kino as this classic?

Is there even a single movie that is even close to the raw, 100% unfiltired and uncut kino as this classic?

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your suicide tape

This is as fedora as it gets and people have the audacity claim this movie is deep

yeah, BvS

but Sucker Punch is a close, close second

Watch that Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movie

Not my fault it wasn't dumbed down for autistic Marvelfats so that they could appreciate it

This movie is fucking dogshit

I really hate this movie. It's like 5 strippers ruining Brazil for 2 hours without getting naked

>Thread has absolutely nothing to do with marvel
>STILL fucking brings up Marvel in some way


It's mediocre as fuck. I remember my disappointment back then when I had huge expectations after seeing GOAT capekino Watchmen.

Quite a lot actually. I can think of 20 right off the top of m head

INB4 too deep 4u even though 95% of this movie is pointless action

You would need to literally have the mental capacity of an autistic 15 year old to think this is anything but garbage desu

Every great director has one bad film. For Zack, this is it. But that Love Is The Drug song was catchy as fuck. Also, the Sweet Dreams cover from the beginning was good too.

>movie is deep
who the fuck ever claims this.
this flick is just a pure audio and visual kino
perfect to watch when you cant be fucked to follow a plot or watch porn

No for him it was 300. This was just complete dogshit

Terrible movie, who the fuck thought that american stacys in cute nip school uniforms that are exclusivly for pure maidens was a good idea. Way to miss the fucking point of the appeal of animu waifs.

the Smiths cover was dire though, I almost switched off the movie then and there

I love Snyder and all the bitches in this look qt.

I have tried to watch this movie, TWICE and I get bored into a coma at < 30 minutes. It's remarkable.

>soem fatasses I identify with pretend to enjoy Zack Snyder's garbage
>better pretend every single shitflick he squeezed out of his cheeks is good to keep the irony going and get the fatty creds
You disgust me. I feel nothing but disdain for you and your ilk.

The movie looks like a video game though. It's an ugly movie.

this is my least favorite movie of all time

i stopped talking to a girl once because she said it was her favorite

Imagine getting pregnant with your lifelong partner, carrying the child to term, going through a painful birthing process, raising the child from youth to adolescence. All the struggles and triumphs, the laughter and sadness, the teen angst, the neverending worry of being a parent. Imagine the disappointment of going through all that and then one day discovering, out of nowhere and without warning, your kid posted this thread on Sup Forums.

Thats the state of this board summed up. Ironically hyping snyder until some ledditors felt welcome and newfriends were memed into thinking this is real until all of them took over.

Better then any Marvel "movie" for sure.

I legitimately feel that 15-20 years down the line, Snyder's movies like Sucker Punch and Batman vs Superman will be rightfully recognized as true kino and the start of a new generation of filmmakers.

People didn't like The Thing when it came out either.

Still garbage

Snyder is a 14 year old anime fan trapped in a grown mans body. He makes movies for teenagers who listen to Evanescence and own a fake katana.

>People didn't like The Thing

Oh but according to Stranger Things everyone loved the Thing, including 12 yr olds in a hick town.,5,299

A misunderstood kino that we don't deserve that spits in the face of geek culture and our obsessions

Why is everyone who uses the word kino a total fucking retard

Where do you think you are?

This is bait of the lowest tier.

Kino is a kino word

>steampunk WW1 with swords and robots

Same it with me, reddit as fuck.

>dude just turn your brain off lmao


Marvelcucks can you shit up another thread? We're actually trying to talk about movies made by a real auteur here and not an assembly line