What did Hermione see in Ron?

What did Hermione see in Ron?


dullest franchise


He was the funny one

Harry was a bitch

Books: Relationship that revolved around coddling Harry leading to affection for one another


What did she see in one t of the dullest franchises in the history of movie franchises? Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
a-at least the books were good though
"No!" The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Ron was the fun one.

Harry came with a lot of baggage. It's hard to get close to romantically someone who you always have to walk on eggshells around.

I suppose it was that they'd just been through a lot together and Rowling decided that since they were so different that opposites must attract or something. It was arguably her biggest mistake with the series and she herself even admitted it but I suppose she just got caught up in the classic writer's mistake of needing to pair every character up with someone. You can really tell that she hadn't actually thought about it at all and just decided to tack it on around the 4th book or so that there was romantic tension between the two of them. But then at the same time she couldn't really plan who their partners were going to be from the start since they were only 10 at that point. Personally if it were up to me I would have kept her single by the end of the series and then say she married some ministry guy or something or even didn't marry at all. It just feels like it would have made more sense to me at least.

she read the script

Why does Harry leave so many eggshells around?

>Harry was a bitch

Harry took on the most dangerous tasks in the final book climaxing with a final boss fight.

There's a reason Rowling changed her mind about pairing her with Ron. She wrote them together before Harry actually took on the risk to become an alpha.

Same way Neville became a favorite of the final film.


Holy shit she's literally PERFECT

JK said it was wish fulfillment. Even she admitted she fucked up and that she should be with Potter.

He was also a whiny, PMSing piece of shit for 6 books prior to that

He was a teenager who had a spotlight put on him

it just looks worse because Rowling is a shitty writer

Just like every other Hero's journey character.

When the chips were down he did what was necessary.

upvote tumblr style probably

Harry Potter is shit.

Rowling's ideal mate is a Ron-type guy then?

A bad script.

>JK said it was wish fulfillment.

For who? Her? She fantasized about hooking up with dweeby, beta sidekicks?

Or she wrote it for the dweeby betas as wish fulfillment for them?

She wanted a sort of a opposites attract fairy tale love.

I think it's why she got divorced so early in life.

Nah she didn't really say that. She only said there were moments where she could see Harry and Hermione together.

Ron and Hermione were supposed to be like Han and Leia.

I never really saw Harry as whiny to be honest I saw him more as a dude with severe anger issues more than anything.

Hermione was by far the best character out of the main trio.
Harry was just an emo chad unable to do anything himself. Let's not even talk about Ron.

a woman writing literature

so fanfic

You can think of the Ron character as a carefree spirit, a 'bad' boy that isn't bad, with minimal neuroses, that helps an overly anxious Hermione (Rowling) enjoy life.
I can see a bit how this worked in the writer's mind

like a teenager if every single person in the entire school (and a number of people outside of it) was watching and judging your every move. Some teens have anxiety at merely their own perception of such a thing happening

Hermione should have stuck with the big Slavic chad who wanted to plow her brains out but couldn't because she was 14.


Post the other pic

Yeah ironically I think that's how Rowling saw Ron but most of Ron and Hermione's interaction was that of conflict between one another most of the time. On top of that Ron comes across as kind of pathetic too compared to Harry and Hermione. I guess there was just a difference in how Rowling saw the characters and how she made them actually behave. That's why the two ending up together seems so jarring for the readers.

>Ron shuffled his feet uncomfortably as he stared at them, hands tangled in a worried knot
>"What the fuck you doin' Weasley?! You better not be looking away from them!",yelled Malfoy as he stroked his rock hard member as it protruded proudly from his wizarding robes.
>Ron glanced up sheepishly to see Harry vigorously pounding Hermione from behind on the Gryffindor commons table.
>Harry looked over his shoulder at his friend with a slight grin on his face.
>"C'mon Ron", Harry grunted in between his rapid thrusts, "no need to be coy. Take it all in."
>As he plowed deeper and deeper into Hermione's beet red pussy he looked over at Dumbledore, himself deeply entranced in the act taking place before him.
>"I much prefer this Chamber of Secrets to the other, professor!" Harry exclaimed.
>"FOCUS BOY!" Hissed Professor Snape, rubbing the tip of his precum glazed penis with his thumb.
>"You're just like your father. He could never take a proper inter-house fuck train seriously either."
>The look on Dumbledore's face lightened somewhat as Harry's thrusts became quicker.
>"You getting your vinegars, young mister Potter?" Dumbledore asked in his usual, calm tone
>Harry didn't have time to respond before he began to ejaculate wildly deep inside of Hermione's slick cunt.
>Falling over her back, he licked the sweat from her skin and gazed up at the clock.
>"Twenty-one minutes... looks like a new house record." Harry muttered out in gasping breaths.
>Snape's dick began to go limp.
>Dumbledore, slapping Harry on the back, exclaimed, "50 points for Gryffindor."
>Ronald looked back down at his feet, tears welling in his eyes.
>Malfoy looked over at Dumbledore and yelled, "He cheated! There must have been a spell or some such!"
>Tucking his willy back into his robe he stormed passed Snape and over to the common room door.
>"My father will hear of this", Malfoy whispered as he stormed out of the room.



Makes more sense in the books. His sense of humor balances out her seriousness.

I didn't realize we were supposed to include Harry in this, but others are. Alright. Well, in their fourth year, when Harry and Ron aren't speaking to each other, Harry spends more time around Hermione and finds it's kind of boring, given that she's always engrossed in books. Ron is his best friend, and they have much more in common, things to talk about. At best Harry sees Hermione like a sister, and though we can only see from his perspective in the books, it's pretty cleaer the feeling is mutual.

Ron actually brings them both out of their respective shells. And I guess that's what Hermione sees in him.

Honestly Harry went through some shit, and basically all because Dumbledore was hiding things from him. Being angry is understandable.

They've canonically made out though.


Did he also finger her pussy?

What did Ron see in Hermione?

Nigga was a jacked international sports star. His fingers probably wouldn't fit.

But yeah, probably.

Personally I wanted to see her casually fuck Harry just to destroy Ron

Hedwig is a slut

>still believing in Hollywood Jewish deceptions of relationships

Wew lad. That chick would never be with that guy 99% of the time.

It's not like she had much to choose from, all the males in Harry Potter were pig disgusting. Thank god Rowling woke up and decided to make decent husbandos for Fantastic Beasts.

her penis

why did this make me hard

wait what's wrong with catch 22?

beta provider

If it was real she would've dated that world-star Chad sports player when she was 14, while whoring herself off to her male teachers for easy grades. Harry wouldn't get a single glance by any woman until the final movie, and Ron would remain a bitter virgin until he ended up shooting up a school and killing himself.

>trying to troll people with the fake one

Something like this. One of them might have turned gay just to get their dick wet, can't rule that possibility out.

>imagine victor defiling hermiones virgin pussy for the first time

there is probably fanfiction of that

>Picking the poorest kid in school as your beta provider when your alpha best friend has a safe full of gold

hes a big guy

I think there's Potter fanfiction of virtually every possible sex scenario

one of my favorite pastas.
I'm guessing this originated on /lit/?

Go to Fanfiction.net

Hedwig/Harry is a real thing there.

who draco/hermione ?

I think it was Sup Forums because it starts with the movies.

First time I saw it was on Sup Forums


women a sociopaths

>Be Harry Potter
>Veela girl crushing hard on you
>Not doing a thing about it
>Not waiting til she's leagal at the very least
>Marries a Weasley


JK wanted Harry and Ginny together out of wish fulfillment. That means Hermione had to be out of the picture,

Except Han and Leia were a lot more fucking alike than Ron and Hermione are.

It was literally wish fulfillment because Ron is similar to some guy she crushed on as a kid. That's it.

The new movies are 100 times better now that they brought them to America


Grow up

I cum buckets to the fantasy where bullies fuck the bullied girl

God I wish I was a bully in HS

>when normies appropriate nerd culture
Normie deportation when?

>tells others to grow up
>posting on Sup Forums

fuck draco

>tfwI told a girl that she was a shitty singer and country music was fucking awful and three weeks later I ended up dating her for the rest of HS

What the fuck is women's problem?

Do you really think her husband was abusive, I feel as though she made that shit up...may be she left for some idiot reasons...

i loved shoving that into my friends faces about jk making a mistake and pairing herm with ron.
harry was the stronger character. ron was just the insecure/dopey/jerk.
herm was also a strong character and it makes more sense for her to be with harry.
fuck ron.
at least one of my friends cried when she read it on the news but claims since it's already in the books/movies it can't change.


I'm hard as diamonds OP.

Fucking keking...
Tf is this shit

Normies literally are the worst cancer on the planet. Hitler gassed the wrong people.

I've heard that Ron was based on JK Rowling's first husband, and Hermione was her self-insert. Of course, she regretted the pairing after her divorce.

He's a smart enough dude. Funny. Down to earth and relaxed in a way that Hermione needs.



Do you think her husband was abusive/jerk or did she make it up to get more sympathy made up??
Answer my question, please!!!!


There's no way of knowing, user. You'll have to go to the source. Just jump the fence on Rowling's estate and tell her you want to ask her something.

It helps if you scream on the way in so she knows you're not some creep.

you know what ron should have done?

get a much younger student, mind rape her, submit her to his whims, then get some hermonie's hair, make a polyjuice potion, force the young student to drink it, then rape her endlessly - fulfilling his needs

>Love potions are common and considered joke items, even though they're 100% effective
What is wrong with this place?

>"You getting your vinegars, young mister Potter?"
Is this an English way of asking if Harry was going to cum?

Probably because the cure is readily available and anyone who's not a teenager can tell when someone is under the effects. If people wanted to use it to kidnap others and keep them in their basement as a secret waifu, I'm sure they had many other spells to do just that as well.

>beehive lips
>decent husbando
try again honey


Fucking newfags. it was posted on /lit/ literally a year before Sup Forums. It's from an interview with Harold Bloom.

True. Even Luke Skywalker literally starts his journey bitching about not getting to go pick up power converters, whatever the fuck that means.

>Dad is ded
>Mum is ded
>Lives with a family that literally despises his existence and treats him like a slave
>Has a demonsoul in him like goddamned Naruto
>Gets thrown into a wizard world he knows literally nothing about full tilt and expected to be amazing
>Literally every year at least one teacher tries to kill him.
>Best friend takes best girl for himself
>Closest thing he gets to a father figure is an on the run convict who dies because of a mirror.
>Despite being THE most popular wizard of all time he gets NO pussy at school.
>Has to fucking die in order to save the world from Voldemort.

Harry's life is suffering