I'm wanting the wedding reception to be centered 100% on the guests, making it feel like an outdoor get together party thing, where everyone at one point can feel involved:
viking bonfire beer keg Customized Mason jars with handles to take home tug of war between family/friends horseballs volleyball human sized jenga portable pool table(s)
missing anything bros?
croquet is a little gay, but I'm thinking Bocce ball might be coo
>posting any kind of personal information to fish for approval >on a mongolian anime stamp collector imageboard
You are an idiot and I hope you get doxxed.
Jason Anderson
congrats if thats you lad, at least you arent a whale. >keep sharp, race war comes soon
Julian Cox
I doubt he'd be stupid enough to post a real picture. On the odd chance he is, no one would care enough to bother. Unless you go out of your way to be a dick, unless it's a fri, doubt he'd be doxxed.
Hunter Clark
Sounds childish with all the games. Stick to cermonies like the torch made bonefire and getting good food and drink to your guests. Music is important as well.
Liam Rodriguez
Black metal
Liam Stewart
>Being married under a tree like a dirty pagan
Levi Nelson
Well, I want to avoid having guests just sit around in chairs and eat/drink food. I want them to feel like they're hanging out with their friends and shit, hence the all the outdoor fun.
Imagine being half drunk and playing tug of war bro
Sup Forums-core posters are bro tier, but provocateurs from the outside will tryhard shitpost
Bentley Murphy
I just realized the wording ofthe OP post is talking about HAVING a wedding so I retract my accusation at him being a dumbfuck. Plus the facebook interests were too normie-tier. >vicious and miserable enough to reverse image The absolute madman I am! So much time and effort to do that, what a hateful and bigoted man I am... Hey, I called the guy cute, not trying to start anything. :3
Jacob Brooks
>This board is for the discussion of news, world events, political issues, and other related topics.
Ayden Rivera
Pic related is me btw, fuck it.
Gavin Rogers
dude, it is pretty vicious. Remember the persian from the night of paris attack? he was on here begging people to stop, that the fire dept was at his parents' house and he was getting a pizza every minute?
was almost as good as jessi slaughter without the video.
Brandon Moore
Sure have a few simple games like croquet and badmitten.
Encouraging people to get sweaty and dirty in nice clothes they wore is poor form.
Also its a wedding. People sitting around and meeting the other family and sharing stories is the whole point.
Have a comedian come or something to break the music once or twice.
Levi Cook
Landon Gutierrez
OP, just have a small wedding at a cool destination if you have friends. Odds are overwhelming it will end in a very bitter divorce that will make a kike lawyer rich. If you are spending any money, have a prenup in place. And even then it's a waste of money, you never make it up in gifts.
Jason Foster
Nice blog, thanks for sharing.
When's the /r9k/ post when she takes half your shit you beta cuck?