Did he just guarantee that he gets on another season of Survivor for redemption/follow up reasons? Or is he JUST?

Did he just guarantee that he gets on another season of Survivor for redemption/follow up reasons? Or is he JUST?

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I'm surprised this hasn't made it to Sup Forums yet.

Varner is /ourguy/

explain faggot, nobody watches this shit

“Survivor: Game Changers” contestant Zeke Smith was outed as transgender in the most public way possible — on primetime TV.
In a Hail Mary move to save his own skin on the CBS reality competition on Wednesday night, fellow contestant Jeff Varner told the rest of the tribe that “there was deception here,” before turning to Smith and asking, “Why haven’t you told anyone here that you’re transgender?”

How much do you think producers paid him to do this?

Literally nothing

So a female transitioned into being a gay male?

The fuck ..

>blonde millennial girl crying
>muh conservative midwestern lady and increasingly obvious winner opening her eyes to the lgtbbq struggles
>gay man """""""accidentally""""""" outing his butt buddy as a chick with a neckbeard
>Debbie existing

Survivor has had a spotless record up to now but it's hard to deny (((their))) influence all over this episode. This season is one of the worst so they toss this bone to soften the blow of losing their entire decent cast pre merge.

Holy fuck did Varner fuck up

There's no way that was fake. No way you convince Varner to torpedo his reputation like that. Plus he'd be a fantastic actor and shit.

He fucked up and he fucked up big time, and he's gonna suffer with that for the rest of his life

What a bad bad goy, he should be ashamed of himself, that was like another holocaust.

Think CBS got Zeke's permission to air that? It'd be pretty hypocritical if they didn't.

Either way I genuinely don't think Varner had malicious intentions. He just got too wrapped up in the game and wanted to create a super dramatic TC. His exit interview thing was hard to watch.

i havent watched survivor since heroes vs villians. what happened?


Shows how little you know. Tyson's S20 "fuckup" is what earned him a million dollars a few years later.

Not to mention s22


Okay here's the shit I ain't posting on reddit because they're a bunch of downvoting SJW faggots who can't handle real opinions

Jeff Varner is a self-hating fag. He was in the closet for years, he went on Australia and stayed in the closet. This was the 00s and things weren't amazing for gays but they weren't all the bad. But Varner hid and repressed his sexuality

Which is why he thought Zeke hiding the fact he's transgender would be seen as a negative against Zeke. A factor that would cause the remaining members of the tribe to turn on Zeke. A dirty dirty shameful secret. A deception.

Now everyone's gonna support Zeke and give him loads of love and praise, and turn on fucking Varner like crazy.

Just being trans doesn't warrant praise.
But it's not about that. Think about what kind of loser, and an attention whore you have to be - to want to get screen time so much that you'd be willing to (potentially) fuck someone else up, while simultaneously be seen as a jackass.

Pretty sure they didn't need it specifically since they probably signed their lives away to be on the show.

Has there ever been a tribal like that where they didn't even vote?

Yes, but not because someone committed social suicide before voting.

JUst being trans doesn't warrant praise, but you gotta feel for Zeke this episode on a human level. Fucker has those puppy dog eyes trying not to cry, it was fucking heartbreaking and there's no doubt it resonated with a ton of people

damn varner really fucked up there

Brandon Hantz's impromptu tribal.

redpill me on survivor Sup Forums

how much of this shit is legitimately scripted?

all of it

None. The producers edit things and omit things to build a narrative but the interactions among the cast are real/not planned.

How to keep from getting voted out

Out someone first

I can't believe he thought it would work though lol damn dude just needed some money and was desperate

If they weren't virtue signalling so hard they could have gotten out Ozzy or Zeke and kept someone that no one in the entire game would have gave the money to.

He's out forever
Fuck him anyway he didn't deserve being in this season (along with 70% of contastants).
Fuck 4 time castaways and literally who's, if they didn't win their first or second time and didn't do anything meaningful to mark them once they were on the island they're not GAME CHANGERS

Best part is when he realised how much he fucked up