Who is the Kendrick Lamar of film?
Who is the Kendrick Lamar of film?
Couldn't say, I try to avoid shitty movies. Name some talentless hacks and I'll see if one rings a bell.
Hip-hop and rap are nothing more than aggressive and yet monotone lyrics, set to simplistic beats and melodies. They take very little skill or hard work to create and are subsequently enjoyed by those with no appreciation of skill or hard work.
Also, hip-hop and rap tend to be something of a catalyst for violent acts committed by these unintelligent, uninspired, unskilled and lazy people (mostly men). Ironically, were one to resort to violence in an attempt to remove said-problem (I can think of a few who'd be first to go), this would negate the argument, entirely. So, the rest of us just put up with hip-hop, rap and their followers.
There are so many wondrous things we've learned we can do with our voices, in unison, with other hard-working people who've been practicing until their fingers bleed, and there are STILL those who listen to people talking over a generic melody and beat? Don't you KNOW this?
Those who "create" rap and hip-hop are an affront to civilization. They're the proverbial "slap to the face" to every man, woman and child who's pushed themselves beyond limits previously thought unimaginable, to achieve heights of success one could only dream of.
Those who willingly listen to rap and/or hip-hop, are the most dangerous of miscreants - examples of de-evolution. In essence, they're "regressing" back to their monkey state and, in my humble opinion, should be put down so as not to infest others with their disease.
I genuinely hope humanity can recover from the plague that rap and hip-hop brought forth.
>tl;dr: rap and hip-hop are crap.
A no talent hack thats been on the scene for a while, but got "big" because of a pleb flick(album) and now is costing on that with the white suburban teen girls(imdb plebs) that grew out of fincher(tyler the creator)
denis villeneuve
Fuck you haters
Wes Anderson.
Like, I'd be happy to be get into his stuff, I'm just not that interested.
shouldn't you guys be in the comments section of Pink Floyd and Led Zepplin videos on youtube posting about how you still listen to REAL music?
i like rap just fine. he just sucks.
Barry Jenkins, duh.
Possibly Steve McQueen, but he's mostly just Mel Gibson-esque torture porn, who jerks off to MIchael Haneke. He's more like Earl Sweatshirt actually.
Or maybe Ryan Coogler, but I feel like Kendrick is smarter than him. He's more like Vince Staples.
shoo shoo negroid
Ohh look contrarian neckbeards shit posting about how shit Kendrick is shit.
If he got shot and died today he will be remembered as the GOAT
Both of them are shit too pleb
OY VEY! Make sure to buy my album goyim ... I mean nigga!
he would be forgotten within 2 weeks at best
I never figured out what people like about him, his voice is whiny as hell and his flow is awkward.
probably spike lee.
At times Spike produces some interesting in-depth commentary on race relations. His stuff can be thought provoking while providing entertaining dialogue for those lazy summer nights. The perfect example is do the right thing which was super comfy. The brother and sister had a cool relationship dynamic of being laid back but also there for each other. The italians had a strong sense of morality and equality which was tested strongly but hood rats who didn't know any better.
But after watching it you know that it's produced an uneducated whiney nigger who doesn't get the idea that consequences have actions.
Sean Penn from Tree of Life.
If you give a shit about a rappers voice than you should just stop infecting the hip hop community with your shit opinions.
>it's a "darkies make mumbling noises with their mouths to simplistically produced shit you could make in 2 days of FL (too bad you don't have a marketing team) and retards think it's art episode
my god, you're actually serious, aren't you?
>its a contrarian who thinks his opinion on rap matters episode.
Daniel Day Lewis
Both are pretty private and are amazing at what they do.
Boy i bet you like jcole
>t. someone who exclusively listens to radio
>I am the voice of Black people!
>works with Taylor Nazi Swift
>and he's a fucking manlet
Kevin Heart
I mean as long as you remain ignorant of music theory and how popular music is produced then keep being stupid I guess my friend, it's all good in the end
taytay is just yuge
rap is the bastard child of reggae and country
>aggression and violence
At the very least, Kendrick Lamar talks about the hypocritical nature of gang violence in the US and how it's destructive. He also brings up those who preach good intentions, but fail to get through to anyone and the same old story keeps being told.
>singing and instrumental
On To Pimp a Butterfly, he changes the inflection and tone of his voice on several different tracks, in effect, playing different characters and personifying varying emotions and concepts. As for the instrumental side of things, look up Kamasi Washington. He's a famous jazz musician and he participated in To Pimp a Butterfly as well. For the broader genre of hip hop as a whole, sampling is extremely common, and it does bring a creative instrumental element.
>Those who "create" rap and hip-hop are an affront to civilization.
There are different kinds of rap and hip hop. You should be promoting the people who do do creative things with the medium and spread introspective messages, rather than calling the whole thing shit.
> look up Kamasi Washington
Not OP but look up Thundercat too, collaborated with Kendrick on TPAB and recently released a full-length album
>plebs who don't like kendrick
get out