>the black character is a genius
The black character is a genius
>the guy has a belly
>the asian character is a dumb jock
>the cheerleader is secretly a nerd
>muslim character doesn't rape children
>the nigger isn't in chains
>the aryan isn't good at something
Name a single loose adaptation of a comic CW mystery/drama that does this
>the crippled character was the bad guy all along
that's why i could never take this character seriously, blacks don't have the capacity to plan and anticipate on a large scale
name ONE bruce willis movie this actually happens in
bet you can't name another one though
but the guy in your pic is clearly only partially black, so surely he can at least plan and anticipate on a medium scale?
Was Simon a villian in Mercury Rising?
bet you can't name a third though
dude, the deal was for one movie. lay off.
Idunno maybe Split but he wasnt the main actor
>the white male isn't a racist
>he can't name a fourth movie
lmao knew you couldn't
Glee had a asian jock character at least
he was hot as fuck too
Bruce Willis: The Movie
Naw, just /fit/
13 reason why
American Dad
It's like they were aiming to try to be anti-stereotype as possible
>aiming to try to be anti-stereotype as possible
I hate when they do this because it feels so artificial and you're always reminded of the fact that the characters are being total opposites of their racial stereotypes which actually makes them just as predictable and one dimensional as if they had used the stereotypes in the first place.
King of the hill does this too, although its more for the comedic affect of him being the rival for Bobby in Connie's heart
Oh, and im pretty sure he meant Riverdale
didn't you get the meme-o, redditor? We love nogs now