/SIG/ - Self improvement general

/SIG/ - Self improvement general
How could I improve myself Sup Forums?
What motivates you?
How can I improve my self-discipline?
I want to become a better person, but I can't think of any practical ways that I could, I would love advice, and love to hear basically anything from you guys.

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make your bed

Heat are your flaws? Can't work with nothing fuckhead

Respect Women. Hard.

Attached: women respector.jpg (480x360, 38K)

>the blue guy helping the yellow guy up
You are an idealist and you are easily offended by people who do not see things the way you do.
>the yellow guy pulling the blue guy down
You are a realist and you usually see things as they really are. Either you cry alot or you have a skin thick enough to prevent any meaningful relationship with other people.

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I don't have motivation to do anything. I treat basically everything as a chore. I wake up late. I only go to gym once or twice a week, but play a sport.
I made this thread to ask what other people do, to hopefully improve myself.
I am going to write a list of things to do when I wake up tomorrow, as in things I can complete daily to feel accomplishment or something. I make my bed daily with hospital corners, It's a small thing but coming home from a long day to a made bed is extremely comforting.
I am definitely the second one, I couldn't find a decent image for the thread. I cant seem to make meaningful relationships at all.

>I am definitely the second one
Welcome to the club buddy.
The only way out of a crab bucket is death.
And what needs to die first is your attitude towards others.

>I treat basically everything as a chore
Because you haven't found anything that really relates to yourself. You're stuck running after what other people deem appropriate accomplishments in "life".

"The reason why you want to improve is the same reason you are not improved already"

Little bit of backstory to that Bob Ross quote: His wife had just died that week. But there he was doing the taping and sharing the Joy of Painting with you.

I knew that but nice share. RIP. He was a great guy.

>And what needs to die first is your attitude towards others.
I agree. I have certainly improved my attitude towards others in the past couple months, just generally being nice to people, but it still needs working on. Do you have any tips?

>Because you haven't found anything that really relates to yourself.
I play a sport which I love playing but that is about the only thing I genuinely enjoy doing. I dont really have much of a personality. I don't know how to not run after what other people want, when I dont even know what I want for myself.

Stop being negative.
When you wake up, write down your goals for your day, big or small, this will make you feel like you have done something even if you had a shit day at work etc.

There's no saving me. I've since realised that, but I've grown bored of everything it seems so the hedonistic solution doesn't feel like it's working anymore. Sometimes I feel as if I have a greater destiny ahead of me, sometimes. Most of the time I know I'm a useless piece of shit. I want help, but I am very skeptical that it'll work at all

I used to think that, I even tried taking my life. Trust me, seeing a good psychologist was the best life changing thing I have done, I was pretty much forced to go the first time but at the end of the session I realised how good it felt for somebody to just listen, I told him things I have never told a soul. He listened to me talk about my fucked up life and didnt judge me, best feeling I have experienced. Honestly, research for a good psychologist in your area, NOT A FUCKING PSYCHIATRIST, they try and fix everything with medicine that just makes your more depressed.

i think always having goals that you're working together is key

But how do you think of the goals?

i think all guys can agree we want more money, a better body, and chicks

so we get an education to further our career
more money as a result,
get into fitness and nutrition
better body as a result
work on social skills, etc
get girls as a result

start from there?

>in uni
>steady job pays decently
>already go to the gym
I do not know how to work on my social skills as I seem to not have a personality, the ego I present depends on the person I am conversing with.

>what motivates you?
Nothing. Either you decide to change or you don't.

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The decision has been made, I just seem to procrastinate on my decisions.

Then do what you're meant to do. Why do you need motivation? You know what to do, what are you waiting for?

Good question.