Let's save our beloved swastika! Continued

Let's save our beloved swastika! Continued.

It's getting worse every day!


Attached: Perfectly Clean.png (606x567, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


we were doing very well

reporting in!

They keep saying they're not mad but they're 100% butthurt and it shows.

Attached: 400000 keks.jpg (600x900, 34K)

leave that void alone - defend the swastika and do the white directly surrounding it

Can anyone say what the coordinates of the top left and bottom right of the flag is? If we all work on the corners while keeping the swastika intact, we can close in on the middle.

Reporting in from last thread

I say let the little rainbow stay in the middle and maintain it from spreading further

top left of swas: -81, -83
bottom right of swas: 83, 81

Theme of the thread.


do not do this - they will use it as a foothold to attack in future

Sir yes sir

imagine being this upset

Attached: hhhnngh.png (893x393, 38K)

There eating away the left peg

Soliders hold the line!

downvote like shit

this makes me doubling my efforts

americans have woken up - prepare the anti-autism to ramp up significantly

Thanks. Working on top right at the moment

It looks like the bots getting stronger like it was before.

Attached: Stronger Bot.png (525x504, 46K)

go downwote some salty posts

Also prepare us American autists to help out significantly.

If we let em turn the pegs into nothing this will be all for nothing

I didn't even know pixel canvas banned people, i mean, considering what gets drawn there.
I didn't even have my bot working on the raid stuff, I was just drawing thousands of pixels out.

On it. It's surprising how many posts are about our flag.

>actually going to reddit

Attached: 10012430_621963407883790_125433040_n.jpg (640x464, 30K)

looks like they are merging.

Attached: a2263d06fe3a6da583dc228eb5428f3e.png (730x519, 85K)

Guys there is more then one bot owner because one is tried to delete all of it and another is just trying to make a prime number

Wait what.

does anybody here have a bot i can run to automatically defend the swastika?

Fight like the battle of Berlin


bump we need an army!

Nu you

Something to listen to.


just uh add em pegs

soundcloud.com/m0narch-1/pol-happening-theme-song Is great

i keep getting error 400 when trying to defend

Oh no

Do “I hear fbi open up in” it?

Keep up the good fight

stop clicking so often then

We are Looooosing it faggots help

Were were

Victory is slow but certain.

Attached: Soon.png (595x570, 56K)

Diamond bot is back

What bot should I use for this?


You guys need a life

nazi shit is gay
you are all fail and aids


Wh- uh guys


clean that shit bros

go back

Go back to ye shit holl aka reddish orange ugly guy

You need to learn how to have fun

Down-vote all of the threads with our swastika.


Dam reddit


Does anyone have a picture of what the vagina looked like before it got fucked?

So people will be less likely to see them. The more people who see them, the more people will be fighting against us.

Percent of this is pornographer over is DA FERUER

Oh yeah

Start clearing white

There were two of them, and the other one had someone's face in the black part looking at you with a shocked expression.

Attached: PixelCanvas Trans Pussy.jpg (720x1280, 715K)

I don't understand how to use this shit so I guess I'm fucked.

Word of Warning
I was using that bot for something separate and now I'm banned.

Lmao that is funny as fuck

lol rip

There were two of them, and you can see the edges in this screenshot. The one with the face was on the top.

Attached: PixelCanvas Trans Pussies Edges.png (360x560, 78K)


been doing it for a time now, but its also boot protected certain pixels come back at once if you white them out

Kek. Is that poster the one who actually put it in pixelcanvas, or was that someone who saw that post?

definitely the botfag

heres how to use it
use cmd, use CD to go to the director you unzipped it to
make sure you have python installed
run the setup script
run this command:
python main.py -i -f -x -y

they fucking vitiated terry as well

Reinforcements are here, i posted on Sup Forums

I wonder how he did it. He literally uploaded the image to pixelcanvas.

shitloads of proxies, duh

link to thread?


Here you go.


Thank you

>Why do liberals keep calling us racist
>Draw swasticas everywhere

Damn for a meme you're really invested.

But how did he get the proxies to essentially print the image?

Ok I’ll downvote the anti furer reddit things

bots. are you slow?

It's a wholesome hobby, user.

Attached: FBB74E58-CAE4-4D05-AC6B-E30B7897BBF7.jpg (576x750, 280K)

but its fun

This is the reason why people love Sup Forums.

It seems like he had to put it through some sort of program to convert all of the diverse colors on the image to the colors that pixelcanvas has.

The amount of edgyness is off the fuckin charts. Get out of your parents basements incels

get out of your wife's boyfriend's house

This little noise thing is being botted.. immediately changed back to its position no matter what. Don't bother cleaning up the top right swastika, go somewhere else.

Attached: capture.png (2048x1834, 96K)




so is top left side