Its interesting to watch a film where histories antagonist is portrayed as the protagonist/Victim.
Give me suggestions
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all of them imho!
Downfall shows Hitler in his intimate moments at the end of the war. It's humanizing, as much as a person like that can be humanized.
having interacted with germans quite a bit I can vouch that they are completely humorless and methodical about pretty much anything.
I can totally see some of them going through a spreadsheet and deciding it's for the best to wipe out large segments of the population and then implementing a plan to do so in a reasonable amount of time.
cringe thread
>I can totally see some of them going through a spreadsheet and deciding it's for the best to wipe out large segments of the population and then implementing a plan to do so in a reasonable amount of time.
Yeah yeah and you'd be on top of that List.
You could make your own, if you weren't a dumb piece of shit that lived off society and had no applicable skill
I agree
duly noted. Thank you sir
At the end Hitler thought the German people deserved to be pillaged by the Soviets because they didn't try hard enough, or weren't loyal enough, or something. He was nutty as a fruitcake.
>Romper Stomper
Did you watch a special edit or something?
Triumph of the Will?
literally none
Uhh... Green Room? I mean some of them are villains but most are portrayed as ok people. Boris Yeltsin's band literally plays Nazi Punks Fuck Off to a nazi crowd and they rock to it.
too bad the movie also showed that he was a fucking dumbass too overconfident to take advice from his generals. so while he isn't being showed as
i'd have a hard time to call it a positive light.
Ya I have a 3 disk special edit got it at a yard sale..Romper stomper isn't purely nazi positive but you are rooting for the skin heads most of the movie.
>mad for no reason
with that ability to generalize, i'm sure you could do the same
>good guy
Smdh seriously FUCK white "people"
>a dumb piece of shit that lived off society and had no applicable skill
You just summarized the negroid race in one single sentence
>he fell for the IQ meme
>Romper Stomper
Please. It is a forgettable teenage drama with swastikas stamped over everything.
I mean I didn't say SS.. The German military had about 13million people in it during WW2 and to think most of them where evil is just ignorant because 99% of them had no idea what hitler may or may not have been up to..Also to classify Skinheads as all evil white scum and not take into account peer pressure, family conditions, lack of school achievement, and community turmoil is also ignorant. I'm not saying by any means they are making a good lifestyle choice infighting senseless violence is always wrong. However on the flip side there or plenty of gangster movies about gang bangers and inner city gangs that are easy to sympathies with so all I'm proposing is again a different perspective..
Especially the original scripted "head shave" ending
Not a fan huh? I think it had depth
>large segments
There were only 500k Jews in Germany, a country of 65+ million people. Most of the Jews in the camps came from Poland, Hungary, the baltics, and Russia/the Soviet Union. Somehow 6 milllion of them still died though...
>he has an air of superiority because he thinks IQ is meaningless, even for populations
Go fuck yourself white bitch
nah, I have an air of superiority because I'm better than you
>a person like that
Good goyim
hahah Ok good talk
That's not an X.
>6 hours
lol no
Greatest story never told