Do Americans really clap during movies?
Do Americans really clap during movies?
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It happens here in Canada at about 2/3 of movies I see
It makes me cringe so fucking hard every time
Sometimes it's worth it though when just one guy claps and no one else does, and he just awkwardly stops
Yeah, you feel like the piece of shit you are you fucking cunt.
>tfw I don't even clap at plays
Fucking Americans
That's just rude to be honest.
Why? I paid money, I better be fucking entertained. I don't owe a bunch of actors shit.
You're a rude person and your world view is twisted and cruel. Consider lobotomy. I'll pay.
Depending on the movie, yes.
>t. Amerilard who has never left their basement
Give me a reason why, other than
>boohoo a bunch of minimum wage actors might pick you out of hundred of people and get their feelings hurt
>this is autism
I used to clap whenever I saw a recognizable actor. That's hard nowadays, so I made a comprehensive list of actors to clap for. This list yields a 100% success rate in getting the entire movie theater to join in for at least fifteen seconds.
>Samuel L Jackson
>Leo DiCaprio
>Jennifer Lawrence
>Chris Pratt
>Any actor also playing a Marvel superhero
Roughly 40% of my moviegoing experience involves applause. It's beautiful.
>acting like you are above ANYONE
this is why you have no friends
I am though, goyim.
Found the underpaid actor.
they even clap when a plane lands, they are called americlaps for a reason
you aren't clapping because they feel bad for you, it's to show an appreciation in their know what nevermind, you might just be retarded
not even close, I've just been to plays and don't understand your point
Found the friendless autistic virgin
>acting like you are above anyone when you act autistic on Sup Forums
I was at Yosemite National Park on holiday and there was a group of people watching the sunset and there was a round of applause when the sun went below the horizon.
Americlaps aren't just a meme
>mfw murrburgers actually boo when a bad guy comes on screen
>sad scene in play happens.
>start screeching boo until you are escorted away by police.
lol, you managed to derail a thread because everyone hates you
I'd clap your effort but you're just a minimum wage jester
Fucking kek
Why though? Is it a need to obnoxiously celebrate any minor event by making noise?
Let me guess, you guys believe in tipping too?
Do you Eurofags not clap frequently at public events? Or make noise to signify your enthusiasm/support? Outside of theatres where it isn't appropriate.
Canadian here
the ONLY time i've ever had anyone clap during a movie was when yoda pulled out his lightsaber in attack of the clones, but that was on opening night in a packed theater
Let me guess, you live rent free in your parent's basement?
Just stop posting my man
You sound miserable. Can you stop posting in threads i visit?
I saw Xmen the last stand and people clapped at some parts.
I notice you burgers still have yet to give a reason to clap or tip.
It couldn't be because you're good servants who do whatever your masters say, could it?
- if tipping wasn't widespread then businesses would have to pay their employees more
- if businesses have to pay their employees more then the menu prices would be more than normal to offset that cost
- either way, you're paying that extra amount
>it's my problem to fix the salaries that are paid
It's like I'm talking to a communist
It gets worse, my man.
We clap at events, but not frequently. Once at the end is more than enough for most situations. After a while it becomes annoying and pointless, why would the speaker or performer constantly need reassuring that you're paying attention and liking the performance? Applause is an atrocity, it sounds stupid and often takes up an overly amount of time. I hate it when a comedian has to stop in the middle of a fucking sentence, not even getting to the funny bit, then attempting and failing to finish several times because of the ear-shattering applause.
If its a movie for manchildren like a superhero movie yes this does happen So when everyone claps and stands, you just sit there waiting for everyone to stop?
>and biggest faggot in thread goes too
>Americans having a fetish for clapping isn't a meme
I say, what the fuck is this shit?
>Clapping stops
>That wasn't too bad
>3 minutes left in video
UK guy here
Went to see a movie a few years ago, can't remember which one. At the end of the movie, an a full theatre, one guy, clearly American, got out of his seat and started clapping and hollering. For all of 2 seconds, before he looked around and noticed everyone was staring at him. He sat down and shut up.
Good times.
Now that's just plain stupid.
You clap if the makers of the art are there. You clap at plays because you clap for them, to acknowledge their work.
Clapping in a cinema is plain retarded because you are basically clapping at yourself, it's like listening to a good song in your room and clapping when it's over.
The only reasonable situation to clap at the end of a film is if it's a film festival and the makers of the film are there in the same room.
>I have to make noise so they know I like it!
Are all Americans autistic?
i wonder how much clapping is just empty virtue signaling. like rallying at a sports event to show support.
I thought the "americans clapping" was just a meme.
My god was I wrong.
A whole youtube channel full of reactions of degenerates clapping and hollering in a cinema, fuck my life.
>travel to america for vacay
>on bus to see the grand canyons
>they play a movie on the way there
>its Herbie
>mfw all the americans laugh their heads off
what is wrong with u guys?
>businesses pay employees more
>they can then demand more experience
>i will no longer have to deal with american waiters that dont give a fuck but still expect me to tip
how did America get so powerful while absolutely shitting on their very own citizens
just fuck my movie-going experience up
before this clapping meme started
>gf wants to see the last harrypotter film
>go for the last 8pm screening
>Friday night so its usually full of couples and no kids so agree
>Get there and its all couples waiting to get in
>relax knowing that it will be a peaceful move going experience
>one guy on his own
>seems friendly but he keeps wanting to talk to people thinking they are huge fans like him
>people don't know why he is talking to them so excited and look to see if his partner will come back to take him away
>doesn't happen
>tries talking to me and my gf and we just shurg him off, we are not being rude but the night is not about him
>during the movie he whoops and claps
>ending credits come on and he stands up clapping and shouting yeah
>he then notices no-one else is doing it and were getting up to leave but were startled by him
>his clapping slowly fades and people are looking at him like he is a lunatic
>one women looks just as baffled as me and we started trying to hold back the laughter as we leave
New Zealand here. When I went to see TDKR the audience clapped at the end. I wish I was joking.
>alpha american does what he wants to enjoy his experience, no compromises
>meanwhile, bongs look bewildered and add nothing
Sounds like a great night
>alpha American bends over and takes circumsized cock in his anus
>meanwhile, bongs stand around confused
Sounds like a great sight
Slovakia here, I also went to the premiere of TDKR and people clapped as well. It was pretty surreal, I've never seen an European audience clap at a movie before or after.
Scotland here. Partial applause at the end of Logan. I facetiously said "Are they here?!" and got a few chuckles.
>be my
>flying in america
>Americans all clap when they do shit like say the food service is about to start
>my partner and I start clapping at random intervals like the seatbelt sign coming on
>I facetiously said "Are they here?!" and got a few chuckles.
Top bants my kilted friend.
>not clapping when your plan lanes
It's like you want to fly into a building
>You're flying home from a business trip overseas and you're tired as balls
>"I mean.. I know it's tradition to clap, but if no-one else does, I probably won't either"
>You've been waiting for this day for weeks, sometimes repeating to yourself the day you get to go home, just so you don't go insane
>September the 11th
>Just have to make it to September the 11th.
>The captain can be heard over the speakers
>Almost no-one perks up even slightly
>Everyone is tired too
>"Alrighty Folks, We're lined up with the runway now, so if you would please buckle your seatbelts for landing"
>Various clicks of seatbelts can be heard as you too fasten your seatbelt
>The plane glides to the ground as if it was somehow being lowered by a cloud onto the tarmac
>Most of the people are half asleep
>Plane slows and ferries itself to the main building before it finally stops
>...No clapping
>"Aaand, yep, fuck it, I'm just happy to be going home"
>Heavy eyed you unfasten your seatbelt and begin to stand
>But that's when it happens
>The plane snaps into a 180 spin and accelerates back off the runway
>You're thrown around the cabin before falling to the back of the plane hitting your head several times on the way, you'd be looking at a concussion at best
>People have now begun to scream
>The pilot begins to scream "ALLAH AKBAR" over the speakers over and over
>In a dizzying half conscious blur you stand up and look out the window to try to get some bearing of what's going on
>The plane is hurting towards the twin towers
>Still no-one claps for the pilots landing, instead just sobbing and screaming, some of the elderly even violently puking
>The plane makes contact with the building, crumpling and killing most inside the plane on impact, in turn weakening the structural integrity of the tower before it finally topples in one the the largest American tragedies ever.
>You could have stopped this
>You could have clapped for the landing, but you didn't
>You killed everyone you monster
Why would you clap at a movie theater though, none of the people who made the movie are there, you're basically applauding the projectionist.
In the last 5 years the only movie I went to where my fellow Amerifats clapped was Power Rangers
Nice fan fiction but everyone and their mom knows there were no hijacked planes on 9/11, the shit you saw on TV was just a variation of the burning tower Matrix and the plane was inserted like CGI to make it look like the explosion came from a plane.
>there was no wing vortices that were visible right after "impact"
>767s can't fly that fast on sealevel without breaking apart
>every video released of a plane hitting the tower is fake and if you compare them to each other you notice that shit just doesn't add up
Ausfag, the only time I remember people clapping in a theatre was at the end of The Dark Knight.
However we seem to have more people laughing at unfunny shit.
Fucking rich American shits
>be a Eurofag on a road trip across the states
>decide to go to one of those drive-in outdoor cinemas they have in all the movies
>Need to stop for fuel on the way
>Arrive at country petrol station
>Hop out and start filling the tank with unleaded
>a 90-year old man wearing a Stetson and bootlace tie bursts out of the kiosk and aims a revolver at me
>Raise my hands and start begging
>Then i remember from the guide book that it's illegal to pump your own gas in the states
>Apologise profusely, he calms down and asks whut kin a getcha
>Ask for 30 litres of unleaded petrol
>Guy scowls, aims at my forehead and cocks the revolver
>double fuck
>Think desperately how i can get out of this situation
>then i remember in the states it's illegal to use metric measurements, liquids are measured in "cups"
>Frantically carry out mental conversion of litres to cups
>Ask for 126 cups of gas thankee Said
>He relaxes and holsters his gun
>starts pumping
>has a heart attack on forecourt, lying there clutching his arm and gasping
>Triple fuck
>call 911and start asking for an ambulance
>guy on the floor grits his teeth and starts fumbling for his gun
>he manages to grit out "yew crazy, I ain't gat no medical... Dem son a bitches'll charge me ten tharsand dollar for the ride"
>have to use car jump leads to restart his heart
>Spend 8 weeks nursing him back to health in his shack
>Never did get to see 21 Jump Street
>There were no hijacked planes on 9/11
>Implying I said someone hijacked it
The pilot just got super pissed off about not being applauded so he decided to ram the twin towers with his plane
That or Al Qaeda ghosts possessing the plane
Either way, it doesn't really matter, the how wasn't really the point as much as the why.
That said though, you're still right, I actually don't actually know much about the details of 9/11 because as a non-Amerifat I've never really cared.
In fact, I still don't
No need for Disinformation then.
Clappistanis deserve to be reminded what the actual truth is.
She looks like such a cunt.
I bet she doesn't even sleep with black guys.
i'm sure r/Sup Forums will love this
Acting like you care about a terrible show, way to go AMC you tricked more idiots into watching that crap.
fuck off you cointelpro faggot
Holy shit, we got a live one, lads.
I really don't get this meme, what's wrong with clapping at a shared experience?
Allow me as a full-blooded, Trump voting American to explain.
Now if you go to a movie in a sparsely populated theater a few weeks into its run you probably won't hear any clapping, not even at the end. These people are not the super fans who couldn't wait to see the film as those people have already saw it. However, if you to see a highly anticipated blockbuster on opening night you bet your ass off people will clap.
Being in a crowded theatre isn't just about what's happening on screen, its about the shared experience, about being with other people doing the exact same thing you are. Clapping when the hero makes a heroic decision elevates what would otherwise be a banal excersise in suspention of disbelief into a primal tribal desire much like a sporting event. You don't clap in a movie to show appreciation for the actors or producers of the picture, that's insane. You clap because that is how you communicate with those people you are sharing an experience with.
No, we're relatively quiet. I remember when we got "The Price Is Right" in the 1980s and the studio audience were specifically ordered to make American-style whooping noises, it was a national scandal although its become more common now.
You can always tell an American band that hasn't toured the UK before because half way through there is always this bit where they get insecure about the audience reaction. Sorry chaps.