I just had the horror of seeing this today. Apparently this person is from a tv show?

I just had the horror of seeing this today. Apparently this person is from a tv show?
What the actual FUCK am I looking at? Is it even human?

Other urls found in this thread:


can i get a quick rundown?

I guess if someone who had never seen a woman (or human being in general) was told to draw one only from description it might look something like that

This is beyond a rundown.
This is a full militarized documentation.

It's from Drag Race


kek, like medieval European drawings of elephants

Its like a fucking alien hearing what a women looks like and doing its best to replicate it

It's Trixie Mattel. A drag queen.


It's Emil from Robocop.

Guess homers invention finally paid off

ah. female impersonators go so far with the makeup and fake eyelashes that it lurches way beyond even a parody of femininity and over the edge into god damned kabuki.

i wouldn't be surprised if it eventually became as ritualized.

It's a man in drag. Are they on RuPaul's Drag Race?

That's kinda what Trixie was going for. She's meant to be Barbie taken to the extreme. She's not a regular drag queen.

Yeah I couldn't tell from her "Mattel" last name.

you need to get out more if a drag queen disturbs you this much

I can't pretend I understand the appeal of drag queens. pls explain

So if anything disturbs you, you just need to expose yourself to more of it?

If murderers disturb you, you just need to hang around more murderers?

This some tumblr tier #triggered shit

This. I know someone who is utterly obsessed with this show, to the point that they spend hours talking about the drag queens and tweeting at them. It's basically a hobby to them in its own right. I cannot begin to understand it.

No it isn't. It's revealing the flaw in "exposure" logic.

While it is true that exposure therapy can help people overcome fears (particularly if paired with a beta blocker), that doesn't mean more exposure is always a good thing when something disturbs you.

If you think natural human instincts are wrong, go ahead and try to erase them all. Or realize that many insticts evolved for a reason. Not that drag queens are links in evolution or anything.

Drag race is reality tv kino desu senpai

It truly is.

It's like Pink Flamingos all over again.

We're not talking about murderers, we're talking about a guy in a dress wearing makeup. My point is that if this truly disturbs you then you need to grow a pair.

I mean, Divine was literally a drag queen. And the show is about drag queens.

can't wait the time when that make up will become "regular"

How ironic. Maybe these guys need to grow a pair and stop wearing dresses and makeup?

I don't care about the dress and makeup, what's wrong with their face??

I still can't believe that they're alive desu

Good post

Maybe. I couldn't care less what people wear. All I know is that I'd rather deal with a guy in a dress and makeup than the guy who likes to bitch about him.

>Bogdanoffs bow to Katya

>implying guys in a dress and makeup don't bitch about other guys in a dress and makeup

Have you seen a single episode of Drag Race?

You would think women would almost universally be offended by shit like this but every one that I've ever talked to about drag queens in any way seems to love them. I mean, not to get all tumblr here but isn't this basically like black face, just with the opposite sex instead of another race? How the fuck are women not offended by this caricature of their gender?

Fuck of, tumblr. This isn't normal.

There's quite a few trannies that try to pull that black face card. Thankfully they're mostly ignored. So far. But I woudln't be surprised if drag gets devoured by the sjw menace one of these days. It is after all a male hobby.

>this thread

Drag queens are like clowns and women are like children. Actually that's a bad analogy since many children hate clowns.

But a drag queen is essentially "peacocking", getting attention, and women are drawn to that. Women are also drawn to confidence, and drag queens are basically the vainest men around besides gays. Women are also needy and like being entertained, and women finds gays and drag queens and their cattiness/bitchiness entertaining, because all women love dogpiling on some person in a group, thereby avoiding being on the bottom of the social totem pole.

Modern women view men as clowns who exist to entertain them, and drag queens fit the bill.

And since most women are stupid, most women don't understand if/when drag queens are mocking women.

what does that even mean?

is that supposed to be an insult, based on parents' wealth?

Why pretend like you have a culture understood when you clearly haven't so much as seen a drag show?

if you dont watch RPDR you are missing out

Show us your cock!

>and drag queens are basically the vainest men around besides gays
drag queens are fucking fags though

That's the person in OP's pic. And yes, that's the implication.

I've seen a couple episodes of Drag Race and nearly every episode of Project Runway and even the seasons of ATNM with Sutan (who went on to win s3 of Drag Race).

Why do YOU think women are not offended by drag queens but love them?

I don't think Trixie's ever leaked, sadly.

Sure but a drag queen is like a more vain gay guy. I didn't mean to imply that most drag queens are straight.

>retarded liberals praise this absolute trash as if it was some deep, thought provoking show, only because it's full of these mentally ill fags

ur gonna need to sashay away for shitting on the "you choose your own family" fagshow

>Edgy children get triggered over a talent show

the few women who do complain about this are called sjws so theres that.

but its mostly trannies that get offended because they believe drag queens are taking the piss out of them.

>talent show

all of my keks oh lord

>dressing like a women is considered a "talent"

Because they're not offensive to women. Drag queens haven't been a true parody of women for as long as they've been popular. It's the same reason nobody was bothered by RDJ in tropic thunder. They're not mocking women, they're an exaggeration of women impersonation.

Why is tumblr here? Why don't you fuck off if other opinions trigger you this much? Can't downvote here faggot

>Drag queens are like clowns and women are like children. Actually that's a bad analogy since many children hate clowns.
>But a drag queen is essentially "peacocking", getting attention, and women are drawn to that. Women are also drawn to confidence, and drag queens are basically the vainest men around besides gays. Women are also needy and like being entertained, and women finds gays and drag queens and their cattiness/bitchiness entertaining, because all women love dogpiling on some person in a group, thereby avoiding being on the bottom of the social totem pole.
>Modern women view men as clowns who exist to entertain them, and drag queens fit the bill.
>And since most women are stupid, most women don't understand if/when drag queens are mocking women.

>Designing costumes involves no talent
>Makeup requires no talent
>Singing, dancing, acting, doing the other shit they have to do on the show requires no talent

It's not like project runway where they just get to walk out in a premade dress and look pretty.

>comparing drags with murderers
>comparing something non-violent where no one gets hurt with a crime that has a victim
Id tell you to go to pol but even they are usually more logical than you are

Mental disease: the show

that's brilliant though
it's like completely over the top parody of what's considered feminine, done with make up with is inherently 'fake'
I don't know man, I can appreciate the work that went in to that


Drag queens are some of the least PC entertainers out there, m8. Tumblr loves the idea of drag queens but still get triggered at their use of "tranny".

>It's the same reason nobody was bothered by RDJ in tropic thunder.

I'm sure someone was.

And exaggeration, parody, is mockery.

>dressing up and putting retarded amounts of make up on your face requires talent now

They're funny. Faggots prancing around and crying over stupid shit that doesn't matter is goddamned hilarious.

You slather on some "makeup" and tie a tablecloth around your body and see if Michelle Visage doesn't read you to filth, hunty.

Actually I bet the guy in that pic probably calls himself an "ally" and supports drag queens and whatever atheistic shit they do. I don't think you understand atheism and postmodernism and its cultural children.

>I'm sure someone was.
But most weren't. And that's the point.

they win the show with a "lip sync battle" ffs

When did every fucking moron on the Internet start thinking that the word "compare" (which means evaluate similarities and differences) means "equate" (consider something to be the same as or equivalent to another).

Fill in the blanks:

If (blank) disturbs you, you should expose yourself to more of it.

That's the logical form of user's argument.

Filling in the blank with murderers points out the flaws in user's logic. user's logic also ignores the reasons why someone may be disturbed by something, as if being disturbed by something is always a bad thing that needs to be fixed.

So RDJ can get away with blackface in Tropic Thunder why exactly?

Because he wasn't mocking black people in any way other than good humor. In the context of the movie, it was a mockery of method actors. Context changed everything. It doesn't always, but in that case, and in the case of drag queens it does.

>Actually I bet the guy in that pic probably calls himself an "ally" and supports drag queens and whatever atheistic shit they do. I don't think you understand atheism and postmodernism and its cultural children.

And it's usually obvious who wins and who doesn't because one does it better than the other.

>I don't think you understand atheism and postmodernism and its cultural children.

Did you miss the part of how fedorafags are atheists and how atheism leads to postmodernism where the very foundations of truth are viewed with skepticism, thus leading to the worship of idols such as the memes that neckbeard has printed out and affixed to his fedora as ersatz gods?

>is babbling about fedora shit in a drag queen thread

you're not supposed to go full retard user.

because some fag posted a fedora pic twice

you think fedoras are critical of drag queens?

no, atheists all have that pseudo-enlightened "what do you care?" approach to all kinds of retarded bullshit due to their fundamental amorality (which probably stems from lack of empathy due to their crippling autism)

pretty sure anons response was to do with how that poster posted his reply, as it was about liking women to children and was condescending which is how a lot of fedoras speak. dont think it was to do with whether or not fedoras like/dislike drag queens

>This guy causing someone else autistic
Tip jej, lad.


Drag queens are the ones promoting homosexuality, transsexualism and other diseases of the mind. Just because they do this gay YAAAAAS QUEEN SLAY GURRL WE'RE MEN BUT WE'RE HOTTTTT AND FIERRCE and your dumb ass finds that "funny" and "talented", doesn't change anything.

Milo is promoting homsexuality too but Sup Forums seems fine with that.

Maybe most people just aren't that bothered by faggots anymore, family.

Sup Forums hates Milo, Milo is reddit and kikebart's guy

if thats true why do they have threads fawning over his ugly bleached ass?!

I have this shirt :3