Report in, what you up to, why aren't you out? General shit talk thread.
Limerick reporting in.
In b4 potato/famine/IRA/Italy/Ivory Coast/Britbongs.
Report in, what you up to, why aren't you out? General shit talk thread.
Limerick reporting in.
In b4 potato/famine/IRA/Italy/Ivory Coast/Britbongs.
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Tiocfaidh ar la
Also Limerick.
Was drinking in Mickeys and Nancy's last night. Met some tipperary slut and fucked her senseless in the George hotel. Hope I don't have the aids now. Used all her holes
Imagine being from fucking Limerick of all fucking places
What's happening boys.
Any onlyfan content worth looking up?
Good work. Manage to get any pics??
Worse places in Ireland...a lot worse.
Where are you from?
Limerick is a good spot for a night out. The pubs and clubs are hopping tonight after the Munster rugby match
Only her WhatsApp profile pic
Other than anywhere else in the west, there isn't
What are you talking about, faggot? Have you ever been to Limerick? Where are you from?
Do it. Nah limerick is great right now. Lots going for it. Imagine being from Leitrim or Monaghan.
Couldn't bear to think of being from up north or south west, Leinster is the fucking place to be
You seem to be a homosexual
Not really. You'll never own as much as a caravan near Dublin. I'm on 60k in limerick and can live like a king. That's like min wage in Dublin. Plenty of class pubs, loads to do. Great place. I'm not even from here so no bias. Not as good as cork or Galway but still a great city.
Defending Limerick, I, the homosexual? I think not, buddy
Stab him kiiiiid.
Even the way you type shows you're a faggot. What happened? Did someone from Limerick fuck the girl you liked?
Haha fag
Post the pic. Luimneach Abu.
Where are you from? Christ you sound like a tool.
Galway is full of hippies and tourists. Dublin is full of D4 cunts and heroin junkies. Cork is full of Cork people and Limerick is full of sound working class lads. The biggest problem with Limerick is the cheaper rents have attracted a bunch of shitskins and muslims.
Pissing your little pants because your little brother didn't make county or something? Go smoke a pack with your on the dole girlfriend you fucking wanker
Struck a nerve did I?
Haha faggot
Heh this is so fucking spot on.
So we on the side of Fairytale of New York?
Where's the WhatsApp pic user.
You pitiful little boy defending Limerick and calling me a fag on the internet, really shows you are a stay-at-home and eat curry chips on mammy's pension type of sweaty cunt
Because I gotta work on the weekends my guy
5' on the button. Petite body nice tits firm ass. Plays ladies football and tag rugby. Lovely tidy cunt on her.
Heh a guy I went to school with always called everyone a fag for any reason. Everything you did was gay or faggy. Guy turned out to be a serious faggot and married a Brazilian boy a few months ago.... Guy calling you a faggot probably is one.
Those Limerick anons really have you seething. Kek
Fuck all Fenians. All taigs are targets quid seperabit
Fuck, nice one.
Little fagboy from Limerick should go and repent his sins
Mup Friedas
WTAF happened to Louth? It's an utter shithole filled with African's decking the heads off each other
Why does the Irish flag look a lot like the Italian flag?
Can they not just fuck off with the Albanian and Georgians?
Antrim :^(
Got out close with the cops after getting in a fight in a eurospar
Strabane here. Do I win the shit town showdown?
Dublin here. On MDMA and acid. Chilling with girlfriend watching porn and listening to Lana Del Rey
Tyrone's brutal so probably
which of ye ertr posting videos of celebs in leather on youtube?
Eating food and getting drunk,
Not out beause I'm a loser without any afriends.
Dublin here boyo
Why does the American flag look a lot like someone wiped their ass with it?
We had the highest unemployment rate of any town in Europe for over 30 years. A proud tradition that many of our population are keen to honour today.
Wannna play a game?
Dundrum here
facebook creeping tbh
We are the fucking craic
cus it's stormy and ive a headache, alcohol in fridge but what's the point?
God but the Irish are fucking ugly. We are the Aussie abos of Europe
Monaghan checking in, fuck you.
Lived all over europe for 5 years. Times have changed, Irish birds are some of the most smoking birds you'll see. Probably cause they dress like sluts but the younger ones are unreal
most of Europe are mixed race and rotten tbh
I call bullshit, there's no way you're from Limerick AND alive
Typical Dublin degenerate.
Irish jail bait is decent
user is defo a bogger trolling
Fucking muck savage over here.
Fuck off back to bog town you bog cunt
any examples?
Lived in Athlone for a while (co Westmeath/Co. Roscommon). How are you doing everybody?
Give it time. 20% of Ireland's population is non Irish and the government plan on bringing about half a million Africans here by 2040.
This country is fucked
you one of blacks they ran out or a gypo?
Garda knockin ye durttttyy cunt ye
>if you don't partake in drug fueled degeneracy you're a bigger
Dublin was a mistake.
Run the fuckers out.
They're all scroungers and scrap on the train back to their camps
Fuck them off our island.
Retards probably think they're in the UK
none, lol
Gypo= traveller?
I remember an awful lot of travellers there
Couldn't agree more LOL
Get some fucking culture into you ,ye dirty culche fuck ye
lol, what you doing, drinking Guinness and buggering a sheep are you?
Moved to galway in September for college, anyone up in galway?
wouldn't you agree or not? Everywhere, specially in the part of the river without Barracks (East Bank?). These fuckers threw shopping carts onto the Shannon whenever they felt like. It was mostly fucking travellers, or some retards from the Marist College
No ones up in galway
No ones in the West to begin with
the twats call "Racim" when you call them out on it.
They should fuck off
Kek fucking degenerate. You have no culture. You're the same as any other nigger drug taking degenerate in London, New York or fucking Leitrim. Decent people everywhere see you as the weak scumbags you are.
Try being from Longford sham travellers everywhere
I too am from limerick. Going to UL in fact. Hello user
I'm from Baldyoyle.
Useless twats are trying to move in around here.
They need to fuck off to Coolock
talking about the Shannon, did they find another corpse this summer?
shame on them
Originally from kildare so I spent a lot of time in dublin when I was younger and galway shits all over dublin no doubt
Nice catch mate
Any limerick nudes out there lads?
Such a cultchie.... you can't even see it. Seeapin from your pours you dirty bog cunt
Absolutely hate you bog cunts, another species you are.
Get out of your own hole ya fat cuck
Need to fuck off the face of the earth
You can't spell for shit, you ignorant scumbag.
Triggered bog cunt... what else is new
There's 20 black lads in Malahide village standing on the diamond.
Can I call the Gardai or is that racist? Like they're not here for the pub and are clearly looking to cause trouble
Monaghan reporting in, don’t take your girlfriend out shopping with a hangover. Most suicidal I’ve been since Thierry Henry’s handball
you spell like a culchie
>younger ones are unreal
theres the rub, any wee girl over 22 looks a goblin. im still a young lad and ill probably still be able to chase the younger ones for a good decade at least, but im not liking my chances later down the line.
he says on a glorified porn board
You've never been to Carlow so.
Where in monaghan?