Other urls found in this thread:
>shitskins ruin earth
>decent white people flee to a space colony with their master-race IQ and inventiveness
>space colony is a literal paradise
>white cuck opens the gates to the shitskin hordes
>Elysium is ruined
What was the moral of the story?
could have been a good movie except for the "evil free-market corporashuns" bullshit
a magical machine that can cure any disease and will run on a spaceship's battery pack is jealously hoarded? for what purpose, beyond "look how evil they are, those elite fucks"
incredibly contemptuous and shallow, otherwise it was intriguing as a film and had a unique take on the exoskeleton.
>whites ruin earth
>whites flee to a space colony with their stolen resources and ""inventiveness""
>space colony is a literal paradise since they literally robed everyone and are wealthy af
>only decent white opens the gates to the hordes of people in dire need (a situation theyre in directly correlated to the pigskin's greed)
>Elysium is ruined (???)
most of the people hate this movie, but i like it a lot, much better than district 9
>a magical machine that can cure any disease and will run on a spaceship's battery pack is jealously hoarded? for what purpose, beyond "look how evil they are, those elite fucks"
a for-profit hospital that can cure any disease and will run on private insurance is jealously hoarded?
You're out of touch with reality, and you don't understand the mindset of the elite. "Fuck you, got mine" is their credo. The exclusivity inflates their ego.
>whites ruin earth
definitely a fictional film lmao
>"Fuck you, got mine"
That is literally real life faggot. When you grow up you'll say that to.
>planet's main problem is overpopulation
>movie's plot is about how to stop more people from dying
the vastly inflated costs of healthcare have nothing to do with providers and everything to do with bloated bureaucracies and government dictats
watch this
Jodie Foster did nothing wrong.
Kruger deserves his own franchise desu
>implying the niggers in africa are capable of harming the planet
its the successful countries fucking the planet senpai
I thought it was a red pilled movie.
>Everyone has the same mindset!
I guess that's why we never have political discussions or wars. Since everyone grows up to believe the same thing eventually. So in your world, conservative capitalists are adult, rational people while the only people on the left are
>Elysium's president is Indian
God damn this movie pisses me off shitskins ruin everything it's basically based nationalists vs retarded liberals the movie.
Are those foster kids white?
is there anyone more based than Kruger?
Aside from Delacourt
Only good thing about the movie was the concept-art. How did Neil Blomkamp just JUST himself so early on in his career?
Was...Was it the jews?
No chance. He tricked Matt Damon into starring into an anti-immigration movie in the 2010s. That's quite an accomplishment.
I think it's a cautionary tale.
We should be more wary of the lunatics that want to open the borders to mass immigration and ruin the western world.
Matt Damon's character is the real villain of the movie, no matter how dicks the Elysium people are presented to be.
Did you guys watch the movie or what?
Its not about race vs race. Its VERY clearly about super-rich versus the rest of the world.
They don't care about your race, they fuck everybody, falling for their divide and conquer tactics is just fucking dumb.
Movie was still a mess.
Don't get started on a topic you cannot win, user
Does it matter?
Yes they are
>user actually believes the free-market will solve US's healthcare crisis
My fucking sides. How the fuck did americans get so fucking class-cucked?
how is this relevant? white people invented modern medicine responsible for a very quickly growing population of not just whites but all humans, white people also invented industrialism and globalism, both of which are responsible for the majority of environmental disasters. by making society better, they also came up with things that can actually harm the earth and it's biosphere in ways that tribal, localized natives could never imagine.
50 years of counter-soviet propaganda from birth.
wtf I love racemixing with black women now
>Whites ruin Earth
but keep in mind white people try to keep it under control white indians and chinks go ballistic and kill themselves with smog and fuck up the ozone layer
>if I just give more power to the state rather than the rich then I wont be cucked
/leftypol/ logic
yes but if you build a machine gun and give it to a chimp, you're still responsible for the destruction.
China is far worse than any other country as far as industrialised globalism is concerned. I guess you don't want to condemn the poor Asian people though.
>whites ruin earth
see the chinese didn't invent those things, the white people did.
Being anti-Soviet is the default state of anyone with even a babies understanding of economics.
Yeah, China has totally fucked themselves over. They've got little time to correct course and it may be already too late. They've damaged their waterways and farmlands almost irrecoverably. Western countries have in some ways corrected course or at least aren't going down quite as steep a curve as the trajectory was 3 decades ago, but it's hardly a sustainable trend.
>Muh evil white people
You're basically saying whites are too advanced for this world because when chinks/Japs and shitskins try to industrialise, they have nuclear meltdowns and smog cities.
being anti-soviet isn't the same as ruining your entire public education system to be as opposed to the soviets as possible, america adopted an anti-intellectual wave to promote american patriotism as opposed to making logical arguments against the soviets (which isn't that difficult tbqh), resulting in a nation of very retarded people.
This. Dubs don't lie
that is what i'm saying, which still means white people are responsible for ruining earth. if white people were less technologically adept we wouldn't have as many environmental threats, or the problem of overpopulation, or other social concerns. we would have higher mortality from disease and famines and whatnot, but no means of actually ruining earth for future generations. hence why whites are responsible for ruining earth.
This movie is super red pilled. The entire film is shitting on the liberal elites (globalists). You could literally make this film about Californians Bay Area, it's the exact same thing.
Why do you think it received such bad reviews when it came out?
>this is what brown people truly believe
lmaoing @ ur life m8
>>whites ruin earth
Why do people keep using that outdated divorce rate statistic that had shit sample sizes?
white by american standards
Calm down, Bernie. Take your metamucil.
>robots are doing stuff like being police where humans are menial labor workers
>/leftypol/ calling other people very retarded
No it didn't.
There wasn't a healthcare crisis until Obama's socialist plan caused one.
Funny thing that...
Redpill people
>you're leftypol if you point out the obvious failings of american public education
interesting stuff
>I'm 27 years old and I abhor the "fuck you, got mine" mentality.
Hi, can I have your stuff? Thanks.
>space paradise with literally no problems
>border system that actually works, shoots useless ooga boogas out of the fucking sky before they have a chance to get even close
>shitskins left to writhe in their own mess they made on earth, its overpopulated and soon to be uninhabitable
>all ruined because "muh fee fees"
The movie was a redpill.
>that one beaner or nigger in all these kinds of movies who thinks if they rob/kill themselves enough of a small fortune, that they'll finally get to pay their way into [special utopia place]
>always chimps out and brings the place down when their beanerness/niggerness keeps them out
It's bullshbit because you know if there was some shit like "Nubian Elysium" there would be zero white people, whereas Elysium already was quite diverse in its population and didn't need career criminals shitting everything up.
White people are more tolerant and inclusive of all races by far. Niggs are consistently xenophobic as fuck.
American public education isn't the issue. The issue are the people being educated.
Why were there no Asians in Elysium? where did they all go?
>The issue are the people being educated.
if you're american, you're just supporting my argument.
>Nubian Elysium" there would be zero white people
uhh dude it's about south africa
Oh geez, ohh geezzz
I think District 9 is a better movie, but Elysium is more fun to watch.
>human robot hybrid battles
>dat ak that shoots grenade bullets
Sharlto was the best part of the movie. He was infinitely more terrifying than the two giant dudes he was with. He played an excellent villain, and has never gotten the credit for how great of a job he did.
More like blue pilled, with a red candy coating.
How? You haven't even given any actual criticisms of US Public Education, you just said it was shit.
if it was good you would be communist
Brown people wiped them out.
they already surpassed whitey and uploaded their consciousness into deep space
That's not really an argument. How, exactly, is it shit?
Thanks for correcting the record.
My guess they made another Elysium of their own, but no one thinks of moving there since immigration rules are exponentially more strict than the white version.
Something like Japan in Orbit.
you're supporting it by saying things like "the issue are". the criticism is that it's shit. how it's shit is a deeper issue i don't have the interest to type, but it's shittyness is well documented.
happy to help buddy
D9 is one of the most underrated movies in recent memory.
It will age well though.
It has that sci fi depressing appeal, that never gets really old.
When we actually get alien inmigrants it's going to be as big as it can gets.
>Elysium 2
>Every race has thier own Elysium
>some are shittier than others but a new generation is looking to unite all Elysiums
>subtle commentary on racism
I'd watch a movie like that
That it's evil to excel when others struggle. I wouldn't understand why, Marxism is dumb.
Jodie Foster really phoned this one in.
FUCK ...fuck...I meant to say Elysium is one of the most underrated movies in recent history.
On the other hand I never really cared for D9 at all and think it's incredibly overrated.
more like
its Evil to Excel at the COST of others struggling.
If you wanna exceed in life by all means go ahead but please dont do it to the detriment of others.
natural selection bitch lol
I fucked up the post. I said D9 when I meant to say Elysium.
The main protag in D9 is too much of a total retard to be even remotely appealing.
But how exactly were the Elysians exploiting the Earthlings? They had a strict border patrol, but that's hardly exploitation.
>I meant to say Elysium is one of the most underrated movies in recent history.
It's shit, and 50 years from now it will still be considered shit.
Yeah. I fucking hate to agree with you on this but it's true.
It's the one undeniable flaw in an otherwise really good movie.
how do you excel at the cost of others struggling other than slave labor or theft?
I thought she did a good job, her character, overall was pretty one dimensional, not too much to play around with.
Wtf accent was she doing though, and why?
Copley stole the fucking show. Wouldn't have been worth watching without him.
Wtf accent was she doing though?
>Earth becomes a dump
>whites leave Earth
>whites create a futuristic space colony with high standard of living
>years later, the non-whites on Earth have barely even tried to improve their situation, while whites are living in a self-made paradise
Is Blomkamp, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
im not sure but im guessing Elysium wasn't entirely self sufficient.
they probably got supplies and shit from Earth still.
and even then the entire Ecosystem was probably built by the lower class that they consecutively abandoned. Nobody on Elysium really looks like a blue collar man. Probably just wealthy that have always been somewhat wealthy.
Exploitation of the lower classes.
see: Wageslaves/ Serfdom
knowingly keeping peoples lively hood connected to your own success
>muh white mans burden
>muh gooks and japs have no responsibility
You are unironically as racist as Sup Forums. Other races have responsibility to protect the environment, just like white people. The fact you think that the environmental destruction isn't the fault of Chinese people because white people invented industrialization is absolutely retarded.
You have already lost the argument as even this thread and other threads in recent memory are living proof that people are starting to come around to it.
It was the original shock to peoples expectations that caused a lot of the original hate. It was sold asked an almost uplifting feel good movie before it came out and then the common plebs watched it and were like WTF??
>voluntary exchange is exploitation
first, yes, i am a racist.
second, asians are very responsible for environmental destruction. but they got the means to do it from white people, therefore the blame ultimately falls on the white man. such is the cost of excelling at innovation.
Lesson is that there's only one FINAL SOLUTION
>starve/face the harshness of the wild on your own or live
not really much of a choice
Here is what would really happen:
Blacks and Native Americans go back to the Stone Age forever.
Africa collapses into a wilderness
Islamic countries conquer North Africa and Europe.
Assuming Asians are gone then Indians expand northwards
Brazil turns into a wilderness
The muslim parts of the world revert to the 12th century in terms of technology
Latin America goes back to the iron age.
Russia becomes a wilderness since Russians are white and the Siberians are asians so they dont exist in this world either
Australia becomes a wilderness
The only civilized parts of the world are the ones dominated by muslims and latin americans.
The only way to explain how these nonwhite idiots even have access or knowledge of Elysium is jews on earth making money off their misery. I wonder how many fucking jews are on Elysium.