How do why do people support this man when he never won! He never won the election to start with and now he is...

How do why do people support this man when he never won! He never won the election to start with and now he is committing literally dozens of actual CRIMES. People who do crimes what are they again? Oh yeah CRIMINALS. No one is ever going to get it I guess smh

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>thinks the popular vote is for president
retards should be summarily executed

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> he is committing literally dozens of actual CRIMES
Proof? Oh right, some blue check on twitter said it so it must be true.

He literally lost by 3 MILLION VOTES and Republicucks think he actually is a legit President.
Its really sad.

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>actual crimes

>no actual proof

Most people leaving the poll getting asked, "Who'd you vote for?" would answer Hillary or some other cuck because they didn't want to be labeled as a "racist". - Why do you think they said Hillary had a 100% chance to win?

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Not knowing how the electoral college works, or innocent until proven guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt, and REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE`ing about it for 3 long fucking years. God listening to you retards cry for the next 5 years is going to feel great.

Why do you think having said you voted for Trump people would label you racist?
Well because its known that Trump is in fact Racist.
You're welcome.

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What so you think people's DECISIONS shouldn't matter fuck you you fucking boomer motherfucking fash

OP is a spic

what i find hilarious about these obvious Trump supporter bait threads is that all you actually accomplish is how gullible other Trump supporters are.

Ok boomer

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bro, i'm a DEM and hope to god he doesn't win again so here's some real life:
he won, get over it.
you aren't a criminal until you are caught and charged.
The impeachment stuff is just meant to distract trump and make him do stupid shit. the SDNY will probably charge him with stuff 5 minutes once he's out of office, no matter if its a year or 5 years. He will NEVER be booted from office.

Feelings and emotions don't matter right now. You wnat him to go away, work on red states.
backup plan is work in purple areas that aren't locked up and get blue governors and congressmen in there.

DEM's don't have a front runner so we are a gun with no bullets. If trump wins, its not because he did anything better, its because we couldn't get our shit together.

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> We
You're not a democrat anymore. You're a nazi now. Like the rest of us, you have been Ejected. When you finally come to terms with this, your local conservative organization will be waiting with a smile, some beer, and some bbq to welcome you in.

>i'm a DEM
is how Democrats talk
>DEM's don't have a front runner
don't you mean 'we' dont have a front runner? :^)
you republicuck scum

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They did matter. They got the electors they voted for.
>ree I want to vote for president
Then get yourself on your state's slate of electors next election. Do you think people in a parliamentary system vote for prime minister?

why do you CAPITALIZE random WORDS?

Hmmm...who guessed this..?

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Because he triggers whiny liberal snowflakes like you.

People who do crimes what are they again? Oh yeah CRIMINALS. No one is ever going to get it I guess smh....
Like ILLEGAL immigrants???