Debate time:

Debate time:
What ideology would you want to live under and why?
What is the best and why?
Bonus would you rather have aids or be an amputee for 10 years of your life from now

Attached: 6ea14c9c17f36d06fe6d512b20d6cea0.png (380x478, 51K)

A Constitutional Republic, only one that's working the best all around at the moment.

Attached: 20190718_150955.jpg (720x582, 198K)

i'm all for others getting the fuck out if they don't like it.

Aids it is for you both then

Attached: Aids.png (136x235, 85K)

For me i would like to life in a liberal economy, because the free market will give us prosperity, the market should never be regulate!, the govermet should only provide security for the citizens.

>we demand the government shove their FIST up our asses because we don't know how to do it ourselves

>Debate time:
>Aids it is for you both then
solid argument. almost like like old school Bolsheviks. Line them all up and fire. rinse and repeat.
you're more aligned with the Sup Forumstards more than you might think. ie, killing people who don't conform to your 1000th degree of ist ideology.

True constitutional republican with very minimal federal government and more state authority with the true intent of Congress taking back its power that it’s handed over to the executive branch.

I made this thread to try and identify what I agree with, it was a joke about the picture they put in. The bonus question (as they didn't answer it) you sperg


oh, and concerning the health question:
I'd rather be amputee. I have 0 physical interests, so limited mobility would not bother me that much as dying in ten years.

Nazis vs Niggers

>picking someone else's way of looking at the world

think for yourself, and if those thoughts fall into one or (hopefully) more ideologies then you can act in ways that support your views, regardless of party name or creed

>the market should never be regulate!, the govermet should only provide security for the citizens.
What about security market?

Authoritarian Technocracy. Because imagine countries being ran by idiots like user.

National Socialism as it is the natural order of human society.

Bonus: Amputee because having one arm or leg can't be spread to others and people adapt pretty well.

Only looking for views and ideas, not joining anything soon

Wait what?

Most nations are basically democratic socialism and I'm ok with this. It's good because it has a combination of capitalism and social programs.

Since it's so prevalent, it must be the "unhappy optimum", and so is the best perhaps.

Not sure about the last question.

Based, and I would also lose a limb.

Social programs = free shit for those unwilling to/incapable of finding a job. Democratic socialism is ok if you're very high or very low on the social ladder. If you're a working man, you're FUCKED

Thats a nice oneliner mate.
These have been copied and pasted everywhere since forever.
Kinda sad that you dont actually read about what is really is. Ya know, Marx, Kropotkin, Hegel..
Yall would have alot better critiques if you actually researched your enemy.

You sound like a glorified keyboard Proudhon, so opinion discarded

Ignorance is a choice after all. You do you man.

Amputee - so I could stump fuck some thots

My man

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Congress taking back more power, does not remotely go with very minimal federal government.

Then stop having an opinion about something you admittedly have absolutely no knowledge of

Well I'm all for free market but I do think health and education should be covered within the borders of welfare. People are fucking stupid, so I think taxing them to pay for their education and healthcare is better than letting them pay for it themselves. Except for that and general social services like police, firefighters, basic defence and the basic institutions needed to govern a country, I wouldn't want anything else to be covered by taxes. Tax rates should always be kept as low as possible. The government should also make it easier for companies to succeed.

Also amputee obv. I'm not a fucking aids nigger.

Congress taking back the power it has handed over to the executive branch. I’m talking about the power granted to Congress by the constitution. Try harder

I'm also for a free market, but anti-trust laws overall are for the betterment of consumers and the economy.

Once you make these arbitrary exceptions, there is no stopping it.

Study austrian economics.

Evangelical fascim with neo-liberal white supremacy

>. People are fucking stupid,
Are YOU fucking stupid? If yes, then what value does your opinion have? If no... well, why do you need to be FORCED to act responsibly and get education and healthcare?

>basic institutions
What do you consider basic institutions?

I am having difficulty imagining what that does mean.


anti trust laws don't apply anymore - the new government is ruled by corporations

Institutions needed to uphold a juridical system and basic institutions needed to govern on a state level and county level. Basically what I'm saying is that taxes shouldn't be spent on bs.

Well I think people should be able to educate themselves if they want to and can manage it. I don't think it should be decided by how good their parents are at managing their finances. However, I don't think the state should finance any psuedo bs educations like female studies etc tho.

Healthcare should just be covered by welfare for everyone, no question about it.

I might also add that this imaginary society have a really restrictive view on immigration.