An actual Sup Forums thread
An actual Sup Forums thread
I know some of you will say NYPA but I've been around here since long cat and EFG.
I've been doing contract work for the past week to remodel my unborn sons room and these two fucks/con-artists are refusing to pay me my wage. If any of you have any desire to piss someone off today it would make me feel a lot better. I've contacted the police and they've simply told me to pay for an attorney which I cannot afford.
Christopher Ghosio
David Kuhn
Are who the numbers belong to, the first one currently is on probation in Memphis Tennessee for theft of personal property for three counts of 10k-60k.
this a goob threab. thx based god
pretty sure vapid feminist comics are not classic Sup Forums
This is truth!
>we settle the mood by singing a horrible song about these horses fucking
Thank you Sup Forumsros, I'm trying to make myself some rice to eat and the fucking rice pot just broke
I would love to be held by a beefy strong woman as we fuck. How is this feminist? It’s kinky.
Have my fav ass
FYI David Kuhn
Is now threatening to press charges, you guys are amazing. From what I understand he just had heart surgery, I hope the crook croaks.