Is there any natural way you could get a pinkier pussy?

is there any natural way you could get a pinkier pussy?

Attached: 1573588414742.png (596x748, 569K)


Lets see what your dirty axe wound looks like right now.

i know i can bleach it but i want to to it more natural


Have sex?

Have sex

I mean there’s lotions to use as well but bleach works best how does it look now?

Natural means the way it already is, dumb bitch...

Tattooed trash

I mean context clues can be used to assume pinker was the word wanted to be used

Oh, so you want a natural product to do unnatural things to your vagina?
What a fucking Becky white girl thing to do...

Get it tattooed.

Lol I ain’t op I’m just saying they meant to say pinker not natural

hey zheani

>is there any natural way you could get a pinkier pussy?
>is there any pinker way you could get a pinkier pussy?
Doesn't make any sense.

Attached: (m=eaf8Ggaaaa)(mh=Nf_0yo_JVqXMEBEF)4.jpg (320x240, 17K)

Being a woman would probably be the minimum requirement

Attached: 4689203965.png (1295x729, 1.42M)

I mean I’m high as fuck my bad continue

Is this your reference material for what pussy should look like?

like in porn

Attached: punani.jpg (158x250, 5K)

Your pussy is more than pink enough, don't worry. But exercise and trying to stay healthy will help blood flow through that area which could make it look pinker

That’s not her, dumbass.