How hard are you right now Sup Forums?

How hard are you right now Sup Forums?
> 0/5 - Soft
> 1/5 - Al Dente
> 2/5 - Half Chub
> 3/5 - Almost Hard
> 4/5 - Erect
> 5/5 - Diamonds

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> 7837/5 - thors hammer

Diamondzz brudda

At work, blue ball city


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Small dick

6/5 wurtzite boron nitride

spread butthole for us

depends how hard you are right now

physically i'm 0/5, but mentally i'm always 5/5

even when i sleep

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0? Or -1. I was up all night smoking dope. Which makes your dick like ultra flaccid, and it's temporarily hard to get hard (but lets you fuck/jerk for hours and have godly orgasms).

i didn't fap during no nut november and i still haven't lmao

-1/5 turtled. it's cold outside

Let’s see

5 after I visit the newest trap thread
no homo

7/5 with dubs

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This is now officially a scat thread