Is this butt cute or ugly? Everyone seems to think it's either very nice or gross

Is this butt cute or ugly? Everyone seems to think it's either very nice or gross

Attached: Screenshot_20191207-040309.png (760x1252, 655K)

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I like it

Also moar

I'm in the love it group

Who exactly are you referring to?

These are her tits

Attached: 083C64ED-0889-4998-BEFE-0D8075E5C0F5.jpg (1920x2560, 694K)

Who is this goddess?

People on Sup Forums

>Rocking a sailor uniform and thigh highs.

This girl obviously knows she embodies sex, OP. Whoever this figment "everyone" is, obviously lives in your head or bizarro world.

What a magnificent trap! Built to be a sissy of spades.

It’s a girl you fucking screeching autistic faggot


Oh really...

To the batwing!

Attached: 7ABA3537-3CD1-4178-BE81-E733A33307CC.jpg (2560x1920, 787K)

We're talking about her ass not her pussy user.

Must be weird to have to arrange your pussy lips before you take a nude.


Well I must be the exception then, because I think it's pretty unremarkable, not particularly outstanding in either direction.
>sailor uniform
pretty sure it's a letterman-style jacket, you fucking weeb

Small but cute. Nothing wrong with it

Looks like my butt, and I am a dude. I must be thicc, weird. . .

So what you're saying is some people are ass people and others are not?

Finally found this one of her

Attached: 1570068576404-2.jpg (768x988, 265K)