So as I told you before Sup Forums niggez, my daughter will get 12 next week! What should I buy her?

So as I told you before Sup Forums niggez, my daughter will get 12 next week! What should I buy her?

She wants a Nintendo Switch, but I don't want to support the Japanese economy!

Attached: daughter.jpg (555x555, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Buy her the switch, make her happy

where u live?

Germany why user?

She looks like she would enjoy basketball, if you catch my drift

Pathetic excuse for I'm poor

Attached: pathetic.jpg (579x440, 49K)

12 year old sure bud early

daughter.jpg lmao

if you were in usa you may buy her an AR10

buy her a Marx book or mein kampf

Sex toys are cheaper and she will learn about herself as a person.

>automatic firearm

fucking stupid we don't need such things in Europe...thank God!

>thank God!
or Merkel

Just buy her a Switch. It's a great console and you're probably already supporting the Japanese economy in more ways than you realise. Small price to pay for a happy daughter.

yeah she almost convinced me
matter of fact I'm a huge fan of Super Mario and Miyamoto

show more pics OP
so we can decide what she needs

Attached: petto34.jpg (604x578, 209K)

Lots of tampons

A quality vibrator. She'll be grateful and have more fun than with any video game.

mum's duty

>A quality vibrator

OP here
till she is 16!!!!

Oh definitely this.


It's now or never. Don't let her get into real sex yet, prevent it with a vibrator.

Op is retarded. Get educated in economics. Not buying a product does not affect the origin companys countries economy. The individual companys production is manufactured to meet a demand. It doesn't take into effect how many units people won't buy because because that is a non stat. It's based on sales to be made based on past demand. Actual sales. You not buying does nothing. Now with buying a switch the product is already manufactured and stocked. It will find a sale either at, below, or above MSRP. That in turn meets the demand. A company will always produce to meet demand or produce less than demand to ensure the successful sale of a product thus ensuring that companies profits. Nintendo specifically is largely tactical by underproducing to create demand and raise the price of units. Think amiibo. Now how does your actual purchase affect the Japanese economy? You are basically trying to quantify banking playing the game telephone. It would take much more than a non sale of an individual company to affect a countries entire economy. Try to imagine a vegan who doesn't buy meat. That happens all the time in the us. Now how much is the meat companies worth? Did that change the usa economy. It's quite silly to think you actually believe this.

Buy her the switch make happy , happy birthday to this 15 y/o looking 12y/o

Give her a box of condoms with one missing. When she opens it, wink at her and say “hint hint!”

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How many times are you going to repost this stupid pasta everyday?

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Jesus fucking christ you sperg, all of that to conclude absolutely nothing. No goddamn shit it won't literally bankrupt Japan, but if the man doesn't want any of his money to go to Japan he isn't going to buy a Japanese product you nitwit.

Attached: chris.gif (280x220, 487K)

she is still my little baby
and still a kid you stupid fuck!!!!!

OP here this not a C&P ant not CP
dunno why you think so?

it's this shit again

Then go go buy it!

A kid who now knows a lot more than what you think. It's 2019. Buy her a vibrator and give her some release.

> Not buying a product does not affect the origin companys countries economy.

K bud. So if nobody buys a product that company is still gonna succeed? K bud. Good job bud. Degree coming in handy bud.

Attached: you'refuckingstupid.jpg (474x379, 22K)

Japanese detected
or even Miyamoto himself

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Soo...he was behind that

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OP catched!

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Attached: sadcatapu.jpg (540x540, 22K)

might need a few more

The vibe is the gift that will keep on giving

Attached: tochter im sommer.jpg (1080x1350, 135K)

A "massager" she will be very grateful.

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pls show her shithole!
or at least used pantys or stuff like that!
pls user!!!!

Buy a Switch second hand, that way the money you do give to the guy who sold it to you will go to the American economy (no doubt he's going to pay bills or some shit) and your daughter will be happy.

girf her one of those hand massagers, motivate her to often close the door to her dorm. She will eventually realize, maturity is the best gift a child can get.
fugg u is fastar

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disgusting fags!
I bet you don't have a daughter!
just disgusting....she's my baby :(
she's still 11 and plays with her Lego!!!
So fuck you!!!

wonder how long till she makes a dildo out of legos lmfao

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Buy her a pet monkey

it's even not possible biologically that she gets wet or horny! cause--->>> is still a kid!!!!

But she's going to be 12 and innocent no more. It's safer with a vibe than with a Lego dildo.

she will use it as a massager, until she thinks "oh hey I feel good when I massage my weewee" and she'll be thanking her daddy forever
also this

>But she's going to be 12
yeah I know it hurts but I must accept that fact

but still...she's a lil girl...and I want to enjoy this as long as possible

post some more of your little princess OP

>"oh hey I feel good when I massage my weewee"

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Don't be selfish. Be altruistic and help her with a vibrator.


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Unless you're a faggot you should have masturbated at the age of 12 already, too. Just because she plays doesn't exclude her from exploring her sexuality.

Also I don't think those pictures are her - palmtrees? In Germanien?

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Look, I get wanting to flex your knowledge, but at least pretend that you're trying to weave it into an actual conversation instead of Infodumping based on a silly assumption.


buy her nothing, tell her, your presence is her present, and if she gets upset tell her some kids don't have that and wouldn't she feel bad if you weren't around, make it a big guilt trip, then laugh because you win

Alva Inga

>you should have masturbated at the age of 12
yeas but I'm MALE!!!!
> Just because she plays doesn't exclude her from exploring her sexuality.

perhaps true...but she is absolutely childish and hate boys(thank god)

Im gonna jack off to ur daughter

Insta Pedo detected

Attached: 1557979462349.jpg (750x737, 90K)

hey, I was just gonna post that!


pls don't
and I won't allow that any nigger of you save pictures of her! otherwise I will call the Cyber Cops!

Fucking hell I was wondering how long it was going to take. Kek

OP you monster! That's not even a child!

Took 10 seconds to reverse image search. Guess that makes me a pedo.

OP here
this is not my daughter!
posted pics are of Alva
she's german also

but my daughter looks very similar

>but my daughter looks very similar

show her pics pls!

... now you have to post pics of your daughter

We are always watching... And fapping, someone has to look at all that cp to make sure it's not just skinny chicks.

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Then buy it not in Japan

enjoy your brownies praying to mecca,while your wife and daughter get Taharrush, getting stabbed and bleeding out powerless to help.

no worries police will be there in an hour or two.

do you want cum pic tributes OP?

Get a Stadia like the faggot you are.

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thank god cyber police is here

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>lil twat needs that
not op but yes god damn post it!!!!

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If she is 12 and you are raising her right, there is a good chance she'll go virgin a good 4-8 years more, depending on your luck, so you don't have to give up just yet. Also depends on her friends and environment obviously.

thank you user!
It's okay and just natural that she will be a full woman in the next years...all I want is.. to prolong this!

>having to wait 8 years until she agrees to sex
Patience of a saint if you can last that long.

btw I would be so proud if she lost her virginity with 16+

>in germanistan
good luck son

>said a
fucking citizen of united McDonalds state of starbucks


Shes already masturbated already op face the facts and get the vibrator

>Shes already masturbated already

OP here! some days I do the laundry...and I never ever saw any evidence of this..just normal discharge

OP here
PLUS: it smells like as always (maybe a lil bit spicy)
just like she was 10


nah I'm just control addicted
nothing more...nothing sex related

why the fuck are you smelling your daughter's undies?

not usual
because of the curiosity
out of fear