Why does Trump stand like a fucked up retard?

Why does Trump stand like a fucked up retard?

Attached: retard.png (974x1138, 1.41M)

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Bad posture or trying to go for a founding fathers look

His giant dick is weighing him down

Because he is wearing lift shoes

Because he's a fucked up retard.

Well for starters the photo was either intentionally rotated or the guy who originally took it can't edit for shit.

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Because he doesn't slouch like an effeminate loser like you, OP

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I thought lift shoes were for manlets.
I guess Trump is just really fucked in the head but that really just goes without saying

since when has the Washington monument stood on an angle

Not convincing, Sparky.

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He's old. Let's see how you look when you're old. The difference is you won't ever be POTUS.

dumbocrats think this broad was more qualified

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because he's fucking fat

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Probably more to do with the photo being at an angle combined with the jacket hanging forwards and the trousers hanging backwards.

He’s nursing a boner

Look at the washington monument in the two photos you mong, bad bait

found a pic of OP

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he still stands pretty weird

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yeah sure thats it. Not that he looks like that in every photo of him standing. Its the angle, yeah

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They are. When you see him next to known heights, Dumpy comes out around 5'11" (statistically speaking, the men most likely to lie about their height). Remember how he got the White House Dr Feelgood to lie about his height and weight?

stands straighter than you slouched over on your chair all day faggot

Orange Man Stand Funny.

Orange Man Bad.

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are you autistic?

Try eating like 4 boxes of sudafed a day and see how hard it is to stand, for science of course

He is dying, remember his emergency trip to the doctors a few weeks ago the Republicunt tried to act like didn't happen?

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No, that's not it.

Yes, the picture is not level, that doesn't change how Trump stands.

great comeback

How's that wall coming?

Are you sure it isn’t just that his suits aren’t tailored correctly? I get that he’s overweight and self conscious about it, but he looks dumpy in most pictures. I don’t mind the guy but appearance is important.

Because he is a retard? Maybe that's it?



'cause he's an aylmao

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I actually work in a lab and seats are against H&S so my posture is quite good thank you

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Quads of truth.
Orange man is also retarded you forgot that

I like to pass through threads like this, just to see the lengths people will go to, to suck him off and defend his idiocy
>never fails to amuse

he's not exactly know for his fashion, so its possible. But regardless, he still stands like its his first day with legs. He also doesn't know what a tie pin is. He uses scotch tape lol


Better than your impeachment hearings, fag

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Yep. And i would be if the Hildabeast had won. We had fucking embarrassing choices in 2016. And that's saying something considering the prior 20 years.

Wrong response. If you’re a trumpy you’re supposed to quote trump’s tweets. If you’re not you’re supposed to show pictures of immigrants climbing over the wall or buzzing through.

What idiocy is that? He's the greatest president of our generation. Sure he's not the most PC prez, or the most well-spoken, but he stands up for America first, as it should be

Pretty sure under all the makeup he is actually a surgically altered steef

He is a Stable Genius and his Intelligence is Unmatched how dare you accuse him of not being able to get a tailored suit with only Billions of dollars budget

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Cus he's fucking billion years old

it really was. Who do you think it's going to come down to in 2020?

the answer is in the question isn't it?

I'll take 'barrel distortion' for two hundred, please, Alex.

>he is actually a surgically altered queef

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I'm an accelerationist. I dont really care what happens I just want shit to get bad enough for revolution and he and impeachment really are helping that out.

This is a secret, huh? Sounds like you tapped into a credible source there.

Oh good, the "I'm so above it all" politics guy arrives.

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Wow might actually be 1/20th done before he is out of office.

I agree with you. The man is an enigma with his appearance. He only eats fast food because he’s afraid of being poisoned, his clothes don’t fit him at all, and he is the only person I know of who claims to have a physical twice a year with the second one being split between 5 months? Then you look at his wife and ask yourself “Why is she with him?!”

It's ok pelosi will never be president

Not even Jackie Chan can see it.

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He is still stood like a fucking mongoloid in the 2nd one

Some milquetoast neoliberal fucktard, Darth Cheeto and possibly a independent candidate that will split the DNC vote.

his daily makeup is on sale this holiday for anyone interested

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The Washington Examiner is a far right conservative paper with a history of not giving factual information. They were also partially responsible for spreading the story about a non-existent basement in a pizza parlor in DC housing children by Hillary Clinton.

>code words for domestic terrorism



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No, I'm a life long libertarian voter. After the shitshow in 2016 I realized there is no hope and am now an Anarchist and want it to be yanked out root and branch and thrown in the fire.

You have a small penis, you wouldn't understand.

Because Photoshop and haters living in their mothers basement with way to much time on their hands.

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No I'm leaving that up to formerAightchan, pol and whatever the fuck the right wing nutters are doing. But I am armed and ready when shit kicks off

editing does

Wow ass cyst and bone spurs together. Such a critical mass of patriotism

If a fresh from the border Mexican who can’t even speak English can threaten your job security or affect wages in your career then you’re an unskilled piece of trash. Nice quads though.

Found the jew

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funniest thing I've seen in awhile


Nigga said he's libertarian in 2019

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Keep that hat on tight don't wanna let that weave loose

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trump wins 2020

what was this about AOC's "massive violation of campaign finance law"

remember people: if it points out something negative about trump its clearly edited or forged

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can't say something about their clearly deranged idol with some melting going on

They can't take mine. They can take it from Shaquan who can't get an entry level job in his shitty community because the wet backs do it all for 25% of what makes sense, so he comes to my community to steal shit and break stuff.

Local governments and private owners have him tied up in court. He'll be lucky to make fifty miles. On a two-thousand-mile border.
Not bad for three years. Only forty years to go!

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yea except they have pull on his hair on TV its real and most of the orange is edited in by networks that hate him its been proven

Donald Trump weighs over 300 lbs and is what any normal person would understand to be obese
>America's mos obese president of the twenty first century really just a fat piece of shit come on people

looks even more threatening to sjw progressives

Support each other. Validate each other.

Orange Man bad.

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>doesn't know who taft was

and here you can see my point being proven


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>proven that trump sucks hobo dick for the thrill of it
>and also socio-sexual throat herpes from hobo longdick scratchin his esophagus and larnyx

Just to bother people like you.
Oh, look!
It worked.

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because he IS a fucked up retard

>trump is even fatter
>from a faggot who wants to fuck his own daughter standpoint
get weight chomo

Did the Constitution molest you?

Ah, you mean he tries to hide his cameltoe. Yep.

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that guy seems to be having a good time unlike our poochy presidon't walk very far without getting out of breath which requires some cheetos
>this hard to get a big mac as President I cri all time

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No. You are shilling domestic terror. Go fuck yourself.


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translation? I don't speak gibberish