how good is this show?
How good is this show?
bro, it's pipeline is going to reach out to your brown from black, if you know what I'm saying.
season 3 finale is the best season finale of any show
once pope comes in it goes down pretty quickly though
you're gonna need to take off that vest ok? you wearing that vest when ur not part of the club is disrespectful. alright? you didn't earn that. people have died for the honor of wearing that patch
>season 3 finale is the best season finale of any show
>my waifu getting killed us the greatest season finale of any show
Get the fuck out of here!
It drags through the last few seasons, but it's enjoyable until then and I'd recommend it overall. It's got some genuine surprises if you go in blind.
what you thinking about bitchboi?
its the d.e.a lady ending
im not a weaboo faggot so i don't have a "waifu" but the only one on the entire show worthy of that would be the one opie marries after donna
watch it for his and Juice's perfect bubble butts
It honestly fucking sucks niggerballs
wait a minute, brothers
>casually removes helmet
you mean to tell me
>rips off sunglasses
that there's gonna be blowback
>commits a murder in broad daylight using an automatic weapon
from the IRA
>commits a dozen moving violations on a busy california freeway to facilitate the commission of a far more serious crime
unless we can reach out to black
>has unprotected sex with a prostitute
bring brown up to speed
>survives explosion that levels a two-story building which is itself the culmination of a rolling high-speed shootout spanning three counties yet never once attracted the attention of the police
patch over
>gently cradles autistic child while acoustic guitar-driven cover of otherwise inappropriate pop song whispers softly in background
hold a mayhem vote
>discards pair of blood-soaked nikes, the fifth pair this season
schedule a sit-down
>inhales forcefully from a light cigarette
and coordinate the hit?
>delicately manages a diverse array of competing multi-ethnic interests with an able deftness that somehow eludes the united nations
Wtf i am a homo now.
atf rather not dea
You could say they've seen some shit
Charlie Hunnam has that effect on people
First 3 seasons are solid.....
But know that the Prospects are essentially the "red shirts" of SoA. They introduce a fresh batch each season and I think none of them make it longer than a handful of episodes. I think only 2 even become full members before dying.
Also, the last season the writing is absolute garbage, but really it becomes a chaotic poorly written mess the last 2 or 3 seasons... and the writing was really good in the beginning, they must have had a whole different team of writers.
Also, they feel the need to kill off every damn character in the series to resolve things. By the end I believe there's only 2 guys left that were there in the beginning.
BUT what this show does amazingly, I think better than anything I've ever seen, is weave music into the scenes. Virtually every episode had a montage to a whole song that fit perfectly. Also, they have their own house band, The Forest Rangers, that covers a lot of 60s and 70s music while giving it a soulful Southern rock vibe (the music alone makes this show worth it).
We gotta get this thread out of guns.
I love Marilyn Manson but he really falls flat as the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood in prison. He's just not masculine enough for it. The rest of the casting is pretty amazing though.
They should have done more with Henry Rollins, his character was amazing and seriously underutilized.
Soap opera for Chads.
what do you think biker gangs are brah?
> it's a young brilliant surgeon gives up her entire future to marry a dirtbag biker who dresses like a 13 yr old wigger episode
>My father had a vision for this board. We need to get out of baneposting. Gotta set up a meet with /fit/ and make a deal with Sup Forums, hand the big guys distribution over to them. Cunny will make us whole but we need a new pipeline. Reach out to Sup Forums, they can supply us with fresh cunny. But word on the street says Moot is dirty. If a war starts it's gonna be blue boards against yellow. I love you brothers.
some women have a bad case of oneitis
I just finished the show yesterday
I didn't enjoy it after the cartel turned out to be FBI, got boring p fast.
The whole Ireland thing was incredibly boring too
I know, the DEA Lady was my waifu
Jax gives a great D, mang.
slow af
you could literally cut half the series length by removing unnecessarily long scenes due to Sutter's """""""cinematography"""""""
The Ireland thing was a HUGE tangent, one of the biggest in tv history. Also, it didn't make a lot of sense, kidnapping a baby to take it to Ireland....
That being said, I enjoyed it. I'd say after Ireland the show really fell apart for me. The writing just got bad....
I stopped watching after Season 3. I already know Jax will kill Ron Perlman and his mother because they killed Jax's girlfriend, or something like that, and later dies by letting a truck run over him, or something like that
Should I watch again?
You know this really happens, right?
I have a friend who's mother is a doctor that's married to a scumbag that's never even had a job.... they have like 6 kids too.
Most girls have a bad boy fixation in their teenage years that they outgrow (once they figure out that the bad boys don't usually go anywhere in life). But some don't....
>he didn't see jax fly into the twin towers
you really missed out brah
Did CIA really just lick his asshole
Things got really strange once Raimi took over from Sutter.
I don't know.
For me the beginning of the series was 8/10, the Ireland part 7/10, the rest 6, and the very last season 5.
It's like watching the Lost beyond the third season, there is some good/interesting material but it's crammed in with a lot of shit. It will bring those characters to conclusion, but not in a good way.
It's probably not really a bad show in the end, just not a good one. It still has its moments, but doesn't compare with how strong it started.
do you get paid to say this
yes, wouldn't you?
>It's a Juice episode
i watched the whole thing from when it aired
its shite
i can't help but feel for the guy, god damn, he just could not win.
It's like GTA tbqh sug
here's the webm
He made a lot of dumb choices though, that ultimately got his ass in a lot of dumb predicaments (literally). Sure, you feel for him, but he got usually caused his own problems.
Also, Marilyn Manson is not tough enough to be the Aryan Brotherhood leader.... and it was super weird watching Marilyn Manson turn Juice into his girlfriend. I don't know why every time someone goes to prison on tv they feel obliged to show rape, I'd really rather not see it.
>random slut's ass
>not juicy Juice or Jax
into the trash it goes
Remember the time when Gemma got totally BTFO by Tara? Good times
Pretty accurate.
True Juice fucked up a lot but he didn't deserve what happened to him in the end.
Someone post some jax suicide memes please
I unironically feel it's definitely worth watching. The show itself is 'shit' but it's still worth a watch, especially if you ever come across any jaxposting.
The ireland season is fucking garbage.
>Not realizing that SoA is set in the GTA universe
How to spot a pleb
Is Kurt Sutter a cuck? He really enjoyed having his wife be treacherous whore was raped once or twice as well
*mothers raped by niggers in thick IRA accent*
boils my noodle senpai
Chibs poundin them sweet walls
6/10. Too long. Gets repetitive.