How can I summon a demon?
How can I summon a demon?
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you don't, because there's no such thing as a demon.
Grow up
The process is simple enough.
First, you must draw a pentagram on the ground. Use some sort of animal blood, and make the pentagram at least 6 feet in diameter.
Next, burn some incense. Walmart incense is fin--Asian market is better.
Place a dagger to the right side, as you kneel. Place a cup of some sort to the left. Hold a stick in your right hand. Make sure it's your birth month wood. (check calendar)
Begin the incantation: "In hoc signe vicimus."
Repeat it until the demon appears.
By the way, the demon WILL kill you and steal your soul away to hell. Just a friendly reminder.
Wrong. But hey, that's your opinion.
Well, no. There's no such thing as summonable demons. Personal demons, sure, and something you've got to figure out on your own. But actual, physical, corporeal demons? You might as believe in deities, chemtrails and a flat earth
They're real enough.
But, hailing from a sort of alternate-universe, they are not bound by the parameters of what we know as physicists and, as a result, move about in ways we deem supernatural.
No such thing
timestamp tits first
Get married. It will appear soon enough.
ah, but you are wrong, sir.
Universes are like slices in a loaf of bread--side-by-side, each more or less identical, just waiting for the butter knife of physics to permeate.
Vote Republican.
metaphysical nonsense. Alternate/parallel universe theories are nothing more or less than from the imagination of authors, fantasists or imbeciles. Just get on with your life and carry on reading your comics
On the contrary!
Republicans generally vote in a Christian sort of way and, due to their beliefs, generally eschew the summoning of diabolical creatures.
Liberals, being the more tolerant members of society, see no harm in summoning demons. In fact, hey eagerly advocate the practice. Only Nazis hate demons.
Oh, I do recon I've spotted the autist.
Get a job.
Stop jacking off.
Clean your room.
Stop being a fag.
Ok newfag. They pentagram is what protects you. It can't cross the edge
Realist, dipshit. You think that credibly believing that alternative universes exist, and that demons can be summoned from them is the rationale of a sane mind?
Get a pice of hair from someone
Shoot a load in a bowl of water
Place hair in the water
Surround the bowl in candles
Kill urself
Boomslang skin. Lacewing flies, and the hair of whoever you want..
wait, that's polyjuice potion
Why don't you try to summon the LORD instead, user. Actually, He's been trying to summon you all this time.
Good PSA
Autists cannot spot sarcasm to save their lives
Oh, Christ! I dun been found exposed
Is puppy's blood more efficient? My dog just gave birth to 10 puppies and I don't want to clean their shit
Fuck that! Source of all my troubles!
you wont ever summon a demon into this world, but there is an old ritual you can do before ending your own life, that lets you visit them.
you're either a troll or a straight up fucking retard
Satan is the father of lies. Jesus is the truth.
>Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.
>Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and humble of heart; and you will find rest for yourselves.
>For my yoke is easy, and my burden light.
imagine adult beings who still believe in this sorta nonsense. grow the fuck up please
Just like the military never paid fuckers to sit in a room just to "make up shit" and call it intell
Remeber kids, psychics are also psychos
>Go to Mars
>Draw some pentagrams and shit
>Ask demon to take you to hell
>Open the sarcophagus of the DOOMSLAYER to troll the shit out of them
This is my thread now.
Call the White House and ask to speak to the President of the United States of America
….eat baked beans, chili, and coors light
LARP 10/10
u gonna kill a nigga dude
No dubs. No truth.
Interdenominational beings ("demons") exist.
Learn physics. The multiverse is real.
What kind?
Seriously. Read more modern science articles, you're old and outdated.
Your God is the devil. The demiurge shouldn't be trusted.
nice London
Multiverse exists, beings live in it. Beings not from this reality are "demons" (even if they're just an alternate copy of you)
Dubs. This actually works.
lol tolerant!
Imagine being autisic enough to not understand sarcasm
Dmt or Salvia? Gotta be the quickest way, right?
no u
jimsonweed eat 2-3 pods.
DMT will get you to "entities"....but if you want demons, you want jimsonweed....Datura
God is a lie.