The holocaust did happen don't believe right wing faggot liars

The holocaust did happen don't believe right wing faggot liars

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Use critical thinking skills. Don't believe propaganda. The Right Wing has a vested interest in sewing doubt about the holocaust. They don't care if they convince you, they just want you to doubt. Doubt is their strongest ally.

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>except on that holocaust thing


Doubt is their greatest ally. Remember that. They don't care about discrediting your argument, they care about creating doubt.

You wish..which is kinda fucking sickening.

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I've always admired flat earthers for their ability to try and establish an opinion obviously so very dangerous to have. They might be retards, but by proposing the possibility of a scientific truth that differs from the mainstream, they cater to a form of critical thinking that is undervalued by most.


Join this discord server for some awesome porn and lit tits and shit.

1940s adobe photoshop was pretty good

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They will attack sources rather then facts. They will obfuscate, lie, and deflect. They want you to think bias is the same as being a liar. They will never admit their own biases, they will only attack others.

Whats wrong with doubting things?
Are you retarded?

Doubting something that somehow is a crime to doubt. It's obviously a lie and the scandal of it being uncovered would be retrograde for the kikes that made it up.

The truth is not somewhere in the middle. Science is not wrong because the right believes it is biased. The Right are not informed, but they think their opinion is as valid as those who are. Reject this assertion. They will lie, they do lie.

>1% anti abbortion extremism
thats so fucking based, holy shit.

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it's a crime to doubt because denying faggots like you existed even as the allies liberated the fucking camps through the smell of burning flesh.

They will assert that opinions are the same as facts. They are not. They will assert that the other side is the same. They are not. They are in a bubble. Pierce that bubble. I know most of you aren't holocaust deniers. Make yourselves heard. You have a voice.

When something so definitely, absolutely happened exactly as we say that its illegal to even question. Except the lampshades, soap, the bear and eagle, the shotgun suicide method, the death by masturbation machines, the ever fluctuating official number, and the electric floor executions.

They lie. They will claim that everyone challenges them is the real liar. This is false. Their narrative only exists when it goes unchallenged. Challenge it. Push back.

They will sew doubt. You see it in this very thread. They don't care if you believe them, all they want to do is make you doubt what you believe. They will only succeed if you let them. You are important. You have power. Fight.

Denying an obvious lie perpetrated to grift the goyim is not a crime. The Grift though, is a multi-trillion dollar fleece to undermine western nations of their well earned wealth to upstart a centralized world government in Israel.
You filthy kike worshiping shill, I hope you burn in hades.

They will say the enemy is both weak and strong at the same time. They will deny humanity. They will turn the enemy into a disease that must be cleansed. They want to make you feel disgust. Do not. Fight back. Make yourself heard.

Electric floors, I remember shit like that in a movie..Cat's Eye. WITH a story about a dude that went through extreme intervention to quit smoking...oy vey.Albeit a cat tied that and other fucked up stories together...the electric floors thing kinda stands out...

fake news.
stop trying to rewrite history

Rewriting Jewish fiction is easier than you think.
The truth is going to come out weather you or your fucking masters like it.

shut the fuck up :D

They want you to believe the enemy is taking what is owed to you. They want to make you feel the enemy is succeeding because you are failing. You are not. They will never admit their faults. They will never admit their bias. They will never give an inch. Reject them.


here's a truth for you
nazis hang better than niggers

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They are a cult that only succeeds when they isolate you. Read. Read anything and everything. Read multiple sources. They want you to have as little truth as possible, so that their truth is the only truth. They know they are weak and that you are strong.

Truth will find you.
They were all victims of kikes.
Commies get the bullet too.

>truth will find you
and may the rope find you

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I leave you with a quote from Benjamin Franklin: "the doorway to the temple of wisdom is the knowledge of our own ignorance"

They want you to believe they have absolute truth. They don't. Nobody knows everything. What we do know for sure is that the holocaust happened. It was the first time the word genocide was coined. It was the Far Right who perpetrated this. They know if you believe the holocaust, you have knowledge of where their ideals lead. Do not let them win. You are strong, they are weak.

BUT was it as bad as when the Jewish regime in Russian starved and killed 9 million peasant farmers ?


Don't waste your time with these faggots comerade they aren't gonna change your mind

They will do everything I said with no self-awareness of their actions. They only have these tactics. They are weak. You are the important one. You decide if they succeed or fail.

U mad whyteboi?

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It didn't happen but it SHOULD have happened, things would be better today.

Big facts

Holocaust was real, most victims were not jews.
Fuck jews for making business out of it.

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>The holocaust did happen don't believe right wing faggot liars
If it happened, why are there still so many fucking jews? We need to do it again and get it right this time.

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