I will be uploading really fucking old Sup Forums Wallpapers

I will be uploading really fucking old Sup Forums Wallpapers.

Would be glad if I see some oldfags from back in the days.

Wouldn't be mad if someone says "okay, boomer"

Attached: 4chan (2).png (1600x900, 1.09M)

Ok boomer

Attached: 4chan (3).png (1442x800, 703K)

Attached: 4chan (2).jpg (1440x900, 527K)

I knew it someone would say it before i post the second picture ITT

Attached: 4chan (1).png (1600x900, 84K)

I think this is my first time having trips!

Attached: 4chan (1).jpg (1920x1200, 53K)

Attached: 4chan (3).jpg (1920x1200, 137K)

Attached: 4chan (4).jpg (1920x1280, 200K)

Attached: 4chan (4).png (1920x1200, 97K)

Also nice digits


Join this discord server for some awesome porn and lit tits and shit.

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Attached: wallpaper-2002751.jpg (1920x1080, 132K)

Thanks man I miss these.

got any da hood, waha, kikkomaso or grinman?

but are you a boomer at all?

Thanks OP. This has been really nice so far. I kind of forgot how much I missed this

no problem :)
glad i could make your day better!


I don't concider myself a boomer.

Yeah i think "real" anons appreciate these things.

I can still remember awesome nostalgia threads or classical YLYL threads or Threads with that motivational wolf and the yellow background, etc.

Should I share some?

Attached: my meme folder.jpg (1781x518, 112K)

god this is making me irrationally mad. 8/8

That would be great! I'd join you but I haven't had a Sup Forums folder in years.

still love it

Attached: LyUT4.jpg (720x720, 122K)

ok which thread would you like?

this picture is the only one i have had in anti joke chicken

Attached: aS356.jpg (310x299, 61K)

omfg this meme is so old i didnt even knew who gordon ramsey was and i thought he was just a "flaming" waiter

Back in the days when someone got hated on we called it "flaming" omfg. kill me

Attached: gordon who.jpg (275x279, 14K)

Threads, trolls, motivation, and stupid shit are all great

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yay trips

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If any oldfags can answer me please.

what changes did you make during the times from then to now?

Are you happier?

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I love EFG. I have seen him 2 months ago or so!


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The following picture appears to be a joke nowadays since everybody has faceapp.

Remarkable how significant mobilephones are by now.

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i will stop posting threads.

i will continue with motivation

Attached: 1329344782445.jpg (400x400, 112K)

I will still upload some then ill drop a link where you can download my entire memes folder

Attached: 1329345229464.jpg (576x576, 201K)

I grew up on Sup Forums, so, most of my life I guess. Middle school, high school, etc. My high school was kind of cool. It was built around kids being smart enough to educate themselves. No rules, just right. I didn’t do anything productive with my time but there were tons of kids, some of which much younger than me, who were doing stuff like calculus in the back of their heads. If my parents weren’t rich I wouldn’t have gotten in.

Then I was a shut-in. Kind of sort of got over that, now I have a menial job that partially works in customer service. It sucks. I’ve been working and saving so I can build a cabin in the woods one day and escape the rat race. In the meantime I’ve been drinking pretty much constantly but hey, in 4 years I bought a car, I helped people pay rent, and I have about 20k in the bank right now. Not bad for a guy like me.

I had a friend who turned out to be a complete scumbag. I kind of hope he’s dead, honestly.

I think I’m getting too old to use the internet. I used to be really annoyed, like, probably around my high school days. The internet was changing in a lot of ways I didn’t like. I still don’t like them. But what helped me was realizing that the internet isn’t *my* adventure anymore. It’s mostly the generation below me. It’s bittersweet but the world changes without your consent anyways.

So I’m trying and mostly failing to use the internet less. It’s hard to find a new adventure.

Rn I’m pretty crushed with the boredom and disappointment and quiet misery of adulthood. I’m trying ketamine treatment soon so that’s exciting. I don’t know we’ll see.

What about you OP?

Anyone have that thread screenshot of Hugh Jackman running on the beach?

we DOT tl/t-NV2Q8FncB9

this is the link to all the other files.

have fun! :)

Attached: 1330692013282.jpg (500x500, 48K)

The dark days...

I remember i was about 15 back in the days. i am 27 now.

I was pretty weird. had no friends, got bullied, etc.

Sup Forums gave me some answers and some feelings that i am not alone. Sup Forums was a site that told me "dude, you got potential! Use it!" But i didn't know what potential i have. ^^

Sup Forums was still to me a really weird place... its like learning today how zoomers work! Its difficult. But i sortof learned it how Sup Forums acts. Not completely... For instance: I still dont know why nobody on Sup Forums uses smileys like i do!? ^^ They started to call me a faggot or greentexted my smileys like

> xD

if it isnt green then i have unlearned how to greentext.

But it was that time where i recognized that i am pretty creative. At that time i was playing Garrysmod alot because i was astonished by the Source Engine and the playing area.

Then after a long time (like 10 years) i got into photography and now i am an artist. i am still without a job or so but my brain could reach a really fucking high potential.

Also i learned the power of consciousness.

If I am aware of depression, i could overcome it somehow etc.

I am not suicidal anymore :)

That is great.

Now i am getting too lazy to type some more xD

What snacks?

I miss this op
Thank you for the trip down memory lane!

you are welcome! :)

Jesús. All of these wallpapers are pretty cringe now, no offense. They're all stale memes and unfunny shit like Dolan, one of them literally even says "do not talk about Sup Forums" like lmao whatever you say, Mr. Redditor. I mean, I am a newfag I admit, only started browsing a couple years ago, but even I can still see that oldfags and their shitty unfunny crap just suck. Call me zoomer I don't care. I'll zoom your fucking dicks out. You'll see.

Attached: 1575750770762.gif (661x522, 423K)


I miss the days of not having a captcha

Attached: rockintomodor.jpg (510x442, 141K)

Attached: hahatimefor4chan.jpg (350x447, 36K)

okay, zoomer

well, those memes were funny back in the days.

You too will come to the realization that your memes you think are funny (today) will be cringe and unfunny in 10 years ;) :D

I love courage wolf.

Attached: peppers.jpg (400x400, 14K)