How do i leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black...

How do i leave my small town if I’m on probation for being black? Is there a way to run and get my license back and shit? I heard stories of people running and no one cared because they paid their shit off and all they care about money

>live in small town
>total fucking hell
>parents are poor
>house is freezing cold
>cant even open my door without getting hit with cold
>wasting my time and life here
>no one around no girls no people just redneck retards everywhere and total loneliness
>nothing outside but total blackout darkness and snow and cold
>keep finding ways to leave and god ruins them all
>every shower is cold
>every day is cold
>just stuck in my room next to my heater
>only thing to do is sit around on my phone
>cant even go downstairs cause too cold
>every time i go outside its either freezing -40 degrees or theres fucking retarded rednecks with loud barking dogs everywhere i cant even go outside
>no reason to do anything
>no reason to get out of bed nowhere to go nowhere to see
>never get to travel cause poverty, no vacations, nothing
I FUCKING HATE GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gods trapping me

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lol nigger

stop making this thread you hopeless loner

notice how the nigger never even considers getting a job

I have money cracker this is god at least I don’t play dungeons and dragons with no hair and wearing glasses

Whites are weak

Kind of in the same situation my man, try getting a job maybe?
Or reach out to some people you might know in a bigger town/city?
What I wanna say too is use the internet to find some kind of job to get you going finanicially. Hope I could help

what does that even mean? "on probation for being black" explain this

>Whites are weak
says a member of the most easily enslaved race on the planet

Top kek

>Be poor
>Deal with the cold a couple days a week and walk/take a bus to town apply at every place and regularly check up with them
>Get job
>save money
>Find an apartemnt or rent a room for cheap

Do what I did, enlist in any activemilitary service, i went from being basically homeless when i was 18 in 2011 to having a guarenteed good paycheck and frere housing, 3 meals a day , and free full medical and dental coverage.
I saved a ton of money while in and got a job when I got out and used my savings to put a down payment on a house, or even just enough to move into an apartment

I know youre struggle but put enough effort intoit and you can get out of poverty in many ways you just have to put your whole focus into it

>I have money
>parents are poor

so you have money but your parents don't and you blame your situation on them?

Take note class, the nigger has fallen so deep into the delusions propagated by the music and professional sports industries that it actually believes it is a quote "baller"

It's called blame everything on white people due to your own shortcomings.
Why try and work if you can just blame your issues on someone else then never get out of bed and blame everyone else.

I hope he just doesn't become like everyone else and become a burden on the welfare state instead of just sucking it up and finding a job...

I got money but every time I try to leave god strikes me down

Are you really too fucking stupid to know people have seperate bank accounts?

sorry dude, sounds really difficult, that must be very hard to feel trapped, I can't imagine how you must feel.

Speak to a counselor at school or find a therapist who uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. This will help strengthen your mind. If you aren't ready to see a therapist then get your hands on the book called Feeling Good by Dr. David Burns. This is the self-help version of treatment and it will make you feel way better.

Once you start feeling better and seeing things a bit more clearly, then you can start to make a plan. It might be a job. It might even be just starting to write a daily journal about your goals. This will empower you, and make you stronger and wiser.

But be nice to yourself. Give yourself time to grow. You cannot become enlightened overnight. Be patient.

Other good books I reccommend to you specifically are Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach, The Four Agreements by Don Miquel Ruiz, and When things fall apart by Pema Chodron. If you really read these, you will be a much stronger person by the same time next year.

Remember to be kind to yourself and if you don't feel supported by others, put your hand on your heart and tell yourself "I am here for you." Just try it. It is your future, stronger self giving yourself love.

Good luck. I believe in you.

Yet somehow the crackers on Sup Forums believe there's an ongoing white genocide and minority uprising

this right here

OP CLEARLY has internet...
How about stop blaming everyone else and put literally 30 minutes in making a small resume and posting it on craiglist or creating a Monster,zip recruiter , or Indeed profile.
Whether or not you have a record or not theres a ton of places especially labor related who will take you.
Also, look up temp agencies in your area.

Alot of them you dont even have to be there in person, you can just call and email them your resume or just fill something out with job history.
You will get somewhere one you take responsibility for what happens, it is not Gods fault , excuses make a man lazy.
Just get up and get shit done man

Well, I'd say the first order of business is to keep god from striking you down. Have you considered atheism?

I’ve tried everything you dumb shit god ruined them all

>every time I try to leave god strikes me down

>Gotta blame somebody, otherwise it's my fault.......FUCK THAT

Have you??
Youre telling me you look on job boards every day??
Ive been laid off more than a few itimes working in IT as a contractor and its hard work but it should be a job in itself , applying to jobs every day even stuff you may not like.

Also how about the Post office?
They hire new people weekly , it pays well, lots of hours and theyll take anyone including ex cons ive seen.

This is not God's fault, you reap what you sow.

Whats the purposeof you posting this if youre gonna get mad any any good advice?

I can only assume you post this so people will feel bad for you?
Like tons of people have been in worse positions than you.

If youre not even getting out of bed to find jobs then how do you expect anything to change, God id not just gonna drop a job in yourlap if you doing nothing ...

>minority uprising
don't make me laugh, the moment crackers have had enough of everyone elses shit, play time will be over. The only thing left will be whites and asians. the undesireable races will be wiped out. Don't believe me? just look at white history, the amount of horrible shit they are capable of on a massive scale is far beyond even the most tyrannical african warlord. darkies have no future

But it literally is your fault lol

Blaming God is a pussy cop out and you know it

Noone feels bad for you if you really are in such a bad place change it and take the advice of ayone here

ok baller

lol please!!

It's God and white peoples fault you dont have a job??

lurk moar

honest answer here
I'm not even joking
Please Kill your self
you scum of the earth

I'm surrounded by retards

please font be racist please

wurk moar

no you're honestly at fault
You have money but wont leave. You blame god for whatever reason. You blame your parents.
You'll go nowhere with that mentality. You can bitch and moan all you want but you're stuck because of you're own retarded thoughts.

You're not going to do anything. If someone here even tries to help and your sandwich is old. You're going to go home and cry that god hates you.

Fuck off and just do or die you nigger shit

shut up cracker

why must the world be full of redneck retards why do you hate black people so much I'm about to go super saiyan AAAAH

I also like blaming everyone but myself. Pay attention to me, too.

You can go the Jackson rout and bleach yourself. Alternatively, you can muster up a drop of courage and use your fucking legs. Whatever you do, stop making this thread you shithead.

Wearing a jacket is raciss

Just becasue someone is white and telling you something that makes total sense that you dont like doesnt make them a redneck it just means youre stubborn and wrong.

INstead of making lame-ass posts thinking someone is going to feel bad for you why dont you take even 1/4th of that energy and look for a job, jesus...

Welcome back Nigganon. We missed you.

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Boi, I'm not sure where to start here.This is either cleverly assembled bait, created using your personal knowledge of shitty small town life as framework for a web of memes, or you're a lazy shit-ass with no sense of accountability and no self motivation.

If its -40 outside, wear some fucking winter clothes to walk to every business in your shitty town to apply for a shitty job, or second shitty job. If it were easy or convenient to get out of poverty, Nobody would be Poor.

If you actually live in some post-apocalyptic sub-zero honkytonk ice-hell, just sell your blood plasma until you can buy a plane ticket to the surface world.

Stop being an eskimo nigger