I wanna learn to code
What websites do you Sup Forumsro's use?
I wanna learn to code
Other urls found in this thread:
w3schools.com has tutorials for every programming language that's important
Step one download a coding program
step two die alone and in faggotry
step three congrats you have learned to code
Sololearn is a fine app.
Bitch please, we're all already alone
Udemy is actually OK for learning very simple code and usually projects are an alright way to build a small portfolio. I would rec. getting some of their stuff on sale or just pirating what you can.
Codecademy is OK for absolute beginners as it really holds your hand, but their 'intensive course' is a waste of money. I audited a class on react once and got nothing out of it, I went in knowing nothing about react and came out with no suggestions on improving my code or best practices which to me means they didn't really pay attention or judge the code.
Pluralsight is very popular, with tests to track your 'level', not sure how useful it is but I think it's a decent way to know if you've actually learned something about whatever language you choose.
If you go to Sup Forums, stick to the daily programming thread but do not ask google-able questions, ask for critique on style or design, but be aware most are NEETs, so take the advice with a grain of sand.
Thanks user
Not big into web dev myself, but useful resource
The great grandaddy and most universally understood language is c. It has about 20 keywords or so. Install Linux in a vm, or djgpp (or cygwin) on windows, start using gcc and just Google it.
Thanks user, I mostly am on Sup Forums these days
Use to be a Sup Forumstard, but it's more nudes and less interesting post now
www.dumbfuckredneck.com is a good one
welcometowelfare.net is another
Been using linux for 3 years I think
I'm on MX linux right now
I usually download C 2nd edtion, it's the bible of coding
Thanks user
10 print "OP is a faggot"
20 goto 10
30 end
>Not big into web dev myself
lmao i knew it would get this response. it also has c++, java and c# tutorials. but you didn't seem to bother to check for it.
Basic for a basic bitch
Thanks user, I didn't know that
Last time I saw w3 It was mostly JavaScript and HTML
master race reporting in
OK boomer
Just remember Python is unarguably the best language. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise is either a liar or a fool.
we invented your precious vidya. respect your elders.
You didn't invent shit old man
Your life was a waste of time
Hmmm...So he was behind that