Boy butt /thread/

boy butt /thread/

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Jpost12345 is my Kik, send me some ass I'm horny as fuck.

Sauce plz

Dude who posts in trap threads. Don't know his name or any of his socials

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Ayy fucko I’m trying to see some ass too let it coagulate in here

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That’s a shame :(

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God I love being a faggot

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Uh ok?

Uh, ok?

Dis be u?

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Huehuehue, accidentally made the same two posts. Gee, I sure do hope someone gets fired for that blunder.

Winner gets to top

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How the FUCK do I find a qt, non crazy or exhausting shaved boy to fuck Sup Forums?

Great boi pussy. Kik me?

My god those tattoos are awful

Yeah sorry. I'm drunk and bored, but I do really love being gay.

I believe God is hidden right between every cute guys butt cheeks

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Not me. Just saved them from another thread.


It's called polka trash. It's just a different style of tattoo aesthetic.

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I'm a virgin

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No wonder it’s got the word trash in it.

My sluts favourite pic of their boi butt

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I’m more interested in that lamp in the back ground

Nice desk.

To each their own. I personally prefer neo traditional but do really enjoy polka trash on other people. Anything planned out looks good....unless it doesn't.

Do you have tattoos?

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Nice. I'd fuck you

really loved how this one turned out, r8 me

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I’m sorry I’m being a complete ass rn. I don’t happen to have any tattoos but maybe if I really liked one I would get one dirty on my back or on my arms. Thought about getting a tattoo of my gf’s name but she cheated on me and it’s kinda messed up me wanting a tattoo. Is this pic you btw?

How old is he? How old are you?

Cute. 8/10


Fuuug that’s really sexy. Would turn gay for a chance to fuck this ass 9/10.

We are both 20

I do tattoos. Number one rule: don't get some else's name unless it's your kids or your mom. Even if you do end up together forever it's just sorta trashy. Get something that reminds you of them if you really just have to but no names.

That is not me, I'm just a top who likes having good ass pics on hand in case there's a boy butt thread lol

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Love this 9/10

Oh cute. Got any more? You're a dick for putting online BUT if you have more I'd like to see

thanks! i think i've got a decent booty

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It's kinda artistic. In hang this in a gallery

Mmmm spread those sexy ass cheeks

Oh cool. How often does a tattoo take to fully complete.

That's a much better picture desu. Bump you up to a 9

Decent.... you’re calling your beautiful body decent? Fuck you don’t know how much I’d do just for a chance to fuck that beautiful plump ass. And from the looks of it’s you have a beautiful chest and back as well.

Yeah, that's good enough for me to drop a thirsty comment. You're pretty spot on about the pretty ass.

Show feet plz I’m tryna cum

Fuck am I gay for liking this?

what are these lighting setups? how do i get my room to illuminate my ass in a bright pink setting

Sup Forums do you prefer shaved or unshaved butts? I don't know if I should shave or not.

thanks :)

didn't do an explivit spread, have this tho

i try


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Hmmm...So he was behind that

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Nah bro they like being shown off lmao I don't have much on my phone but here is one

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:( why no feet...

Fuck that hole needs cum in it

Would make your toes curl from pleasure

Fuck you look so tight.

Depends. Every tattoo is different. I'm gonna say it averages out to 45 mins per square inch.

It takes awhile to set up, and break down, and thats not even including drawing/designing time.

If you do get one, one that you want to show off, just spend a shit ton of money. It'll be worth it. You may one day change your mind about how you feel about the "meaning" or what ever BUT you will never regret a legitimately good art piece that you can call your own.

Not him but footfags are the fucking worst. Their fetish is just normal enough to think they can spread it everywhere without being ashamed but just weird enough that it exclusively attracts brain damaged freaks

More recent pic of me c; Rate?
How r u Sup Forumsoyz.. any studz in WA??

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They? Is this a pronoun thing?

It's a cute butt. Do you raw dog them? Why aren't they your significant other?

Yeah I'm definitely bi. Wanna Snapchat?

Ooooooo someone's mad about something that doesn't affect them. Watch that. It's unbecoming and won't get you anywhere in life.

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I wanna fuck so badly, but I get so damn paranoid about hooking up. FML


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Have you ever had a dick in that tight hole?

Not mad, just explaining why you get so much hate

Where you from if you don’t mind me asking?

Wait you a virgin?

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Oh no I'm not a foot fag myself. I actually kind of gate feet. They're gross lol.

I just know better than to come for people that haven't called me.

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Dont have snapchat

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Don't hook up. Meet a nice guy, someone who can love-fuck you, and do that instead.

I feel so bad for people whos first time was an empty hookup

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It is a cute butt isn't it! On the pronoun thing both are fine but I sometimes just say them to keep that androgyny with him you know? Yeah I do raw dog it and it's great! And the whole significant other thing I want but for it to be more than a sex thing is difficult as he is in the closet currently :(

You and I both now that the gay community breeds shallow people who then go on to bread other gay people and perpetuate the shallow “life style”

Awwww a secret gay romance that's so cute.

My cousin was in the closet and I got to help sneak her around so she could see her girlfriend. Her mom eventually came around and now she's their biggest supporter. Parents are hardwired to love their kids no matter what, most of them come around.

Love your life, go on a real date, enjoy your youth. It's your life, make the most of it. Be safe and don't do drugs...alone

I've hooked up with a guy from /soc/ a couple years back actually. Dude obviously masturbated like 7 times a day because he couldn't cum from fucking me. Pretty disappointing for my only bang :/

Texas. Wish I could just get over myself and get a big daddy to pump me all night long

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Big long honkin boy feets!

Rate me Sup Forumsros?

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Your love life is what you make of it. Shallow selfish people are everywhere but that doesn't mean you have to be.

Love is there for the people willing to find it. Don't be so cynical.

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Who wouldn't cum in that sexy hole? Guy must've been gay

Ayy yo lemme smash/10

Wow what a asshole. Did he atleast treat you right?

Thanks for the advice I'll try and make something happen

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>Wish I could just get over myself and get a big daddy to pump me all night long

Oh we are out there, just look. Once I turned 30 my sex life blew up with little early 20something guys that just want a good dicking and a place to unwind. We're not hard to find. Just be careful of dudes who aren't going to appreciate you.

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Am I doomed Sup Forums? Will a man want to fuck this?

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He tried to be sweet, but obviously didn't know what he was getting himself into. Sure it was my first time with a guy, but somehow I felt more prepared than him.

Enlighten me on how to find them and be safe!

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Can you put something up your butt?

What about my cats name

>Enlighten me on how to find them and be safe!

If he cuts right to talking about fucking and doesn't care about who you are, then he's never going to care about who you are. If he pressures you into barebacking or tries to bareback (right away) then he's trash. It's kinda up to your own interpretation but I've met alot of guys who aren't "good guys"

As far as being safe goes: keep in mind that most people, who have multiple sexual partners, are carrying something. If you fuck around and "have fun" you're going to catch something. Most people have herpes, and alarming percentage of people have hpv because condoms don't so shit against it, and gonorrhea/chlamydia are common as all fuck but are thankfully cured easily.

So use protection, shower after sex with a stranger, and see a doctor if anything funky happens.

It's too bad you don't live near me because I'd take care of you but honestly I can't save everyone with my magic dick and I'm beside myself with my 3 boys already.

That's pretty fucking cool actually. But put it on a banner under a cartoonist portrait of your cat

>with my 3 boys already
How the fuck did you manage that feat

Thanks for the advice. I wish the threat of STD's didn't exist, that's kinda my main gripe. I ran out of my recent pics so have this one from a year back as a thanks.

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Just wait till you find a boyfriend, bro. Sex is waaaaay better when it means something. Yeah you can be fucked in the ass but being fucked in your brain is miles better.

It's fun to fantasize about daddies and fuck boys and BBC but honestly you've never been fucked until you've been fucked by someone who genuinely cares about you.

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That's good ass.

Show hole?

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Love this

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