What's the single best game you have ever played?

What's the single best game you have ever played?

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Not the best but one of my favourites. Dark souls (1,2,3) or Silent Hill ( 1,2,3)


Dark Souls 2 < 3< 1
But all of them are great

Used to be Ocarina of Time, but now it's NieR Automata

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Half-Life 2 and Gears of war 2 and 3, all blew my mind upon release.
Back when AAA meant something

FF6, enough said.

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Cliche, but the single best game i have ever played,
Definitely goes to Skyrim

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Doom 2

breath of the wild

Doom is complete garbage, Deus Ex is the only FPS on the PC worth playing

Best Zelda game coming through

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>Get a load of this faggot.

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Ok xoomer

F.E.A.R., Halo 1, Far Cry 1, Half-Life, Portal 2...

FF6, OOT, SOTC, Okami

WWE Smackdown: Here Comes the Pain

Time splitters:future perfect

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quake III arena

Mein neger


This game was the shit for me & my friends growing up, GT4 in particular was what we'd always play during our Halo 2 & Battlefront II parties

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The Walking Dead

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I know it's not that old of a game but man that ending really was the best

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Lots of games were great, but when I was 8-9 there was a Mario arcade game from before the original SMB. Wish I could remember the name. It wasn’t Donkey Kong or even Mario anything because nobody knew who Mario was back then. Basically there was a single screen and you flipped turtles to hit other turtles. Played the shit and all my paper route money out of that game.

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Considering hours spent, it would either be Age of Empires (any of them), Rise of Nations or Rome: Total War. Deux Ex is by far #1 in terms of sheer enjoyability though.

No specific order :P
>Devil may cry 3
>Dark souls 1
>Final fantasy tactics
>Xcom: enemy unknown
>Digital devil saga 1 & 2
>Dragon's dogma: dark arisen

Can't pick one, because they do different things. Best story arch has been Mass Effect 1-2-3. Andromeda doesn't exist in my headcanon.

Most comfortable is Dead Space 1-2-3. I'm sick of games trying to be everything at once. Dead Space series is nothing but a third person horror shooter. It attempts nothing else. Excellent.

But the game I've played the most, with more than 2000 hours played, is XCOM 2. Granted, I played the first XCOM 1300 hours as well, but XCOM 2:WOTC has been my go to for many years. I usually play on Legendary/Ironman, with all DLCs, and even though I've played the game for so many hours, I still lose fights in it. I still lose campaigns when RNJesus is against me. My only complaint in it is Shen, who fucking ruins everything with her dumbass comments.

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>Deux Ex
Deus Ex* goddamn

its ok to be gay

First one was amazing. Too dated graphics now for me, unfortunately. Invisible war was garbage, and human revolution was... Meh? I mean, it looked great but... Story wise? Sort of meh.

Can't decide on one, will just post some that come to mind
> Metroid Prime
> Beyond Good & Evil
> Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
> Final Fantasy VI
> Shadow of the Colossus
> Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
> NieR: Automata
> Super Smash Bros Melee

Let me guess, you're 29?

18 actually

I'd say the HD remake is up there. It really adds a lot to the look and it takes out some of the more annoying aspects of the original. Still wish there were 1 or 2 more dungeons, but the ones in the game are awesome

Fallout 3 or conkers bad fur day. Hard to choose

smash ultimate is pretty fun after i got burnt out from tf2

I only say that because I'm 29 and that's basically my list

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You have good taste, i salute you

mines close but I grew up with an SNES so I'd add Chrono Trigger, Mario World, Super Metroid and maybe Mario RPG. I'm 32

You're thinking of "'Mario Bros.', from 1983.

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This & FF9 are my choices honestly

All masterpieces, but you are missing EarthBound

I thought the same about the first but there are some cool-ass mods out there. Check out Revision, lots of new textures on practically everything and maps have been overhauled a bit as well. GMDX also includes graphics changes to a lesser extent but overhauls AI. Had fun with vanilla and both of those as well.

Human Revolution was nice but there are intentionally too many plotholes, some of which are sealed in Mankind Divided (haven't finished that yet). Also too many things that could be explained about the characters but are just peppered in with no backstory. I wrote a massive Steam review with the issues I had with this game actually, but overall I definitely didn't regret playing it, at least compared to Invisible War (believe me I tried playing the latter so many times but I just couldn't take it after a while).

I tried desperately to find a single flaw in ALTTP, but i can't

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Nah, didn't regret it either, but it wasn't the same as the first one. I loved that. Will absolutely check out revision. Thanks for the tip. Didn't play mankind divided because my brother said it was super short and a bit lame. Nice to look at though.

Everquest 1 from 1999-2004. Not even close.

The original Deus EX.
Laughably bad graphics by todays standards but by the time I had finished it I felt I had been on an adventure.

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Probably vampire the masquerade bloodlines.
Fallout 2
Gears of war 2
And majora's mask

This and the first are up there in the genre, they probably are the two enjoyable FPS games ive played on release. Both were groundbreaking and way ahead of their time and laid quite a lot of groundwork for a lot that followed.


I'm still a sucker for Bioshock.

More recently:
Horizon:Zero Dawn
Dead Cells

Red Dead 2.
Don't @ me or my son ever again.

Mankind Divided is very worth giving a try. Story-wise it is virtually entirely different from the original but the mechanics, graphics, character animations and interaction and overall gameplay are a breath of fresh air compared to Human Revolution. I haven't progressed too much but there is a lot going on if you choose to do sidequests and whatnot, which makes me think it won't be short at all cuz I'm a sucker for sidequests. Don't buy the booster "packs" (tactical, assault etc) thst come as DLCs though, they're literally one use.

RDR1 is the best one

The first didn't age as well as 2 but the Black Mesa remake is absolutely worth checking out. I think they're actually releasing a complete edition with xen pretty soon

It's a very immersive game. My gripe is that they were trying to be TOO realistic. I don't need looting animation on everyone I killed...but it is still just such a world you want to be in that you forgive all of that.

Don't know. Maybe Half Life or FFVII.
I did really enjoy Horizon: Zero Dawn. The first 'villain' in a long time I've actually hated.

diablo 2 > warcraft 3 frozen throne > flyff

FF7 is so fucking incredible, it's not even funny. Sure the pacing is awful, but when the story is good there's nothing like it

>Horizon: Zero Dawn
My man!!!!

The last of us
Silent hill 2
Bio shock 1 & 2
God of war series
Far cry 3
AC 4
Infamous 1 & 2

this is up there. the HD re-release from a few years back is worth checking out

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So it did have Mario Bros. in the name. Damn, 2k for a vintage unit.

you fucking idiot

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Read first paragraph of , I definitely recommend Revision for anyone wanting to see the game's graphics and maps revived while also not making the game unrecognizable.

A brave and powerful post

Not my personal favorite because I never got that good at it, still had a lot of fun playing with friends, but statecraft is probably the best game I played when I played games.

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Dark Souls 1

Psychonauts (you best play this)
Earthworm Jim 2
Silent Hill 2 & 3 (these just creep into your psyche)
Saints Row 2

My only gripe was the 4 player multiplayer. Goldeneye would stay playable with 4 players but Perfect Dark slowed to a crawl with a bunch of stuff happening at once

I don't do micro transactions in general. I'll keep an eye on mankind divided for winter-een-mas.

the only game that made me feel

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The perfect game

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Pffft, im not sure what all this other fucking garbage people are talking about is, but thats an easy answer:

>All Elder scrolls series
>Deus ex series
>Mass effect 1 & 2
>Some of the halo's before it became a bit oversaturated.
>Half life 1 and 2 are also bretty gud.

Some of the zeldas are pretty good, but much like halo, it becomes a bit stale and over saturated in the later games.

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Deadass about this game too

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To the Moon legit made me cry. No shame

Agree, going from playing Skyrim to Dark Souls was mindblowing. It was like a horror game, so much of Dark Souls scared the shit out of me at the time, it was a masterpiece & playing it as a co-op game is one of the best experiences ever

Red Dead 2, LoZ: Majora's Mask, Wind Waker, Mario Sunshine, Hollow Knight.

And my number one of all time.... Disco Elysium

Batman Arkham City, as someone who grew up watching The Batman & Batman TAS, it was the perfect game

Persona 5

Dis shit right here

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that's a fine game too

>Wind waker
>Mario sunshine

Are you gay?

This whole series. The story, the music, the gameplay, everything about it. The Legend of Heroes: Trails of is a close second.

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Worst in the series, Persona 2 duology is the peak because it combines classic SMT theme & Persona's core game design

Fuck, how did I forget

FABLE, masterpiece of its time.

Wind Waker is a masterpiece, playing it as a kid & seeing the tornado or giant Squid for the first time is one of the greatest moments in gaming history.

Metal Gear Solid 3 is probably my all time favorite. MGS, MGS2, and MGS 4 were all excellent too though.

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Breaking off topic for a fucking obscure one. This is just one that is strange, if you can find it. Fair warning the controls are horrible.

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MGS2 was my favorite, it's like the Space Odyssey of video games. Everything once you reach Arsenal Gear launch it into 10/10 territory