Should we be concerned?
Should we be concerned?
About the ONLY thing the great lord Cheeto was good for was smoothing things over with that nutcase.
No satan, see ya soon.
No. Trump solved the nuclear crisis with North Korea. He even said he should get the Nobel Peace Prize for it.
Doesn't Sup Forums remember?
You seriously think he's smoothing things over with NK? I can't tell if you're trolling.
Nah probably just fire a rocket over Japan or off the coast of South Korea. No biggie
I hope it minecraft update.
a turd on a string
I actually think this might be it. Just a "Hey, check out our christmas fireworks" type of thing. Simultaneously look cool to Trump, and flex on Japan.
I hope it's socks.
No way, it'll be awesome
My only concern is that the US won't get nuked
they gonna land on mars on christmas day
Who cares? China has already washed their hands on NK. Their nation won't survive a war. If they do launch a nuke, they'll hit California at best. No harm, no foul.
You realize that would mean you dying too, right? Or is M.A.D. a new concept for you?
True we dont even need california. They’d be doing us a favor
I do
there was a sizeable hard on and memes. abound.
Fruitcake. Mother fucking fruitcake
Big ching chong man ain’t gonna do shit
>not having your own nuclear bomb shelter
>Should we concerned?
>By Joshua Berlinger, CNN
>Joshua Berlinger
Nah, everything's fine. CNN is onion tier at this point.
No. He knows that he can get our attention with this shit act, so he does it to lead us by the nose for a bit, then he will usually do something like say" ok I'll stop if..." And then he lists his demands. Most likely food so his people can think he really DOES have the USA by the nose. It's like an act on stage, but the knife is real.
M.A.D. only applies to countries with a large enough nuclear arsenal. North Korea is not one of those nations.
True, but i like to compare the NK situation to the situation we had with Japan in WWII. No one thought Japan would attack the U.S, and that they wouldn’t stand a chance, but they eventually got sick of us blocking their imports so they went for it. North Korea could do the same and just launch a nuke to get us to stop our blockades.
He probably means he's going to reunite korea
Fair point. But he can't really hit them first without looking like the bad guys, even though I don't think anyone would really be that mad about it. Plus they know that they will lose if they pick a fight with us, so it's kind of a stalemate.
If they would just nuke California, I could live with that
oh yay, kim jong un is givimg america a christmas gift? is it the gift of Capitalism?
because god forbid the americans are actually more communistic than capitalistic
there's no blockades
I say Trump pulls a Bush and nukes California himself, and then blames it on North Korea so he has an excuse to invade. We’d be killing two birds with one stone.
another failed launch.
thanks, i hate it.
War is a much bigger deal than this thread seems to think it is. Leaders don't go into it this frivolously, not over childish insults like "dotard". We're not invading North Korea.
trump solved this crisis. more bullshit from the liberal media. now if you'll excuse me, i gotta go farm the land i used to own, but due to trumps tariffs made me go into debt and lose the farm.
but at least them liberals are owned.
They don't have a jewish controlled banking system so war is inevitable. Have you not been paying attention for the last 30 years?
But but we’d be getting rid of those dumb fucking liberals in California
you should get a loan from Deutsche bank and buy your farm back
Fucking kikes want to watch the world burn
Like they did back in the 40s
no they want to financially enslave the world, and they've nearly done it - after all they are god's chosen people and the goyim only exist to serve
So was hitler right? Do we need to exterminate the jews?
100 million fucking Deutsche marks
no, just don't do business with them - but they've wormed themselves into politics so deeply that they control policy and media to an unprecedented degree. I don't think it's possible to turn it around.
I’ll be damned
People never talk about the fact that the jews were not blameless. They funded both sides of ww1 and got incredibly rich off the ruination of germany. Any nation would have turned on them. They were fat and happy as non-jews starved around them.
The things that hurt them most:
Don't use social media.
Ignore mainstream media.
Don't buy movies or music or porn. Unless you're sending money directly to musicians, anyway.
hahaha... "solved"
We shouldn't be concerned at all. He knows that Trump muthafuka craze. He jus hopin he can get some chedda.
Tell Kim I'll take a PSVR headset and some games to play pl0x and thank you.
I hope he kills us all
Nah, its probably a lego ste :)
I don't care. As long as the US gets what it deserves I will die happy
fuck a goat omar
please be california
>starts wars all over the world
>expects no retaliation
your numbers have me conserened
are you satan trying to stir shit ?
Bitcoin to $1000000
that was so fucked up, trump was trying to do that but the asshole media was trying to bomb that I dunno how the sick fucks sleep at night
Bitcoin up crazy?
the only country that can be seen from space
Could just be fear mongering. But why? Views?
No he's only giving Trump a friutcake.
To get money from us duh
Someone should tell Kimchee Xmas is on the 25th.
Sure hope you're right. I'm in Seattle - the closest juicy target to NPK.
I hope we get nuclear winter
Why doesnt superman tell jim to knock it off?
>china angry at the Donald for supporting freedom in china
>pooh gives gook nuke 'em the go ahead
>they fire a nuclear missile at us
>pieces are flying off of it while it is going
>random nuts and bolts falling all across the ocean and sheet metal
>we intercept it with our better tech
>explodes like a garabge bag in the sky
>USA finally has an excuse to annihilate NK from existence
>trump literally NUTS as he slams the red button a thousand times
>north Korea stops existing along the border line
>gook of nuke flees to china
>"you're harboring a criminal, he's uuuge, a big criminal, no bigger. And you're going to give him to me."
>"oh donrald. YEW weill nevuh geit him."
>war with china
So, who is ready to get drafted?
>inb4 that one fucking moron saying "Ha, like anyone on Sup Forums would pass!" with a zoomer image macro
Fucking kill yourself.
Nice fan fic user
Most of the youth is fat and diseased. We have very few fit for service. On the upside we have tons of 12 year old gamers who would tear it up with drones.
>US shoots down any missiles
>Not that NK has any with enough range to hit us in the first place
>retaliates and glasses them, as well as the middle east and the UK
>saves the entire world
>god king trump ascends
yes please
Jokes on them im too fat to get drafted
Anyone else hope to fucking God that they nuke us all into oblivion? Honestly I secretly wish for it.
exactly, fear not tiny liberals. Heir Trump has it under control. The God known as Kim might be invincible and highly intelligent. but Heir Trump is a slayer of dragons and a drinker of colas.
Is he finally gonna nuke California Satan?
Please deliver Mr Un!
Do it faggot.
>and the UK
Your greatest ally?
You do know that the rest of Europe hates the UK for being your special friend, don't you?
That the middle east hates them too?
I am Fench and I fucking hate them because it is tradition. But to be honest the rest of the world hates you and your moron of a president.
>the article is authored by a CNN journalist
This is nice fake news
Nuh-uh CNN only reports objective facts
>Nuclear christmas when?
Oh look another nothing burger......It's fear mongering propaganda designed to attempt control of the masses. It's trying to keep people home for the holidays and glued to the television where more propaganda will be spread. All to create mindless drones
Ya fuck off frenchie. Who saved your ass from the nazis in ww2? Oh yeah uk and us
LOL Why is the guy talking?
Hate us while you can. Pretty soon you will be beheaded by isis in your very own streets.
Like we care what a frog surrender monkey thinks...btw, your govt is about to surrender to the muzzy horde living on the streets. enjoy worshipping Allah
The Nazi's didn't take all of France and we fought as best we could with the free French and the resistance, the Russians beat the Nazi's pretty much by themselves and your countries turning up wasn't necessary.
LOL why does this guy think I give a fuck?
Which country has lost the most of it's people to Muslim fanatics?
It's you fucktard, why don't you realize we don't recognize your description of our country, the only people who see it that way is FOX news and the retards that watch it.
Tfw trump and kimmy produced a sex tape hotter than Kim Kardashian
>frog surrender monkey
Kek, frog? What is this the 1950's?
Surrender? My family did not, all of France did not and the resistance helped to make your pointless invasion of Normandy succeed.
Monkey? America has far more of those than we do and far more Muslims, try looking out of your window for a change and not at your idiot-box running FOX news 24/7.
Yes they did the nazis were bombing the uk from France. The us pushed the germans out of france and met the Russians back in germany. If it wasn’t for us you’d be speaking german and saluting the fuhrer. So piss of stinky frenchman.
P.S: have fun praising allah when isis overruns you lol
Ya but the muslims here aren’t beheading people
Thanks, I wrote it all by myself.