Im back again because nobody was able to present a decent counter arguement last time

Im back again because nobody was able to present a decent counter arguement last time.

Rey > Luke.

He is a whiny, annoying plot armoured mary sue.

Change my mind.

Attached: 20191208_132229.jpg (1080x881, 341K)

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Nobody have any actual arguements other than the classic neckbeard "h8 her caus shes a girl" meme?

I would try to change your mind if I cared enough about your opinion, but I don't so bugger off

Thanks for the bump

star wars' time has been and gone it's time to move on

ill site a youtube video to detail my argument, as it has everything in it that destroys your argument

also kill yourself

Attached: asshatluke.jpg (673x992, 81K)

>36m video
>no thanks

np, is that a real pic of Daisy Ridley or is it photo shopped?

Its real, but it has also been shopped.
It in the original she has red and blue makeup bruises and shit all over her.

Her yes its her tits


I'm going to say Fallout 4, and before anyone shits themselves pointing out the flaws - yes. They're fucked. But if you mod the game, it can be a survival game that's excellent. My vanilla playthrough was just horrible. I gave the game a bad review on steam. Complete garbage. But if you play on survival difficulty, and you mod it with realistic lightning and damage, then it becomes a whole different game. Instead of leaping about with 12 weapons and 5000 rounds, you sort of have to limit yourself to 2 guns, one main and one sidearm. And you'll choose rifles before automatic because ammo weighs a ton and you don't want more than 100 bullets with you. Also, you have to keep an eye on food, disease, fatigue, etc.

But it takes some doing. Fallout 3 can be done similar, with wanderers edition. But as vanilla games, I think these games kinda sucks. Everything is a bullet sponge.

Hmmm, still no actual counter arguments.

I guess when you cant rely on the sewuel hate bandwagon, you dont actually have much of a case.

Fake and gay

attention span not to great from being so retarded?

Damn I hate having to jack off to dead Daisy Ridley.

>star wars shit
>like it's still popular
no one gives a shit about your faggotry.

>is that a real pic of Daisy Ridley or is it photo shopped?
it's shopped. this is the real thing.

Attached: 157546541.webm (640x480, 1.81M)

She is a whiny, annoying plot armoured mary sue.

Stop trying to start a weak ass debate over something so pedestrian. No one cares but you.

Attached: fount it.jpg (700x579, 24K)

And she's holding her breath to pretend being dead. Wonder how her lungs were feeling.

Luke changes throughout three movies. Rey doesn't change at all. Change makes a more interesting character. Maybe Rey is more of a BAMF, but unless you're autistic or a child that shouldn't matter.