What do I say
What do I say
be romantic user. Say "someone as beautiful as you"
That’s so fucking cheesy never say this
say nudes for the dudes?
How do I find out of its a catfish or not
you are too desperate, post call on vocaroo pls
she gave me her number and we talked
What are you waiting for to exchange tits for peener pictures and then share the goods? Don’t be a nigger...
Tell me what to fucking say to get nudes then
How old and experienced are you ffs? You escalate things sexually
Start throwing some sexual innuendos and shit and go from there you fucking retarded soy nigger baby
That shit doesn’t work on dating apps with hot girls unless you’re a 10/10. Let’s see your message screenshots Casanova
"Let me suck the stress out of your tiddies mami"
Gtfo my thread furfag
How bout
>ayyy mamasita, open bobs and show vagene for papi, si?
Seriously tho get the fuck outta here, anybody using those faggot ass apps already use snapsnatch, kik and all those other degenerate pic sending chat app thingy
Do what you normally do, the fact that it’s labeled as a dating app doesn’t mean that your usual techniques don’t apply
Stop making wxcuses and getting upoity and bring us back some TITS you nigger
Chop chop
Still waiting to see your screenshots loser
>inb4 you have none
I won’t be surprised
this user is a faggot that ain't fucking nobody
jesus lol. i can smell the desperation
Come on nigger i know you’re samefagging but still
Step your game up and you might get tits but otherwise i’m out of your thread gay boi
youre pathetic kid lol, you have no idea what works or what doesn’t with online dating and u know it