Alright Sup Forums, this thread is real simple. Describe yourself very briefly...

Alright Sup Forums, this thread is real simple. Describe yourself very briefly, and then honestly explain why you aren't married/have gf. This isn't a baww thread, it isn't a thread for advice and shit. I just want to see what the common thread is. If you have a gf, get out of this thread.

Me: 5'11, beefy but not particularly fat or thin very strong though, attractive when I clean up, college educated, independently wealthy (I'm no millionaire but I do better than most), very small but tight group of friends, very close relationship with all members of my family including cousins, but I keep them all at a distance because I don't want them to figure out what I'm all about in the end.

Why I don't have a significant other: Though I can be attractive I look very intense naturally, I've got too much hate in me honestly, but some of the hate I feel is more real and honest than most any other emotion I'd feel in this modern day we live in. I believe in honesty too much to put up with certain women, I've been in committed relationships before, but I never missed them when I'm single again (most women were always more of a hindrance to my doings than a good partner in crime). I definitely have standards that are too high, but I refuse to settle for less than what I want. Every year it gets harder to mask my disdain for thots. That and most of the successful and good-looking women I meet are either taken or too concerned about their careers/shitty friends.

What about you anons?

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no money no honey


Not married bc my gf and I are saving money to buy a place and then get married

So are you letting money rule your relationship? If so then money rules your bitch

I've never had money problems, but I have no honey, mostly because I would never want my hard-earned scratch to be feeding some woman who doesn't deserve it

Lol she gonna take that place from you right after you get married during the divorce to follow m8

Well she's been playing an awfully long con then.
I feel like I know the reason y'all are in this thread
I hate women too, but I don't hate this one

hit me up, I might be able to help you.

313 856 nineteen twenty

Hahahahaha. Not telling you to drop your woman or anything m8, but pull your head out of your ass. Love ain’t enough anymore, it’s one of man’s worst fears made real these days. They all play the long-con, I just saw my boss go through it a few months ago, and they were together for 28 years. She told him “I haven’t been in love with you for years” and all he could say back was “I wish you’d told me years ago then”. So she divorced-raped him and now he’s a depressive mess. Don’t let love cloud reality

OP clearly said this ain't an advice thread bud. We don't want your help

need more stories like this. These scare the shit outta me

Why am I single? Because my ex wife is a cheating, broken, gaslighting (I fucking hate using that term but it’s the best description) whore.

Idk she's racist and religious and hot and wants a bunch of kids
So I think I'm alright

>Buddy of mine married for years.
>Wife wants divorce, he has to pay alimony.
>get dragged through family court system
Which is a fucking wreck because the lawyers and judges are all buddy buddy
>two choices
>Keep working and start every month 1500 in the negative due to her payment
>force retire 3 years from his full term and give her HALF of his pension he gets.
Women are fucking disgusting

me: 6'4, good build, attractive
why: faggot

enjoy ur eternal search for a stacey whore with aids who will drain u of life and money straightfags


>getting married next Spring

>If you have a gf, get out of this thread.
>because it's not like I want advice from someone who is actually successful in this area
>I just want to keep calling women thots with shitty friends and blame them for my failures

I married a foreign girl at 24, of course it didn't work out. Most women need to be close to their mothers. She couldn't take it here in the states.

Ten years later, I married the love of my life in October. We had been together, happy and successful for three years.
We went on our honeymoon first week of November.
She has a stroke on the second day.
I'll never forget the ambulance ride to the hospital.
We're only 33 and in good shape.
It's been a little over a month. She's improving.
Godspeed love.
it can be a dog from hell.

I've been married 37 years. I made north of 300k yearly for years as a directional driller. We won a large lottery over a decade ago. All three kids are doctors, the middle a neurosurgeon. Wife got me and her through college with no debt as a stripper when we first got together.

We still love being around each other. Since the big win, we haven't been more than 50 feet apart most of the time.

Maybe if y'all would marry young and keep away from crazy stupid bitches things would work better.. Oh, and don't be stupid crazy bitch yourself either..

So, most of you are fucked.

Nevermind. Carry on.

I'm gay, or at least have raging homo thoughts, but I refuse to do anything with another man. Just not into it. And when I was 14 years old, right around when I started high school I was hit hard by puberty hormones and my craving to do gay stuff was at its strongest. I couldnt bare myself to do anything gay with another man, and still cant, but I was practically craving cock at that point. I needed to suck a cock and get get fucked. I thought I found a loophole that would allow me to indulge in that fantasy without "going gay". Little did I know that what I was eventually gonna do would have lasting impacts on who and what I find sexually attractive, and desire to be with in life.

So what did I do that screwed me up so bad? Well, in highschool I had this German shepherd, and long story short I "experimented" by sucking his cock one night, I liked it a lot, and one thing led to another and I eventually found myself getting fucked in the ass by this dog almost every night.

I really hated myself for letting it happen. A part of me who wanted to be a normal guy is still in there, showing slight attraction to the occasional girl, but I cant deny who I let myself become. I've been on a few tinder dates but they never go anywhere. I'm too beta to develop any chemistry or make any moves, and just end up thinking about how much of a sick fuck I was for letting a German shepherd use my ass like a dog pussy. The more the memories of that fade away, the more a part of me wants to just say "fuck it" to this whole self-improvement/rejoining society thing and get another dog and just settle for that, but that takes no effort and would ultimately be the end of me.

What do you guys think?

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I'm 6'2" on the heavier side, 335lb when I was last at the doctor but she says im perfectly just a little overweight. I don't work right now, trying to finish my technical certification in computer repair and maintenance then going back to college for my associates in IT. Don't have any money right now because my computer needed some major repairs. close to my family but a little distant to my dad's side cause they're racist and homophobic (they live in the south so no surprise there).

But to cut my rant about my personal life short, I'm too busy focusing on my education to be looking for an SO. I would love to have one but I want to get my education out of the way and be financially stable.

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marrying young is a fucking lottery. if you're not all lies, good for you. you got lucky.

I have a gf, but gone long without one. Honestly, women are ridiculous, that's why. You have to do absolutely everything right and not be awkward ever, not even for a second, or else they turned away so damn easy. It's not that women have "high standards", they're just very flaky and change their minds so easy, so they go for guys who just don't care about anything because only those guys don't care about how unpredictable, unreliable, and uncaring women really are. They just don't care about men, but they'll get with guys who don't care about them because everything is just too unbearable for women to tolerate. I'm not even talking about the level of having a girlfriend. THey didn't have to be a gf, I'm just saying, in general, in every way, women just don't care about men in general. And the fact that this even bothers me at all is too much for women to tolerate. They want me to not even care at all.

Kek, when does your novel come out user, it will be shit.

This larp is just boring.

What failures am I blaming them for? You projecting user? I’m the furthest thing from a failure in life. Not a single one of the guys I grew up with have even touched my level of success and I didn’t have to abandon my family to achieve it

I'm sure you're just an awesome winner yourself.

You fuck and get into relationships with fucked off cunts because you yourself are a fucked up cunt.

It's too late. You can't fix being that broken after the age of 15 usually. Yeah, I'm talking about most of you dorks in here. I was broken but found my way out. It's an individual accomplishment that is NEVER the same for anyone else. That's why therapy is fucking utter bullshit.

The start of fixing yourself is being fed up with everyone's bullshit especially your own to the point of finally fucking doing shit about it.

Fuck. Y'all cry and waaa in here worse than antifa will at Trump's next election win. No, fuck Trump. Kike bitch is just a ruse to distract all you stupid fucks on all sides.

It's gonna be great fucking filling up the mass graves.

I think you’re a shining example of how Sup Forums is complete garbage these days. I’m only here because my full/////chan is gone

cum too fast.
No woman wants to be with a 2 pumps chump.

>have even touched my level of success

Gee, I can't imagine why you've failed to connect with someone else on an emotional level.

Depends on who you marry.
My first wife. We have no ties together. No bank accounts, no property, no kids. So it was easy.

It was like practice for getting married for real.

Find a girl who loves you more then you love her. If that makes sense.

I haven't been to work in a month, cause my love is in rehab and I'm trying to teach her to walk again. I spend 15 hours a day there.
I'm trying to be her best coach.

We're both healthy, and in our 30s.

It's terrifying that his could happen to any of us.

no troll.

5'8'', extremely ripped but very lowkey when wearing a shirt (except fo veiny penis arms). Thin frame, huge calves. Always wearing shorts, even in winter. In college. Also very tight, small group of friends. Family also kept at a distance.
Long hair, unkempt facial hair. No deodorant. Look poor af. Never initiate a word exchange unless absolutely necessary. Have been actively avoiding getting a gf like this for years so as to not interfere with my plans while keeping my stats at a high level. If decide to have a gf, can shed my poverty aura overnight

The fuck are you on about dude? You schizo?

Sorry for being me user

post more low angle vagina shots OP

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27. 5'6". Fit, hispanic. Ex military. 6 year business education at two of the top schools in us.

Why? Couple reasons. 1 PTSD and alcoholic.

Last serious relationship got pregnant, ran away, got abused by someone else and miscarried our baby as a result.

I just want to be alone, drink, and sleep

>No deodorant. Look poor af. ...Have been actively avoiding getting a gf like this for years

all part of the master plan huh

Again, are you projecting? I connect with people emotionally all the time. Do you think that’s all it takes to find a decent woman and to hold them down and to be content within yourself for having done so? You’re either not comprehending what you’ve read, legit retarded, or attempting to larp as le successful life advice guy (who frequents Sup Forums)

Godspeed user.. Fuck, at least she's in the therapy part of whatever hell hit. Means she survived it.

I know what it's like seeing the person you love in ICU and there's shit all you can do other than be there if they regain consciousness... If this is your first experience with rehab therapist, they are worse than CIA waterboarders, and your best path to as complete a recovery as possible.

Her real fight starts in rehab.

>Again, are you projecting?
>I am rubber you are glue
>this is the best way I know of to argue

>my love
You’re definitely larping bruh, or she’s like 250 pounds and you think you’ve done well for yourself

Sorry to hear that m8, the sleep of the just is an award in itself though, no matter how small

What’s your problem? He doesn’t have a reason not to, and he clearly doesn’t like talking to everyday riff-raff (personally there’s few things I disdain more than dudes who will try to fake-smile there way into my good graces while endlessly talking about bullshit). I’m sure that user could clean up in an instant if someone showed him one good reason too

We spent the first 12 days in ICU in a foreign country.
I didn't sleep for three days, watching her monitors next to her.
She was in good care, I was too wound up to sleep.

I got her home through Air Ambulance, something I didn't even know existed.
We have good insurance.

You're looking for a bitch to own instead of a partner to bitch slap the world with.

Love is the ultimate narcissism shared with another. Your silly ass is keeping the narcissism focused in you. You're too busy fucking yourself to make love to a woman.

Unless while on a drive with her you could pull out a pistol in front of a bank and tell her "let's do this" and have no doubt she'd be right behind you watching your back and helping you pull it off without any hesitation, you ain't doing it right.

There's your solid advice, bitch.

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Yes indeed

6'1'' 145lb Software Engineer. Not ugly by any means, long hair so that is a put off sometimes.
Just split with my girlfriend of 2.5 years about a month ago. Single because, manyou need a quick break after that. That and socially retarded.

Yeah, took years before I could sleep without literally passing out drunk or from exhaustion. I'd go for days without sometimes.

Now I just like to sleep because it's an escape. Sometimes I still have bad dreams, but it's mostly better than being awake

Actually I’m not looking for anything bud, If I wanted to make love I’d pluck it from the tree like I always have. But that’s boring. I don’t want to put a woman through the pain of loving me. Not now anyways. There’s much work to be done

Oh and what advice? Nothing you’ve said was applicable to an everyday situation in any way, and no need to respond, I don’t want or need your advice, I just thought I’d point it out

Mind if I ask what a typical bad dream is like? A lot of Vets I know will describe them as your typical “reliving horrifying situations back overseas” but that always sounded kinda off to me. Dreams are always so much more abstract with more veiled threats than just reliving something you’ve already seen

Wow, good insurance indeed. I'm on a large Texas Ranch, so I pay $260 a month for air ambulance through a private provider. They show up in under 15 minutes when called, regular 911 could be as long as an hour to arrive and then nearly an hour to the nearest ICU.. But it is one of the most advanced ICU's in America: Scott and White Temple Texas.

Me and mines lives are worth it to us. Used it twice. Once when I got hit with pancreatitis from a gall stone and the second time when one of our kids got bit by a rattlesnake.. The second was insanely lucky, bit her hand webbing and little of the venom went in. Her little hand still swelled up bigger than a grapefruit.

I'm on Scott and White insurance, but it doesn't cover lifeflights unless EMS deems it necessary, hence the private coverage to skip the bullshit. Might you tell me what awesome insurance you have?

you said if I had to gf to get out the thread but I have a wife so I'm staying.

me: 5'10" 8/10 never really had much trouble sleeping with women, only trouble was in understanding them, but because I'm so fucking wholesome they still just seem to trust me and open up (open their legs too). I did a little university bud dropped out due to depression but I tell people it was that I found it boring and that I have to work with my body, not just my mind. So I signed up for a trade. Now that I've taken my mental health seriously I've seriously regretted not staying in Uni but nonetheless I feel really pretty fucking good. My family loves me and I love them too. Currently 34 and married to an aboriginal woman, I'm in Canada. I'm a little chubby and work in the trades. Few close friends but I like the ones I have (except that one, who wore my pants but whatever I was is best man)

Why I have a significant other: For me it's primarily about companionship and a very close second is financial interdependence. She's fucking loyal bois. I cheated on her and she stayed. I cheated with a very beautiful goyrl and this lady chased me down and waited while I broke up and dated the goyrl. She waited until that ran its course and took me back so needles to say I feel safe in this relationship, she LOVES me hard and tells me fairly often. A keeper for sure. She's fucking adorable (behavior wise) and a solid 8/10 too. I like spending time with her so the move to live together was an easy one. And get this. She makes more than I do. Like 20k more. So if she ever leaves I'M SET - get those monthly alimony cheques rolling in. We bought a house together and it was mostly her money that got us the deposit. When I'm not at work I mostly play with my wife and our cats or video game - seriously. She does most of the chores and carries most of the financial burden. She initiates sex more than I do so I feel wicked good still getting jumped for sex 7 years in It's the best dudes


What the fuck are you talking about? If you're with some chick who would rob a bank with you because you suddenly pulled out a gun and said "let's do this" then that women is a fucking psycho and so is the dude. That's literally the dumbest thing I've read today. That's like saying you have a perfect wife, she cooks, she respects my friends and family, and we share similar lines of thinking, oh and when I revealed to her that I randomly rape people in the middle of the night she totally wanted to join in. It's flawed logic

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Did you marry my ex wife?

You're just proving the point of why you faggot nerds get run over into emotional road pizza on the relationship Interstate.

I am in school, I'm relatively short, and I don't do much. I got a job, but it's minimum wage. I don't really want a relationship at the moment, mainly because I already with alot of drama already. I have been asked out once before, but I denied them. I also want to keep my money, spend it in me, y'know? Plus I've been told I'm thick, so that's a plus.

Double trips of hard hitting truth.

Are you... are you retarded?

He’s just larping as a lifestyle guru who has nothing to say user

me: 6'3, not attractive, not built like a chad
no relationship: cant take care of myself so im not gonna try to take care of someone else

Fine, you fucking retards.
5'9", thin as a rail, 130 lbs with extremely long hair (think 80's hippie).

Don't have one because I don't WANT one. I've been outside society since I was 10, so I don't feel the need to have other people around me and have absolutely ZERO desire for either a gf or wife. This isn't some kind of incel excuse, this is actual legitimate answer.

love is the worst reason to get married

not particularly attractive, dont meet new people often. string of shitty relationships in college left me pretty jaded about women in general.

Multiple college degrees, good career.
I've got money but I certainly wouldn't consider myself wealthy like OP.
Decently fit now and active in outdoor activities, but still a bit pudgy from a period in my 20s where I got depressed and just sat around drinking/smoking.

Don't have a gf because I have no idea how to find one. Don't know how to flirt. Can't read signals to know if someone is interested or just being friendly.

I believe you user, I actually think most single guys aren’t incels. A lot of the rage and hate we see towards women is because they have completely earned it. Today more so than ever before.

honestly im pretty fucked been diagnosed with ptsd and sever depression by a licensed doctor and i have a wife. Its not about what you are or even who you are or what you look like but how you portray yourself i was forced to build strength and confidence at a very young age with no fucks giving fucks givin if i was acutely happy . now i am a 25 year old with a beautiful wife and a whole lot of depression to deal with

sorry for the misspelling but i am very drunk right now

not handsome enough for women to throw themselves at me
not wealthy enough for them to pretend to like me
not charismatic enough to attract women without being handsome or rich

By wealthy, all I mean is i make enough to easily buy a house every two years (if I really wanted to). But that’s not my game. I’m more interested in saving that money for the next 10 years so I can buy a huge plot of land and get to work building a house/barracks/compound type deal. I’ve already got some of my people very interested in throwing in to make improvements in exchange for their place.

Sorry you legit can’t find a gf though m8, it’s easy enough to pickup women at the bars by acting outgoing (do it in a different city if you feel uncomfortable doing it in your backyard)

That’s my biggest problem too, my Charisma is like a 3, but all my other stats are high

18 Irish-German-Spanish male living in Ireland with an American citizenship. Above average looks. 6ft. Straight teeth (rare in Ireland). Pretty big dick. Above average intelligence. I get good grades without trying. Future is looking bright.

Why I don’t have a GF: I’m still in senior year. Character assassination that happened 3 years ago still haunts me because I live in a small town so no one likes me anymore. This includes the girls. Sucks man. Can’t wait to get the fuck out of here when I’m done school.

People keep saying that women are just looking for money, but that's obviously bullshit. Going out to bars in other cities to try to hit on women just sounds so sleazy though. Is that really what normies do?

What kind of character assassination if you don’t mind my asking?

41 , decent Job, 193 cm, 105kg, gray peppered Tempels and Beard

Not married because im Pedo

Had a gf for 5 years. Just got dumped. RIP

im 26 5'11 250ish I got a bit of extra weight but I have a large chest and quite a bit of muscle.
I clean up fairly well.
im paying off debt for school and my tools. im a mechanic. but that's no excuse.
I have a lot of self issues.
I still hold a lot of hate and insecurity deep inside. ive got stood up on my past two dates this year. my last gf was cheating with me on her then bf. girl before. codependent level clingy. before that. choose her abusive rapist exboyfriend.
I partly have shitty luck with choosing women.

Why'd she dump you?

Normies do way sleazier things to get with women friend hahaha. Going to another city is more of a way to unchain yourself from the usual you. You can experiment with your usual manner when you’re in a place where you won’t be recognized. I can do it fine in the city I live, but if I’m with a friend it’s pretty much impossible for me to act like someone other than myself. Just see the change of scenery as more like a playground y’know? Make up your rules (chicks dig a guy with his own rules)

Average looking white man, 24. Don’t talk to girls, don’t go outside. That’s about it.


Somewhere between fat and muscular
Long hair
Don't want a relationship

Understandable, but I don't think I could be someone other than myself anyway. Even if I could, it would be incredibly disingenuous, and if by some miracle I did get into a relationship, she'd find out soon enough that it was founded on lies. That said, being myself certainly hasn't worked either. I guess I'm just fucked either way.

Everyone thought I was a rat for a long time. I was too busy with school to prove my innocence since I had like 2 years of work to catch up on for not trying in school. Then I did. Everyone knows that it wasn’t me now. But the lack of respect is still as strong as ever. I understood why back then because of what they thought I was but I don’t get why they still view me in the same way. Its not like anyone wants to kill me anymore. But the lack of respect will always be there. Feels bad man

He could if he wanted to

>Socially retarded.
On /b

No need to state the obvious user

5'11, low amounts of fat, average in muscle mass and I've been told that I'm attractive by girls in highschool.I'm in college and have lots of interesting hobbies. However, I don't work, and have low understanding of my surroundings. my practical knowledge is limited because I spend most of my time in my head.
Only recently have I cured any timidness I used to have. I have a good amount of confidence, but that doesn't help because I can't relate to anyone. My entire life I've been somewhat awkward around others for various reasons and because of that I'm convinced that I can't live up to the expectations of a woman.

This is actually kind of excruciating because I have very high libido despite the fact that I've never had a single romantic encounter.
My standards aren't very high at all, I have very good social adaptivity so I'm confident I can make a relationship work with anybody if it wasn't for the fact I have no use for anybody.

Fuck user.

I get my healthcare at the VA.

I respect that. Those costs are insane. I don't know what I would do if I had to front that. I suppose I would be a man about it like you, but I'm just grateful I don't have to.

Sorry to hear mang. I recently ditched a friend of 10+ years for repeatedly snitching on me to my dad directly (we’re both 25, we’re both 25 and he would still report on me to my father, and my father would lie about to my face about it). I knew he was for years, but I turned a blind eye to it because for the early days I couldn’t prove it, and after I got proof I just didn’t want to make waves. But I’m not popular because I never once gave a shit what anyone thought of me. So he’s a rat piece of shit in the pussiest way possible, but I’ll always be the bad guy for being legit honest with people and being true to myself. It’s a gay clown world man.

I’m not saying lie about who you are user, I’m saying be you+ when you’re in a different city. If you’re more withdrawn around your home turf, be outgoing you to the max in a different town, even if you yourself might think you’d look like a jackass. That’s part of the fun if you’re not used to it. Quit being a defeatist, that dries pussies up

Ik how it feels man. My best friends was the rat and he pinned it on me. Even tried to kill me to push the narrative. Then everyone found out the truth. Guess what. People still like him :/

Op I’m just like you. You have to achieve ego death and it will all make sense. The hate you feel is only a protection for what power inside through Devine insight only few have access to retaining. Gnosis will free your mind and your soul. I’ll explain more but trust me op. I know

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Honesty 100

Incel detected

White guy, 39 years old, bald (shaved), 6'1", masters in CS, run a business, owe no bad debt, own two houses, don't really know one side of the family, the other is half great and half shitty. I take care of a sick uncle part time. I'm married (21 years), have four daughters, two dogs, a cat, and a gecko. Life gets full sometimes, but we always pull through.

A rabbit hole is just a place for rabbits until you crawl inside and realize what other animals stay inside.

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6'2, 27, 145 pound lanky guy.

Was actually engaged very recently but came to the realization that marrying a single mom was probably not gonna give me the future I really want and I knew I could do better if I tired, so I broke it off. Not opposed to having an SO at the moment and there is a cute girl at work I've been talking to but in reality I just need to work on my self through working out to not be a skinny, weakish dude anymore and focus my energies on getting my associates in applied sciences.

On top of that I've been trying to cultivate a philosophy for living life and the stoic school of thought has always been an attractive way of being so I'm trying to practice that and gain mastery over my own mind.

Honestly, I feel pretty good about life right now. Breaking off my engagement has lifted a dreadful and uncertain weight off me and now I feel free to pursue my interests as I see fit.

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Projection detected, Psycho chicks love a dude who’s full of hate m8

That’s exactly how I felt when I said no to marriage 4 years ago. Never looked back once

You will find it, just let it all consume you. You’ll be fine.

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So. You want to deal with her when she gets pissed, and oh yes btw, they get mad.
Maybe we should try bringing the true incels together, put a party where alt right male can meet their incel female counterparts, radical feminists