Will Villeneuve be able to do it, Sup Forums? Can somebody finally make a good adaption of this story?
What about sequels? Is there any way to even adapt God Emperor to the screen?
Will Villeneuve be able to do it, Sup Forums? Can somebody finally make a good adaption of this story?
What about sequels? Is there any way to even adapt God Emperor to the screen?
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No. We're going to get a SF action movie with Dune skin.
Idk, Arrival wasnt like that
Dune is the single most overrated piece of literally of the latter 20th century tbqh.
I'm halfway through it. Can't stand Paul and his mother. They do everything right, they got always the answer. Paul is a fucking Mary Sue.
No. If it's true to the books, shit like will leave diehard fans satisfied but normies puzzled. If they cater to the normies, diehard fans won't be pleased and normies don't really want a saga long space opera anyways. All they care about is "le spice must flow" meme.
You gotta see it as the story of the rise of Muad'Dib, told by his followers. I think all those historical entries at the beginning of chapters support this way of reading it. Of course their messiah did everything right and had no flaws.
The bible doesn't have any stories about how other kids didn't wan't to play with jesus because he was an entitled bastard or how he got tricked by a scam artist this one time at the market or some shit like that, either.
Dune: Messiah is about how Paul fucked up.
Spoiler alert, user: all those angsty pages Paul has about trying to prevent the jihad and the loss of billions of innocent lives?
he doesn't.
>They do everything right, they got always the answer.
Oh boy.
You're clearly illiterate so how would you know?
I just hope its entertaining. I was bored out of my fucking skull watching Lynch's version.
The Harkonnens were the only good part, even if they were nothing like the book.
I can justify that, but by doing so, I'd pretty much spoil the entire Dune series
Just accept they are amazing people and keep reading
I trust him more than any director in the past 30 years. The issue with adapting Dune is cutting down its script into something less than 3 hours while still maintaining the essence of the book.
>The issue with adapting Dune is cutting down its script into something less than 3 hours while still maintaining the essence of the book.
Which I still think cannot be done without just turning it into an action movie with Dune flavor sprinkled on top of it. That's why people have been saying forever that TV series is the way to go with Dune.
I've yet to see a TV series, even on Netflix, that actually captures the grandeur a propper adaptation of Dune would need.
Just imagine how shitty HBO's CGI worm would be.
It should be a two-part film, but those seem to be impossible to fund these days.
But besides, you could never make a movie of Messiah after that given its an assassination plot story following a story of literally taking over the universe.
It'll be his first disappointment of a film but will probably have enough atmosphere and vision to find sci fi audience appreciation.
The issue is that it's a movie and not a Netflix mega budget series. Just do what they did with The Expanse, adapt the first book into 10 episodes and throw cash at them, like 10 mill per episode. Cast great actors and pull from the mythology and world building detail so we get something with depth,
Should I read Dune? I read LotR and enjoyed it but otherwise don't really read fantasy/sci-fi stuff.
how have you NOT read dune already? at least read the genre classics.
If you enjoyed LotR I'm sure you'd enjoy Dune. It's very medeival-toned despite being futuristic. Plus it gets criticism for being dry, but LotR is way more dry so you should be good.
>It should be a two-part film, but those seem to be impossible to fund these days.
Nah. It should be a three parter. Stake the entire fucking studio on it and then completely vitalize the entire science fiction genre.
Oh yes.
Are you guys talking about the first book or the others ?
I'm gonna finish it but I hope it gets better.
i am going to stop you
you will never get to read it
If you don't like the first half of Dune, you won't like the second, and you'll hate the ending. You should just stop reading. Personal character flaws just aren't an important part of the series, it's much more big-picture.
you haven't read "Dhalgren", have you? heh heh heh
>and his mother. They do everything right,
Ordered by the Bene Gesserit to bear a daughter
she has a son
fucks up an eight-thousand year old breeding plan
causes the downfall of House Corrino and House Harkonnen
everything right. okay.
Harkonnen detected
>Not disliking Atreides makes you a Harkonnen
ehh sort of
Paul is a mary sue in character but I think people have unfairly made the assessment that someone who is good at things is automatically a bad character
That's not to say that most of the time definitly that is the case but It's also possible for a character to be really good at everything and also being an interesting character because of their internal conflict about what to do
Paul's good at everything but the whole book all he wants to do is avoid the galatic jihad he can see in his visions and he doesn't so there's that
The usage of Mary Sue as "good at stuff" is absurd anyway. Aside from the fact it's not anywhere near what Mary Sue technically means, you can make the argument nearly every non-underdog protagonist is one.
>two-part film
Hollywood can't do epics anymore?
Nobody is going to fund a 3+ hour long movie these days, especially not the potential start of a series.
The book is incredibly overrated SJW shit.
I trust him completely with the aesthetics and feel of the universe, I'm not so sure whether he'll be able to get the tone right.
>It should be a two-part film
Where would you end the first part?
Good question. Maybe after Paul's 1 on 1 with Jamis
>Anti gay, all-white society
Why? Because specifically bred women become the army in the fourth book?
I'd end it with Paul becoming Muad'Dib. The second part would focus on the Battle of Arrakeen and what follows.
I'd hope people would completely give up making a live action Dune.
They should just make high quality animated films.
hmm, dune would be good for it, yeah. i always though anime was the best medium for a silmarillion adaptation.
>1st movie ends with the Harkonnen and Sardaukar attacking Arrakis
>2nd movie details Paul's and Jessica's life among the Fremen, ends right before the timeskip, last part of the movie is Feyd-Rautha at the colosseum
>3rd movie Paul's guerrilla war against the Harkonnen, Muad'dib's ascension to the throne
>last part of the movie is Feyd-Rautha at the colosseum
That would actually be kino.
If only...
>teaser trailer for the movie
>begins with a black screen, voice over of Irulan saying Desert planet
>the camera follows a stillsuited and robed character ascending a dune, low, frequent thumping can be heard, as the character reaches the top of the dune, a sandworm can be seen rushing toward the screen, Irulan voiceovers Arrakis
>fade to black, Irulan voiceovers Dune
>the end
Nobody would take it seriously if it was animated.
Irulan's such a dumb, snivelling bitch. I'd prefer her not to narrate desu.
How many people have actually read past the first book?
I started reading the sequels recently. Loved children and am really enjoying God Emperor so far. Messiah was decent.
>How many people have actually read past the first book?
Not many considering this thread. Myself included.
I made a thread yesterday hoping only to talk about Dune the first book, not the entire series
Spoiled now. Fortunately I wasn't severely attached. Still though...
I liked Kyle MacLachlan as an adult Paul Muad'Dib.
Who would they cast as Paul now I wonder.
Idk user, it's kinda unreasonable to expect discussion of a 40+ year old series to have spoiler warnings.
Besides, it's more about the journey. After all, a theme of the series is knowing the future and being unable to change it.
Whoever it is they'll make him a whiny cunt.
Congrats, you've missed the entire point of Paul's character.
I actually think Villeneuve can pull this off, if he doesn't nothing is lost anyway
Hopefully someone younger looking
Reminder the God-Emperor is the best book in the series.
Also, reminder that you will never be seduced by a qt Bene Gesserit and milked for your seed.
>implying the Bene Gesserit would ever need the genes of someone who spends their free time shitposting on Sup Forums
maybe they need the autism gene for mentat-like abilities, let the man dream.
The ability to create memes of unparalleled power is an ability the Kwisatz Haderach must have
>the Kwisatz Haderach with the power to make memes a reality
is barron trump the kwisatz haderach?
Im 100 pages into it and don't get why it's so divisive. The complaints I keep seeing online are "it's a giant worm philosophizing for 400 pages" but that's not even that unappealing.
Has the gom jabbar been administered?
because its written as an epic you moron. About a Messiah figure...
Read the Gospels and try to find me some faults about Christ. One, just one.
That's because they're retards. The book is about Leto's Golden Path and how it will come to be achieved
jesus is middle eastern, there's your fault lol.
He's awake and listening to us. Sly little rascal.
The gospels aren't an epic. They're (allegedly) first-person accounts of events and were written as conversion pieces.
It'd be more appropriate to compare Paul to Odysseus. After all, his line is descended from Ajax.
Well, the most apt comparison is probably Muhammad anyways
well, I tried... I don't think anybody has actually read the whole fucking thing. they just like to be seen holding it in their hands. fucking hippies!
So much this. Dune made me realize why science fiction will never be accepted as real literature, if autists consider anything in that book to be good writing.
The inconsistent, asshat protagonist, the wildly changing omniscience of the narrator (who switches character perspectives mid-paragraph) and the suspenseless narrative in which 90% of the plot is predicted in the first two chapters (and everything goes exactly according to the fucking prophecy) make dune, in my opinion, the worst "epic" novel I have ever read. I had to force myself to keep reading after the first third, not even because I "just wanted to know what happened" but because I was desperately and incredulously searching for what the fuck people see in that book.
>I actually think Villeneuve can pull this off, if he doesn't nothing is lost anyway
except hundreds of millions of dollars better spent on adapting a science fiction novel that hasn't already been filmed twize.
>Paul is a fucking Mary Sue.
Duncan is the Mary Sue of the Dune series.
>when you completly miss the point and themes of the book but still post your shitty pseudo-intellectual opinion online thinking it's clever
Kek. I wrote that post to stoke the flames and bump the thread. You're by yourself on this one, senpai.
Can you guys imagine how many movies they will do if they ever reboot Lawrence of Arabia?
>Reminder the God-Emperor is the best book in the series.
This user is correct.
Also, pic related
>already been filmed twize.
Yes. Poorly. That's the point. That's like saying LotR shouldn't have been made because they already had the shitty animated film.
The Duncans are just simple sword folk.
Paul is not a Mary Sue. Its pretty well established where all of his skills come from.
He has been trained in combat from a young age, and received special Bene Gessert training to elevate his senses.
>That chart
Except Children was way better than Messiah.
>Children was way better
What was wrong with children? The only chapters I didn't enjoy were the ones where Leto is being force-fed spice because it dragged on for so long.
Wensicia was the most retarded villain I have came across in book.
Honestly, I liked most of it, but it's by far my least favorite
She is in like 3 scenes and was promptly banished.
the are gives it away.
>seen the film from time to time
>finally read Dune a few years ago
>not sure what to do about the shitload of sequels so basically give up on series as a whole
>now I shall walk the golden path
What am I in for? I'm going to re-read Dune first of course.
Anime has a bad rep because of moeshit, and modern anime is indeed quite filled with cliches. I recently watched 'A monster calls' and the animted fragments just blew me away. I immediately thought I would kill for a fantasy/sci-fi animated series in that style, and Dune and Silmarillion came to mind. Too bad this kind of animation is probably expensive as hell to make, so anythign longer than 30 minutes is out of the question, especially for a niche IP like some obscure space opera with very 'adult' themes.
I liked all six about the same, although the later ones do get somewhat incoherent. And Duncan Idaho is such a meme character, never understood all the hype about him.
>A monster calls
yeah, too hard to make, especially as a series, which is what i intended for silmarillion. it needs a couple of seasons to properly establish characters.
Leto II a cuck but a cool kind of cuck, so he's okay
>What am I in for?
wild ride. but remember, once you step onto the Golden Path, you'll walk it for the rest of your life
top kek lads
I stopped at the threesome scene. And I'm a degenerate who enjoys reading and writing porn fics, mind you. But for some reason Delaney's sex scenes just didn't do anything for me, and the threesome one just dragged on and on and I got literally bored. Actually, the real reason was being too much of a pussy to keep reading it in a cafeteria full of normie coworkers. Then giving too little fucks to return to it later. /blog
>when the spice vision kicks in
>the wildly changing omniscience of the narrator
Lel, stay triggered, millenial kid who grew up on dark fantasy drones desperately trying to copy GURM. POVs and first person are cancerous memes and need to die.
Finally, an example of digital done properly. Shame on Japan and 'Clang 2016'
is he fighting off Sup Forums cyber hacks with his mind, in order to protect his dad?
>>when the spice vision kicks in
is this an /his/ meme? got a set?
If anyone has a chance, it's him.
idk senpai i saved it from a thread on /lit/