

What do you think of getting one?
How easy is to get them where you live?
Do you plan on having children?

Im 19 years old and I got mine done for free because my country has universal healthcare. Painless, quick, smoked pot and in 4 days my balls didnt hurt, now confirmed infertile by a laboratory (also free)

Attached: reversing-a-vasectomy-illustration-76f368.png (800x720, 217K)

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Fantastic decision for me. Now I don't have to worry about getting any bitches pregnant. Cost me nothing, but I'm on Medicaid in the States.

Yucky. Doctors. Yes. No? Trivago-to-the-polls. Dab.

Condomless sex with my gf is amazing

Just take 2 rocks and be done with it.

How expensive is to get a vasectomy where you live?

Pee is stored in the balls.

For God's sake. No, I wouldn't get a vasectomy.
>"Have fun with your 3,000 kids then fag!"
Oh as if I'm going to waste my seed on some thot. And marriage? No, I'll pass. I've no problem with never having sex again. Vasectomy. No. I'm a man OP.

How is intentionally rendering a healthy body part useless in any way healthcare?

if you're not going to fuck again then it obviously doesn't matter, chief

Unfortunately I am too selfish and animalistic.

um, it's a lot easier to get the bitch to use birth control. it even *gasp* stops them from menstruating. that way, you don't need condoms and she's never a bloody mess.

the main issue there is that she'll probably fuck around and collect STDs to share with you.

Best part is when you don't tell chicks yer bangin' and they tell you they're pregnant.

>birth control stops menstruating
Virgin detected


That's right user. My father had a vasectomy after having 3 sons and 3 daughters. His wife actually asked him to reverse it so he could give her a baby. (He didn't do it.)

assuming op isnt already riddled with stds....

Its really useful to be the infertile one in the relationship

All of my wots.? While there is BC that does stop menstruation, most types sold have the "sugar pills" week so they do.

Absolutely kill yourself.

Did your wife's boyfriend command you to get one?

My girl hasnt had a period in 5 years

there are arm implants. we've had those in the US for decades.

Tell us some stories user

Yep, I stand corrected. Forgot about the Nexplanon (AKA "Raise yer arms up in da club to show everybody you ready for a train")

>>be me
>>be 50
>>be divorced twice
>>no kids first, second took my beloved daughter from me
>>never dating again

Imagine cucking yourself into having a feature of yourself permanently removed. You will certainly commit suicide when you're older, weather you believe it now or not.

I find adoption something meaningfull to take part in

>>also me but 30
>>dating super hot 19yo
>>get her pregnant
>>can just feel how beautiful that little girl is inside her
>>gf has abortion
>>I have no say either way
>>my first beautiful child was killed by her own mom

>he still thinks modern medicine is meant to keep people healthy

Attached: 1.png (794x1402, 1019K)

feed her a steak and stop frying her ovaries

Another socialist steralized
What a great day


>Literally castrated yourself instead of wearing a fucking condom.
Probably for the best. I don't want your retarded genes running around.

I'm 25 and very seriously considering one. I don't want to have kids so it makes sense, but for about $1,000 I can accomplish the same thing with condoms. Plus if I want to fuck around I gotta wrap it for STD prevention anyway. Stories occasionally pop up about pain or discomfort down the road, loss of sensation, etc, which have a slim chance of actually happening but it doesn't really seem worth the trouble.

lmao you almost certainly fucked any chance of having kids

I hope she gets AIDs in her bloodstream and passes it on to you because you don't wear a condom

Not OP, but I don't want my retarded genes running around EITHER. Hence a vasectomy. Hate kids and love having money. = Don't want any of my own useless offspring.

You will never be famous.
You will never be special.
You will never be anything than just a number.
You are also among the last of your kind.
Offspring will be your only chance at a legacy.
>*castrates self*
>"her derr now I cant get muh gerl preganannant becase al I car abot iz secks ha ha"
You're the definition of human trash.
Go ahead and get that vasectomy please.

Lagacy lol. On Sup Forums. Holy fuck people crack me up.

I can't help someone who has already been cucked and brainwashed.
You're too far gone. Death is your only cure.

I would argue that taking control of your own destiny is the opposite of being cucked.

Also if you think we're retarded, shouldn't you be happy we're infertile?

Already done. 99% of us are nothing special/famous.

The most deluded among us think we'll carry on a 'legacy'. Sure. If by legacy you mean another useless mouth to feed. I'm fine with my 'legacy' ending. It's literally no loss to the world. You seem to think I'd be offended or upset by that.

Does your legacy mean that much to you? Is there some guarantee YOUR offspring will be famous/important/special?

how the fuck are you gonna pee now?

Oh I am happy.
I just hate to see my own race further destruct itself.
I'm starting to realize there are fewer of us left that I initially thought.
Turns out members of my own kind, my kin, would rather be selfish narcissists that care more about momentary pleasures like sex, than the extinction of their fellow brothers and sisters.
You make me sick.

Imagine calling naturally intelligent children capable of higher level thinking by age 10 "useless".
Shut the fuck up jew.
I can smell your shit from here.


it's useful and i dont want children.

That's not much of an argument. Just a few insults hurled at a complete stranger. Over the internet.

Naturally intelligent is a silly argument. There's a difference between intelligence and being able to USE the intelligence. I deal with plenty of 'intelligent' people on a daily basis. These so called 'intelligent' people cause most of us in society more problems than we should have to deal with.

And you still didn't answer the question. What're the odds YOUR offspring will be important/special/famous?

More relevantly, what're the odds MY offspring would have been important/famous/special?

Sounds like somebody is scoping a target demographic haha also how easy the majority of the population would render themselves infertile
Nice try kike

Obligatory first response by same poster, gg

have at least 2 kids thx

sorry to here that. how exactly was she able to get custody?

Not much of a chance. Its not your job to ensure your offspring will be ultra successful. Its your job to be there for them, to continue the legacy of intelligent people willing to make reasonable decisions.
I don't expect a couple of kikes to see my point of view.

> Painless
>in 4 days my balls didnt hurt

I find your argument bizarre. Obviously you have a problem with 'kikes', yet you find it up set that 'kikes' won't be reproducing. Pick one side, christ.

Also, not jewish, by birth or practice so....great insult/insecurity? I guess?

Hands can't have periods fam

Once you side with the jews,
By all respects you are their victory.
Now go die alone 10 to 20 years after all your loved ones have died.

One of the dirty little secrets of a vasectomy is that it dramatically increases your chance of heart disease about 10 years down the road.
They've never figured out why but it's statistically significant.

Okay. I will. And ya know what? I'll have a decent amount of money to enjoy since I won't have OFFSPRING! :D

Won't that hurt your testosterone levels/libido?

Insurance agent. Can confirm.
Gingivitis too.

That sounds interesting maybe the change in hormone levels?

That's where you're wrong kiddo
www dot ncbi.nlm.nih dot gov/pmc/articles/PMC5572018/

I would never get a vasectomy.

It’s too important to impregnate the bitch when she doesn’t want a kid and force her to abort or else she is fighting against women having reproductive choices and a shit feminist. That by aborting she is strengthening the women’s movement.

I do my part user, do you?

That's interesting information.

Seems like you are a big picture sort of guy.

Do anal, no risk of pregnancy

Got mine done, it's been awesome. Already got 2 sons so no more for me thanks. I do get checked every year though, got 2 friends whose vasectomy grew back and became fertile again.

No, the testosterone is carried away from the balls in your blood. Your balls still work, you just cant supply swimmers to the seamen.