Why is SNL so fucking bad now

why is SNL so fucking bad now

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I still find some skits funny.
The Ape who could speak one got me chuckling.

Because they are forced to choose comedians by race and not how funny they are

orange man bad hahaha
orange man bad hahahahahaha
knock knock,
who der?
orange man bad


microcosm of how lefty ideology is shit.

Blacks women and soyboys

Too many kids are uptight. Religiously opposed to religion. Hates free speech unless you agree with them. Cant use certain words and need safe space to escape triggering. Fucking snowflakes.

They ruined comedy. Ask any comic.


because leftist politics saturated every comic bit done as well as how the casting is preformed. it killed the writing, art and chemistry on the set.

>current year
I haven't watched it in at least like 15 years, who the fuck is still watching this shit?

Media companies are far too worried about offending someone. Comedians and writers alike are forced threw a dick hole of what's allowed, what we're left with is unfunny and boring.

Hmmm, I feel like they've actually improved the show recently. It's a bigger cast with more range so the character acting is much better even if the writing isn't always on-point. I'm kind of bored with Baldwin's Trump and Weekend Update is consistently terrible because Colin Jost is an awful comedian and writer (Che is so-so) but everything else seems much more balanced. The political caricatures and writing are especially good for an election year (McKinnon as Elizabeth Warren AND Rudy Giuliani, the Eric and Don Jr. guys, Woody Harrelson's Biden).

SNL was always bad, except for the Weekend Update when Norm did it.

While you're right, it shit itself long before PC culture was jackstomped down everyone's throats.

Lol at you for thinking anything SNL does could be considered "leftist". Trump is a character, whether you support him or not, and has been a target for parody his entire life; how was any comedy show with access to celebrity impressionists going to pass on that. And I fucking hate Trump and I don't even think the current Baldwin parody is that good (it focuses on how ignorant Trump is while forgetting that he is also gleefully cruel).

Agreed, And even more so now that Disney swinging its big dick around. Fuck that company.

>long before PC culture was jackstomped down everyone's throats

Ugh I know, right? Now where will I go to hear slightly different versions of "trans/black/Muslim people are fucking weird huh?" 38 times consecutively?

I don't know about anyone else but I for one don't wanna live around a bunch of fucking freaks

This is going to be tough for you to process because it's comedy for smart people, but good, intelligent comedians can work without relying on punching down or saying the n-word:


"Ask any [lazy] comic."

So... don't? There's plenty of open land in this country. No one is forcing anyone to live next to anyone. Go build a self-sustaining shed in the woods or settle a few acres in Wyoming. There's plenty of on-brand comedy for you LCD types on the internet.

Or, when they move into my neighborhood,me, my family and my neighbors fuck with them till they leave.

Kill yourself.

Are you fuckers watching tonight? The "musical" guest is like an a wyatt mann comic brought to life

It always have, you just to dumb to realize it.

What year is your favorite season?


the old Jeopardy skits were pretty good with Norm sometimes, and Daryl Hammond as Connery

Fucking Sup Forums should just stand for Sup Forumsoomer now.

The walken skits where always my fav

>older than 20
ok kid

Kate and Pete are the only stars on the show
Fat Albert needs to bring ‘What’s Up With That?’ back. not that it was funny, but the song ruled.

... Said Grogg to the tribal messenger, unable to comprehend just WHY the tribe wanted him to stop pissing in the local water supply. Staring down as he shook the last few droplets from his penis, its minuscule size caused Grogg to wonder if perhaps it would be another difficult mating season; this would mark the 14th such season without success, and Grogg was at this point concerned that his unrivaled stretch of celibacy - involuntary though it was - might be a sign from the gods themselves that he was not meant to bear offspring. Would it be wise to ignore such a clear sign of intent from the universe? All this thinking was beginning to make Grogg very thirsty, and so he bent to cup his hands into the curiously warm pool directly beneath him and drank deeply.

It hasn't been funny since the 90s.

i don't think snl was always bad (OP). there are some pretty unfunny ppl now like pete davidson, colin jost, and leslie jones

the liberal agenda

Yeah, you guys can all wear spooky ghost sheets and like, vandalize undersirables' front yards with fire or something. You'll be like, I dunno, some sort of organized social group... like a small mob.
A clan? You can adopt a catchy name, maybe something with alliteration and some trendy misspelling of a pretty commonly-understood word. Idk, it sounds like you're the creative one here with your original ideas of how to deal with people whose idea of a romantic dinner with the wife doesn't involve ketchup-on-Wonderbread sandwiches with their most attractive sibling.

Leslie Jones hasn't been on the show for over a year dumbfuck.



You got it all wrong boss, I live in ny

Oh hey! You're right! Haha!

So leave if you don't like it. I assumed you didn't already live in a rural area because you were talking about how all the "freaks" were moving in around you. By all means, go build your luxury trailer park on some flat tract in the Midwest.

not supporting women. women are funny.

Luxury or no I would just be trading for another type a freak kek

Because all the best ones died or moved on.

They had Obama on again?

It’s not bad, it’s fucken genius. You’re just too butthurt/stupid to see the funny.

The trump skits are fucking hilarity incarnate

Because when it first came out, it was new and different, avante garde.
Snarky cynicism has become mainstream humor now, and SNL has therefore become ho-hum.
It's not its fault. It's the zeitgeist.

some of the trump skits i really like ya. baldwins talented.

ur autism is actually palpable

It was never good

forced zoomer humor

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your alt-right butthurt is showing

Funniest shit on TV!
I love it when they mug to the camera like we are all in on the same joke. It makes me feel like I am part of the SNL family and an accepted member of society.

Who gives a fuck? At the end 9f the day libtards be libtarding, trumptards be trumptarding, and we all be getting cucked by some brown chink named Daryl who lives in Uzbekizfuk making wifi connected tampons or some shit.


lol no... when it first came out in the mid 70s it was vulgar, anything for a laugh garbage. The only thing that made it passable was the obviously talented people who were being squandered on a bad program. It was only the mid 80s (the Phil Hartman era) where it was decent.

What a fucking nigger.

Because Lorne Michaels is a disgusting jew who will push disgusting jew bullshit relentlessly and unapologetically even if it means losing viewers. The narrative is more important to them. They have to push that shit non-stop at this point because they've moved into a different stage of their plan where they literally re-write history and re-structure reality in order to make their rabbis' babydicks hard

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Mostly black and jewish people and super leftist white people. Basically, people low IQs, no self awareness, no sense of humor, no understanding of literally anything, who are ready to be programmed

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>watching normalcattle content
>actually paying for cable tv
kys, OP

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So dave chapelle is terrible.


SNL was never funny. Not in the 90s, not in the 80s. My parents spoke highly of it so I just assumed it used to be funny. It was not and now it's all orunj man raysis n mean

>implying it was ever good

because they think politics are more important than free speech

SNL was never that funny it's always seems like the typical USA loud=funny humour.