How do I prepare my mom for my suicide? I’m her only child and her own mom killed herself. Is there anything I can do? Please
How do I prepare my mom for my suicide? I’m her only child and her own mom killed herself. Is there anything I can do...
You're retarded.
Be a better person. Stop trying to claim negligence over your own shortcomings in life. You have to be a real fucking scumbag to throw your own life away one shitty decision at a time, then turn around and try to kill yourself to try to dodge taking accountability for your own actions.
Fuck you.
Don't do it faglord, you'll kill her
Take her with you.
easy, don't do it. Faggot
There’s no fixing my life. I run 5 miles a day, got in shape, all to help my depression. Nothings worked society still hates me
Don't bro we can talk OP if you want but don't do it
Just go live outside of the grid
I'm not the dude you responded to but suicide is selfish as fuck. I work with firefighters and trust me there is no way you can prepare someone for something like that. It will haunt them till they die. Not just your mom but the first responders too. You are doing so much more damage than you even know. Even scum heroin addicts that od 2 times a week run these good, innocent people into the ground. You are selfish if you go through with it. Suffer for them
>society still hates me
This is a good indicator that you're not thinking clearly. Don't make rash decisions while you're in this state. Seek help.
People take pictures of me and watch me all the time. I’m a social freak who lost everything he had and doesn’t even know who he is anymore
Well I am the dude you responded to and I stand by my earlier comment. You're fixing to throw the only person who has truly unconditional love for you under the bus because 'muh emotions' are broken and you're too weak to live with it. Even worse if what you're saying is true and you're living a relatively good life. Selfish is a horrible understatement to describe how conceited such an action would be. No consideration for your mother. No consideration for anyone who will have to bear witness to however you choose to off yourself. So long as you get tons of attention by invoking the suicide card, that's all that matters, right?
Seriously, go fuck yourself. I sincerely mean that.
Move far away and start new.
Society doesn't give a fuck. You sound paranoid, go see a therapist.
Become estranged in some non taboo way and never contact her again
You're an awful person.
>Is there anything I can do?
How about live?
I once attempted suicide. My mom found me and became so distraught that she fell down the stairs. My dad found her. I awoke to him screaming and smashing all the windows. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't understand that my mom was dead. My dad is still in supported living.
If you weren't a pussy, you'd put your loved ones before you and do whatever you can to cope with whatever's bringing you down instead of coming here having already made up your mind that you are, with 100% absolute certainty, going to kill yourself, anyone else's input or feelings be damned.
Yeah, you're a pussy. Prove me wrong.
I'm a pussy and secretly proud of it. While all the rest of you are dickwaggling how many fights you can win I'm trying to figure out how I can prevent myself from hurting anyone.
Never understood all the knee jerk suicide responses. Oh, btw. Do it faggot.
The world trys to kill you and you let it
How am I the awful person when all of you and society watches me and thinks about how I should kill myself just for being out in public. People watch even in their cars while driving I’m driving just for me being in public
What if my loved ones hate me just as bad as the rest of the world
Is this a fucking riddle?
Yeah that's gonna hurt like hell man.. i fill gas cylinders with industrial nonflammable gasses and we put nuisance chemicals in all the gasses. Theres a small amount of sulfur or salt based something or other in there. Your lungs are the slug and the gas is the salt you get me? 1 or 2 breathes your fine then all of a sudden you lungs are on fire and you're eyes and nose are running like a motherfucker. Your puking and sneezing at the same time. It's not like the memes. They caught on to that shit long ago. Have fun with your helium tho.
All I can say is many of the people I work with would have the same thing to say.
Kill her first u retard
You sound like a schizo. Get help.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental disorder? As a person who has I'm telling you to see a doctor immediately and tell them these things. They can help.
My dad has schitzo and my mom has bipolar. I could but I can’t take anything of life anymore
I second this.. bro schizophrenia is treatable, wouldn't you rather take medicine and be happy than kill urself over a treatable illness?
Mans listen to me. You only get one life, so you might as well go out and have those experiences rather than waste your only opportunity. Get help, find a therapist or psychiatrist, that will honestly help you feel better. And about the whole 'society hates you' thing, it's bs. Once you get out of highschool, nobody gives the slightest shit about you except your loved ones. People got there own shit to deal with and that grade school bullying nonsense you think people do ain't real. Get help man, for your mom's sake and for yours. You can beat your depression.
>society still hates me
Because you're a whiny little brat. Grow a spine, and grow the fuck up, ya crybaby.
There is literally nothing you can do that will make your loss any less painful to her. She'll either kill herself or live the rest of her life in pain.
What does OP do for work?
Aside from the day to day faggotry.
Unload trucks
Have you thought about quitting and getting a new job just for a change of scenery if nothing else? Join the military and get sent somewhere foreign
It's not going to happen. There is nothing you can do to soften the blow. If you kill yourself, it will destroy your mother.
OP do it like this:
Get a bunch of concrete and dig a hole big enough to throw yourself in. Fill it with concrete and water and let yourself drown in it. This way cleanup is a cinch, or they can just cover you with dirt and leave you there.
>'muh emotions'
'murica, grug yeah.
First of all:
- You're trolling
- If you aren't don't do it faggot, if you're on Sup Forums then you've found a community that accepts terrible people like yourself and should be happy
But if you go with it, take out a life insurance policy, name your mother the beneficiary, and then kill yourself 3 years from today. That way the suicide clause won't kick in and your mom will get a bunch of money. In those three years I want you to reconsider your decisions up until this point.
t. Schlomo Goldstein
If society hates you, and you hate you life because of society, then you should continue living to spite society. Dont let society break you. Also, you cant prepare her. Suicide doesnt end any pain, it just gives it to other people.
Try jumping from a high building and while you are falling, do some really cool and radical free style movements.
At the end your mom will be sad, but thinking "at least he did that awesome 360" it helps for sure.
Wait for your own mother to die first, then kill yourself. Make that your mission faggot
>How do I prepare my mom for my suicide?
>Good diet and exercise to get /fit/
>buy the cheapest shitty AK you can that won't explode and get gud with it at the range
>go to Libya, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, or Columbia and Brazil I guess
>volunteer as a foreign recruit
>maybe kill a few ISIS insurgents or commies
>or at least absorb their bullets and save someone else's life
You are now an honorary martyr.
If you somehow survive you can just spend the rest of your days getting high off poppies or cocaine assuming your a fucking degenerate since all depressed people are.
>Take her with you.
We don't know if she's a good person or not, hell maybe she's a Saint especially since she has to put up with OP's faggotry.
Yes. Why don't these suicide people go out without at least making themselves useful? Kill some fucking terrorists or something at least die for a cause.
Anyway if you die fighting for something that matters at least she won't look back and think your a faggot and went out like a man.
My point exactly, hell maybe OP's life would be better just surviving among those who would inevitably become brothers in arms then maybe he'd feel he has something to live for and maybe settle down with some Latino or Arab girl that or just die like he wants to instead of complaining on a porn dump board.
I would suggest watching 11 reasons why on netflix, she did a pretty good job explaining it to her mom in the end. You have to watch it to see. If you decide on a moment that you're ready to do it you're always supposed to wait 24 hours before actually doing anything from that though or you're more likely to mess up. I was there once and I hope you don't do it user.
all you have to do is stop being such a self-centered little shit - wait for her to die, then you can do whatever the fuck you want.
>I would suggest watching 11 reasons why
>society still hates me
Care to elaborate. Feel free to talk.
And when times get tough in the Mojave they'll be lining up to kiss your feet. In due time user, in due time.
>>maybe kill a few ISIS insurgents or commies
The commies are the main ones who are fighting isis. You'd rightly be shot for doing so
Just try to hang in there, user. It's going to be hard for her to lose you, way too much, and I know this life sucks, man... I know people suck. I know everything pretty much sucks. Just externalize all that shit, and just do what you enjoy in life even at the expense of others. Do the bare minimum, and just coast through life like that... but don't hurt your mother like that on your way out, man. Do her better than that. I never appreciated my mother until it was too late and I constantly regret all the wrong I ever did her, you wouldn't be around to regret what you do to her but dude it'll fuck her right up... might even kill her if it hurts bad enough. So for her sake, try to stay strong. Try to find something to live for, man... Begging you here.
Victim mentality
>The commies are the main ones who are fighting isis.
Not once america and trukey are done.
>inb4 kurdish genocide
I’ve never seen a ask for help turn into a arguement, kek
>The commies are the main ones who are fighting isis.
YPG is weird and not really as hardliner partisan commies as that of the PKK Kurdish forces who are pure Marxists. I personally have always thought of them as more nationalist socialist lite and rather neutral with the USA, Russia, and the Syrian government.
They just want guns and to survive.
It depends on the Kurdish faction really, they work with each other but if they actually manage to make a country they wouldn't exactly be a unified one right away.
Also what's your point? I think the Vietnamese are based for driving the Mongols, French, Amerifats, and Chinese out of their country, I can tolerate their short period of commie shit before transitioning into a more capitalistic model based off commie larping. Also Broz Tito was alright despite being a commiefag who just wanted to keep is meme country from becoming a vessel of the Soviets or Americans.
Latin American commies though? I fucking hate the, a bunch of incompetent tin horn regimes that only keep themselves afloat via trade in cocaine and human trafficking.
Well we do need someone to keep funding ISIS and the Saudi's can't since they pissed off a poor as fuck mountain country (Yemen) and now they're getting their asses beat proportionately. And that's the role the Turks play, they won't become lee Neo Ottoman empire with the help of the burger.
To be fair half of them are useless Neets wouldn't be able to hold a job even if the wanted to. As for the other half there's no excuse.
Yea well isn't it selfish to bring a life into this world? Because none of us asked for this shit
a little thing called a murder suicide ;)
The absolute weakest argument ever. Made that all up by yourself, didn’t you? Stop repeating the talking point of other useless cunts and make something of yourself. Get fucked you selfish nigger
no, it's just human nature and the nature of literally every living thing to reproduce and further the species. You're right none of us asked for this. Your mom didn't ask to be born and have a faggot of a son but that's what she got because you're selfish
society doesn't hate you, you let them hate you.
your mind is a powerful tool, learn to control it
Do a back flip OP.
Don't, man. Please. It will get better. Look at the sky and the stars, you are not alone. We are there.
Based and better times pilled.
I hope you fuck up and survive long enough to regret it, you selfish sack of shit.
Have you tried growing a pair of balls and telling them to go fuck themselves? Then you can go about your marry way.
I know this is a bait thread but still your larping persona sounds like a bitch and should stop caring what random faggots think.
>not joining the caliphate instead
How often do you masturbate? No fap isn't a meme OP, you'll feel much better when you stop over stimulating with dopamine and eat healthier too.
suicide is for those have nothing else to gain or loose.
suicide literally mot fo everyone
>suicide literally mot fo everyone
Okay phone poster
What is it about your mom that makes people want to kill themselves? Where's dad?
Suicide isn't relieving your misery, it's passing it on to someone else. Only selfishness and cowardice drives you to it.
Get help.
You are not important enough for a passerby to care. If you are someone famous, you should go to one of those celebrity spa and get help.
kill her in her sleep
then she won't know that she was killed by her only child or that her only child committed suicide
Ok that's some serious schizophrenic shit right there. Stop what the fuck ever you're doing and get psychiatric treatment.
Hey OP,
I fantasize about killing myself several times a day. Recently I have even been having suicidal dreams.
Have you had suicidal dreams? They're pretty insane, once you're at the point of no return you realize how much you regret it and then you suddenly wake up.
Weirdly enough, right after I wake up, I just want to kill myself again.
>society still hates me
quit being black
Everybody needs to stip lying to this guy. Let him end his pain. We should all be so brave to do the same thing.
Talk to a therapist.
You can, and deserve to feel better.
Just dont, it gets better, taking advice from idiots who dont care about you is dumb
>taking advice from idiots who dont care about you is dumb
But I'm an idiot who does care...
Listen i know where you are. Suck to be a black man in america, or a man or a human. Try this...everyday you wake up just see it as another day. Eventually youll geylt numb and you can go through life easier. Most of these people have not felt what you feel and its why they say hurtful stuff. If you really want to commit suicide, give them reasonsz and let them comments make the decision. At least youll see that random people care for you and hate you even if it is for their ownselfish reasons. Perhaps try living for yours? Trust me, we all die. You dont have to rush it. Just wait your turn like everyone else.