How scary are antidepressants? I’ve never really cared about anything, I don’t have a goal that I want, I don’t have a job because I don’t know what I’m good at or want to do, I dropped out of college for similar reasons.
Now I’m just stuck with nothing. But I’m safe, I don’t want to fall down into something worse.
Antidepressants are most effective when used in conjunction with counseling. Side effects are prevalent. Know what you are getting into.
Joseph Wright
I’ve had therapy, not for very long, it didn’t seem the most helpful, but that’s also kind of much fault for not making a big change.
Ryder Rodriguez
You're not necessarily expected to make big changes right away. It's more about changing the way you look at things over time which will influence your actions down the road. It took me roughly two years to finally overcome my depression and stop medication. My advice is to try and take as few psychiatric drugs as possible. Obviously you will need what you need but don't just take something without carefully weighing the benefits and the side effects
Landon Ward
They help. Going through the month or two to truly get them working can be a struggle, but they really can help. Do not quit taking them, it’ll bring you back to where you are now.
Juan Wilson
bump while I type
Liam Richardson
bump again
Juan Barnes
John White
Yeah they're typically fine, but there are several types of antidepressants you can take. >SSRIs or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors that block serotonin from being metabolized. These are effective and are the most commonly prescribed. Side effects include low libido, akathisia, suicidal ideation, and photosensitivity. >SNRI or serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors also work, I currently take Pristiq or desvenlafaxine, which has been very good to me. Since it effects norepinephrine, it should be noted that the same side effects apply plus anxiety and perhaps agitation >TCAs or tricyclics, older antidepressants that were replaced long ago. They still have their therapeutic value. They affect serotonin and norepinephrine, with varying pharmacologies. Amineptine has stimulant properties, amitriptyline is very anticholinergic, tianeptine is a mu-opioid receptor agonist in high doses. But usually they have antimuscarinic and antihistaminergic properties. This makes them good to prescribe for sleep. They have a myriad of side effects tho, the most prevalent being sleepiness, impaired cognition, anxiety, suicidal ideation, the whole nine yards. >TeCAs or tetracyclics These are the shit. Too bad there aren't more of them. These include Mianserin and Mirtazipine (Remeron). These have similar properties and side effects to TCAs, but they're better at their job and much more better tolerated. The combination of Venlafaxine and Mirtazipine is called "California Rocket Fuel" and is said to rival MAOIs at the treatment of depression. I also take Mirtazipine for sleep and am on a variation of CRF. If TCAs don't work for you, TeCAs probably will.
To be cont.
Gabriel Cox
Are you a psychiatrist?
Easton Morris
Wow actually very helpful. I’m just sick of being 24 and living like a child, I’m too apathetic or lazy or immature to change.
Carter Thomas
Zoloft made my dick useless. Even for a month after I stopped taking it.
Austin Price
I have been trying to quit effexor for three months after not needing it anymore.
I can't feel my face or legs, and I have to use anivert tactically to go to the bathroom.
If you don't believe you can change any other way try meds, otherwise don't.
Matthew Reyes
Well that won’t be much of a problem for me, unless I get bored, that’s all my dick is used for
Brody Clark
>I'm too lazy gimme a pill
/Everything wrong with society
Daniel Hall
This is an effect some people get
Brandon Jackson
Well I can’t really do something if I don’t know what I’m doing. A big house, fancy car, and family? Why? I’ve never really felt like that
Michael Watson
>some people die from it, perfectly normal
Newage doctors are fucking retarded
Cameron Baker
>MAOIs or Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors These also come with a myriad of side effects, but they get the job done. They have a lot of contraindications or interactions, like you can't eat too much tyramine rich foods like cheese and fermented products, nor can you take it with DXM, to name a few. Doing so results in hypertension, and can make you feel like your on molly a bit. You can die if you don't watch yourself. They work by inhibiting MAOb or both MAOa and MAOb which are enzymes responsible for the metabolization of serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine, tyramine, among others. Taking these with something serotonergic or something I mentioned before can result in serotonin storm or syndrome. Not fun.
There are other antidepressants. like >DNRI bupropion, Wellbutrin, a very good antidepressant, a substituted cathinone (borderline stimulant) >Trazodone A phenylpiperazine derivative that functions as a SARI, a serotonin antagonist reuptake inhibitor. It works, but isn't really used for depression as much as sleep. It also isn't good in too high of a dose because it binds to the alpha adrenergic receptor and can cause heart arrythmias. It antagonizes 5-ht2 >Vortioxetine, acts similarly to an SSRI without being one, not sure what it's classified as yet. I hear it works well tho.
About to be Yeah, for anhedonia, I recommend bupropion or something like Desvenlafaxine You could also take something different like a mood stabilizer or something gabaergic altogether if these don't work. Remeron is a solid all 'round AD but it makes you sleepy.
The thing about medicine is that it's a practice, there is no one thing that works for everybody since everyone is different. Typically side effects subside after like 6 months.
That's a bad reaction. Don't quit, you have to taper. It's already built in your system.
But OP, even if an anti depressant is effective, there is nothing in this world that-
Camden Phillips
Try not doing, what you're currently doing.
If you don't have that kind of awareness you need therapy way way WAY more than you need medicine
Thomas Clark
I never said it's okay or normal.
Dominic Price
I am tapering you assumptive twat mongler. You think I found a way to constantly quit cold turkey for three months. NO SHIT it's a bad reaction Mr. We still don't exactly know the mechanism of these drugs, but everyone should take them because then it looks like doctors are doing more than covering their ass.
Ian Torres
Oh, please enlighten me how your statement wasn't some form of empty rationalization.
Try to make me believe you randomly said "the air contains oxygen" just for shits and giggles.
Retarded newage doctors think we are retarded.
Charles Long
compares to physical exercise. With as many antidepressants and other drugs I've been on, they just can't compete.
Also, I would encourage you to do some digging and pick out a few AD candidates before you go to the psych. You should look up the list of side effects and make your own decision, not something that the doctors push upon you. do a hepatic enzyme test, this will tell you what will work the best for you. I found out that I was a rapid metabolizer of CYP2D6, so most antidepressants wouldn't work too well. I chose Desvenlafaxine because it's just effexor that has already been metabolized for me. Remeron because it's just solid all around. SSRIs never really worked well by themselves for me, that's when I found out why. TCAs would just give me side effects and no benefits.
Wyatt Ortiz
No, I just assumed you quit and were still experiencing bad effects for fuck's sake.
Colton Powell
And that would be why I called you an assumptive twat mongler. Congrats you holier than thou, high nose, fart sniffer.
Cameron Richardson
they literally do nothing
Lincoln Smith
Yeah okay retard
Evan Bailey
Unless you're about to an hero stay away from them
Tyler Mitchell
Seriously if there are any physicians on here under 40 go back to convincing people in hospitals and clinics that you "practice" medicine because people who suffer know every last one of you is a pedantic, CYA, pillmill.
Aiden Gonzalez
That’s fine, I can occupy my time better sure, but it still won’t make me passionate about something
Nathan Nguyen
Aaron Bennett
The side effects were pretty big for me. Therapy and becoming more active did way more for me than pills.
Joseph Ramirez
I don’t know if that’s good advice, you can’t give yourself a passion for something, if everything is hollow for you, there’s something wrong.
Hudson Gomez
I had some a few years ago and they basically had 0 effect on me other than making me super tired all the time
Jason Green
Lexapro works very well for me but gives me crazy sugar cravings due to its brain fuckery with dopamine. The beginning sucked ass but the end product is worth it.
Aaron Ramirez
But if course, you need physical exercise, an improved diet and a productive lifestyle to really get out of your depression
James Barnes
I’m just aimless. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with my life or how I’m supposed to know. Yeah diet, exercise, and a job would help in the mean time.