Chastity bread pls

Chastity bread pls

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Here’s mine!

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So cute. I'd love to get you dripping, any more?

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i really wish i was a sissy in chastity

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Why thank you! And sure!

How do i get my gf to lock me in chastity?

You probably need to get a bull or at least a very nice dildo you can use on her to fulfill her needs.

Convince her that you're doing a no-nut and you need her help to maintain your discipline.

I thought girls aren't a fan of nnn.

It implies that you masturbate so much that you're unable to function in life

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Would love to cum all over your little clit while it is locked up

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oc? more

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Im white, male and 19 with a under average cock.
What reasons are there for me to feminize and go into chastity.

Why don’t you be

Small dick, and you want to. Otherwise you wouldn't be asking.

More butts preferably oc

Yes im intrgued but what actually is in it for me do you all enjoy it? All the time? Im just confused on how i feel i guess.

Yea this is me

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Beautiful feet gorgeous ass damn I might be in love

last one i got for you guys

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Heaven I’m gonna cum so hard for you beautiful

More feet please

I love your asshole gorgeous