R8, h8, debate favourite films

here's mine.

whatddya think...?

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Oscar bait taste mixed with a bit of r/movies


I remember being 14.

Couple of good ones there, I like seeing Being John Malkovich on your list.

>Inside Out
Oh shit nigger what are you doing? That movie was a waste of a good concept imo.

I'll give you a 6/10 for listing what amounts to bretty gud films.

Oscarbait/10, still some good flicks in there, though

Sup Forums really hates PTA for some reason. I don't know why, I've only seen TWBB which wasn't bad. Taxi Driver and Dog Day Afternoon are two of my favorites too. Social network, Steve Jobs, why? I think I just hate biographical/based on "true" story films. The rest I'm not interested in seeing or haven't seen yet but want to.


i've heard of every film on that list and watched most of them so you must be a pleb!!

Steve Jobs... the script is just amazing, danny boyle gives it some much needed zest as well.

I mean obviously Aaron Sorkin is a meme and the way characters speak is totally unnatural but it doesn't stop it from being really entertaining and bitingly intelligent. And of course the social network is also written by him and needless to say the writing is top tier, I also love finchers direction. The colour palette in social network just is so lovely.

If you want to get a decent insight into the brilliance of these movies give these a watch:

Pay attention to the score, too.

Also I just think michael fassbender's performance is fucking fantastic. Also to an extent I really identify with the personalities of the 2 characters (steve jobs and mark zuckerburg) as they are portrayed, smart as fuck abrasive characters.

PTA is a fucking genius, that's all I have to say on that.

I watched blade runner for the first time a few months ago, absolute fucking classic. So in love with just the ambiance of the world, also the ending scene with the monologue from the replicant is really, really cool.

Robocop never impressed me too much, not sure why. Must be my pleb tendencies.

>Also to an extent I really identify with the personalities of the 2 characters (steve jobs and mark zuckerburg) as they are portrayed, smart as fuck abrasive characters.

The Social Network is a modern masterpiece and the only real hate I've seen about it on Sup Forums since it came out is


In no particular order, except the abyss, in terms of how much I was enjoying myself watching them
>The Abyss
>Van Helsing
>Die Hard 3
>Demolition Man
>Last Crusade
Bonus: Hardcore Henry


>I really identify with the personalities of the 2 characters (steve jobs and mark zuckerburg) as they are portrayed, smart as fuck abrasive characters.


apocalypse now and the mission are nowhere to be seen. Also, only one de niro movie? And that movie is meme de niro, not the king of comedy or deer hunter or meet the fockers

Are you kidding? I can't stand PTA, but, as far as I've noticed, he gets constant praise on Sup Forums.

Lmao. Embrace the cringe, lads

what do you have against pta?

What's his endgame?

I relate far more to this user than OP.
Op I really dislike your selection


1. Million Dollar Baby
2. Werckmeister Harmonies
3. 12 Angry Men
4. Unforgiven
5. Paths of Glory
6. Raiders of The Lost Ark
7. Melancholia
8. Shadow Warrior
9. Vertigo
10. TESB

Why DH3?
12/14 good taste user


Life Of Brian
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
Pretty Woman
The Breakfast Club
Coyote Ugly
Hot Fuzz

1. Eyes Wide Shut
2. Fire Walk With Me
3. Starship Troopers
4. Chinatown
5. Repulsion
6. Coraline
7. Videodrome
8. The Master
9. House of the Devil
10. The Little mermaid

I can't believe these are the people who I talk to about films. No wonder you have to wade through a mile of shit to find one nugget of delicious corn in this septic tank of a board.

Good detective kino? nothing cheesy or predictable; action or thriller or noir idunno
like the man who wasnt there or bruce willis stuff

>paths of glory

>million dollar baby
wew fuckin' lad

Chinatown is on a few of the lists in this thread, if you haven't seen it.

Inherent Vice

Sup Forums: the list

True Detective
The Driver
The Long Goodbye
Dirty Harry
LA Confidential
Lethal Weapon

wew lad
what version of the little mermaid?

Up next.
Okay, wtf is wrong with this movie..

thomas pynchon.

Happy to help

Thank you user, made my day. I didn't even know there was a Japanese version of the little mermaid, going to watch it asap.

nice picks, how did you like synechdoche, new York?

are you kidding? he's part of the Sup Forumscore trinity alongside Malick and Refn

woah you actually enjoyed a movie? fucking pleb faggot

The Social Network has one of the best screenplays of this decade

Stop browsing Sup Forums while watching movies, pleb.

they all dog shit taste. Dunston Checks In, Ace Ventura and Austin Powers best films ever.

social network is really well crafted and put together but I don't get any sort of emotional investment watching it which i kind of get with a few of his films. they're too cold and distant

This picture actually made me sad enough to reply before I hide this thread.

>Wew lading MDB
I will fucking fight you

I thought it was pretty alright, strong 7/10 if I had to say. Like, I think it would have been a lot better if he cut 30 mins from the run time and a lot of the kinda obtuse pointless XD so weeeird postmodern shit and distilled the entire point of the film, when he's driving through the civilisation which is reduced to ruin and the voice piece is spelling everything out to you - which I actually really liked, down.

On the subject of kaufman, are you a fan of eternal sunshine? Personally I didn't like it at all, 6/10; maybe I'm a pleb but I just wanted... more? I kept waiting for a linear narrative to start up as they went through his mind and it just kept getting weirder and weirder, which obviously was mildly interesting and original but it didn't keep me engaged at all. Just thought it was silly. Also thought some of the plot elements felt totally unnatural, shoe horned in and stupid, like when the old guy is removed from kirsten dunst's head and eiljah wood going after kate winslet.

Just was a big disappointment overall especially with the film being talked up as top 5 of the century thus far.

I think you need to watch more films made before 1970.

Definitely man, outing my pleb status here but I've seen like none. Always just put my cutoff point at 70s movies for some reason, and I know it's bad but I've just never had the fire under my arse to right it.

Where should I start?


Fight me. I would paralyze your ass and yank
out your breathing tube.

In no particular order: Terminator 2, Aliens, Robocop 2, Akira, Total Recall, Mean Girls, Friday, Sixteen Candles, Supertroopers, Spaceballs.


It's a great film, senpai. Eastwood's best since Unforgiven

>steve jobs
You're a pleb mouthbreather trying too hard. Do your parents a favour and neck yourself.

>The Searchers
>On the Waterfront
>The Birds
>Otto e Mezzo
>Fantasia (Sup Forums)
>Secret of Kells (Sup Forums)
>Song of the Sea (Sup Forums)

So millennial I can't tell if it's bait or not. Why don't you add Pulp Fiction and Fight Club while you're at it?

Cheesy but in a good way. Probably a jack-of-all-trades kind of guy who doesn't take things too seriously.

I am 19 so it makes sense tbf. I regret including 12 years a slave over blade runner, deeply.

Obviously you're being ironic but fight club is just a good flick and pulp fiction is obviously top tier but as far as i'm concerned it's a victim of its own popularity; I just cannot take it seriously with every other scene ingrained in my mind through that big buzzword: *pop culture*

You're an idiot


>I regret including 12 years a slave

You have so much more to apologize for.

The 2012 Sight and Sound Poll's top 100 films is a great resource. Pic also related.

why is that a joke? do you really think the lumiere shorts aren't essential to cinema you fucking retard?

Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

1. Calamari Union
2. Persona
3. To Live and Die in L.A.
4. The King of Comedy
5. Wild at Heart
6. The Tenant
7. American Psycho


>Taxi Driver

>The Social Network

>Manchester By The Sea

literally the only good films on that list.

>inside out is bad
fix your anima you pleb

Fuck it.
>Big Trouble in Little China
>Tango & Cash
>Midnight Run
>The Hidden
>And Then There Were None
>King Kong (1933)
>Under Siege 2

Good list

So you think that most of the best films ever made came out in the last 5 years and all are american? Don't you think this might indicate you're a little immature in your tastes and haven't seen very many films so there's no point in you making a little list about it?

I never said they're the best films ever made, I said they're the ones I like the most which I've seen so bit of a straw man argument

Tbh in terms of western films from the 70s onwards I've seen a loot, probably a lot more than you're assuming. Just because I prefer films from the last 5 years doesn't necessarily mean they're the only ones I've seen, although it's understandable you'd come to that conclusion. Yes I do admit my foreign film knowledge is lacking but I've seen a few.

Perhaps the fact the movies are fresh in my mind is a contributing factor, who knows

1. Network
2. Fargo
3. Shane
4. F for Fake
5. Local Hero
6. The Warriors
7. Dawn of the Dead (1978)
8. Jason and the Argonauts
9. Layer Cake
10. Forbidden Planet

>Jason and the Argonauts

Mien negro

>apocalypse now in top place
mein neger

Assuming favorite means personal favorite and not necessarily most well-made, here's mine (in order of reverence and preference):

- Apocalypse Now!
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Léon
- In the Mood for Love
- Fargo
- Network
- The Sting
- The Big Lebowski
- Her
- Drive

Forgot to mention Sans Soleil

>Assuming favorite means personal favorite and not necessarily most well-made
why would these two not be the same? do you enjoy shit films?

Very... top 10 list tier stuff. Very boring taste. Not open to individuality. Automatically goes with what's most applauded.

Yeah well I might have a few guilty pleasures that didn't make the list (like Solaris or Hail Caesar), but I was actually referring to masterpieces rather than shitty ones.

I mean I've watched and liked things like The Godfather, 12 Angry Men, Spirited Away or Rashomon, but I didn't put any of them in and rather preferred things like Her and Drive. They're not particularly shitty, but they're not on the same level as the latter either.

only films I've seen on film

Eyes Without a Face
Notre Musique
Fruits of Paradise
Time Regained
Abraham's Valley
The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
Essay of a Crime
Spirit of the Beehive

12 years a slave was great, but I feel like there's no way it's in your top ten unless you're black or just saw it like two hours ago

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back
Back To The Future
The Thing
Requiem for a Dream
Ferris Buellers Day Off
Blade Runner

pretty basic and not really interesting but i guess these movies mean the most to me

imdb af

1. Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition
2. Suicide Squad Extended Edition
3. Man of Steel

Honorable mentions
>Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice theatrical cut
>Suicide Squad theatrical cut


You have a bunch of gay movies that I don't like in your list. But you could very well be gay, so I'm not going to judge.

In no particular order
>Batman (1989)
>Reservoir Dogs
>The Shining
>American Psycho
>John Wick: Chapter 2
>Rocky IV
>The Terminator
>Starship Troopers
>Django Unchained
>King Kong (2005)
>Blade Runner
>The Wrestler

underrated post

carnival of souls
the chronicles of Riddick
bad taste
teenage catgirls in heat
kick ass
crash (1996)
dark star
master of the flying guillotine

>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
>Apocalypse Now
>Lawrence of Arabia
>Duck, You Sucker!
>Master and Commander
>The Assasination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
>Le Samourai
>Taxi Driver
>Dr. Strangelove

Watch more still a good list

Patrician taste right here

Great list, but why Persona is your favorite Bergman film?

8 1/2
End of Evangelion
The Passion of Joan of Arc
My Winnipeg
Synecdoche, New York
La Dolce Vita
Aguirre, the Wrath of God
The Holy Mountain
The Color of Pomegranates

>The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant
How does this compare to Fox and His Friends, it's the only Fassbinder film I've seen.

Did not like the Master and have not seen House of the Devil but a great list overall

good men

twin peaks: fwwm
who am i this time?
femme fatale
the kid with a bike
point break
they live
zombi 2
some came running
le trou

being john malkobich is ok

i don't know what you're thinking with that other poop

I find DH3 the most enjoyable of all
Die Hard 1 is obviously very good, and I really have a soft spot for 4
2 is still really good, but not on par with the rest
I think it's just something with the whole ''Simon says'' thing. That and the chemistry between Willis and Jackson

Are these the only movies you've seen or what?