Why does she keep speaking for the EU?

Ok. I get that she's in charge of Germany. But why is she in charge of the EU?

cuz EU = Germany

politics is hard innit ?


EU = 4th reich

Burger, are you trying to imply something about Führerin Merkel?

I don't know. Everytime some habbens in europe, news always say: "Hollande and Merkel meet for whatever"
I thought we were 28 countries in the Union (you're still in brittons).
Really makes you think tobekindahonestfam

This will backfire some day.

Euro bros of EU countries, you much start to organize, call/email your representatives and petition for your country's exit from the EU.

For the same reason, that the US would be in charge of a North-American Union

Juncker and other EU Autocrats need some high profile politician as their enforcer. Find Merkel. In charge of large country, looks like an attack dog, conformist, used to take commands from autocratic leadership i.e ex GDR.

The EU is the political aristocracy from across Europe, the autocrats in brussel and a bunch of large corporations. None of the countries or their people themselves matter. Only the interest of these groups.

Nah, they're fine. They just get the two largest countries to be their mouth pieces. That way they can push through anything. Fuck the EU.

wir schaffen das!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Guys how much do you hate me if i tell you i ferry illegals from Amsterdam to oostende for 500 euro the person and i take 8 persons a time?

>EU is an Economic Union
>Germany has the Largest economy
Gee, I don't know.

Germany pays most to EU.

>Implying it isn't already

Very few have ever heard of those in charge of the EU, Merkel fills that gap

Because it's an economical union, so the stronger is your economy, the stronger is your voice.
I totally agree that suck, and it's not what they say it is, but it is.

Hi, Is it true your country had the last king of scotland?

This. And look, it's not all bad.

I mean the old alco Juncker wanted to punish the UK for Brexit but Merkel called nein because german manufacturers don't want to lose a massive export market.

>looks like an attack dog
more like a comatose tortoise

Fuck off and make me some Tacos, Jose.

how much until her term ends again? I feel i've seen her in the news for 90% of my adult life, and i'm quite old myself

since no one in germany has the balls to put a bullet in her head how long until this ride ends peacefully?

HRE Mk.2

right now the EU is trying to get refugees in Europe Germany wants them the most she merkel is the one always talking

Tell me about how American politics work.

So it's about what country has the most money? They lead everything? It's not a vote between the countries that are in the union?

only 5 years to go
>Merkel gets reelected p sure

She will be reelected mate.

She really does look like a tortoise

Except it's not, shes just a puppet for them.

We don't have a term limit.
Wondering whether she makes it longer than Adenauer or even Kohl

>So it's about what country has the most money? They lead everything? It's not a vote between the countries that are in the union?

It's basically us + Germany who decide everything.

Germany has also the biggest population

If Hollande continues like that it'll soon be Italy taking your place

wait what?

would that be her third term?

your countries allow, by law, presidents to have 3 consecutive terms?

>first world countries they said

my sides are going past the orbit of Saturn right now


Here's the thing. Merkel hijacked a conservative party, in fact the only "electable" conservative party there is. Which means any alternative is FURTHER LEFT than her.

AFD is up and coming but women follow the media narrative and thus wont vote for them. Which means any change would be only to the left due to female voting patterns.

She's basically holding the party hostage, with the mayority of the lower and mid ranks wanting to see her gone but not give up the party itself. It's a huge mess.

No, the EU is lead from Brussels. They just put the larger economies on their leash such as Germany or France and use them to keep the rest in line. There's no real voting going one whatsoever, the EU commision which is made up of unelected commisars is doing most of the day to day decision making.

Only one more year and it'll all be over


it would even be allowed to have 20 consecutive terms if it were not for the mortality of humans

It'd be her 4th term.
We already had one chancellor for 5 terms

Simply: she has the balls.

The EU is not democratic or impartial. In fact, France never has to answer for their debt (but always follows german's orders) and germany never justified why the Deutch Bank went to shit.

In the old days, when both UK and France had a real saying, things were more or less working nicely, but not anymore.

She has the most power. She is turning into a dictator. She is one of the rulers who would go Erdogan's way if she is long enough in charge.


Eh if FN and the socialists get in the final round you're fucked either way in terms of EU power

>Bringing more in Belgium

Drive them to Calais at least you nigger

This guy.
She'll be reelected solely because she holds the most conservative party at gun point having filled the upper positions with her own goons. Any change otherwise would be to the left. The vast mayority of men refuse to go there looking at voting patterns. Women would need to shift to the right but they wont do it as they follow the media narrative instead flip flopping around between leftist parties whom they think might do stuff better but still give them lots of gibsmedat. SPD the coalition partner and far left party is crashing and burning in the polls as they're losing their female voters.

fuck outta here

If I put on a moustache, stop bathing and try to adopt a french accent. Do you think I could go and vote for the FN?

Honest question, want to help you guys. Because as long as the EU exists it's impossible to overthrow our own government and things will remain stagnant. FN winning would be huge.

Doesnt matter what she says or does she's a political zombie. Even the establishment realizes that Merkel has no political future.

The leftists are already planning an ultra-leftist red-red-green government coalition (infinitely worse than Merkel's current junta) for the 2017 federal elections, and they have a good chance at that unless AfD manages to get 20% of the votes (wont happen with Frauke Petry and people like Meuthen).

I know, but the republicans will be the one to pass, if the FN goes in the final around, everybody will vote against them

Linke never had many women voters.
They're closer to the ratio of the AfD.
You're thinking of the greens

German project at center of German domestic and foreign policy. Germany makes significant financial contributions to EU (also gets a lot out). Juncker is a discredited drunken oaf.

>and they have a good chance at that
No they don't
The current majority for Rot-rot-grün is because both AfD and FDP didn't get the 5%

i guess you've never been to the east?
Die Linke gets 20+% there

Aye lad but not for long.
FRexit will happen by the end of 2018 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of shitting on the 2nd Reich, Kek wills it.
Good luck mon amie, England's rooting for you.

You mean mk. 4

EU exists to keep Germany in check, not the other way around. Germany being in charge of the EU is one of the biggest misconceptions regularly being spread on Sup Forums

SPD is far left itself, Linke is radical left outright communist. Greens are far left aswell. These parties took the lion share of female votes for the longest time. The rise of the Greens right now is at large at the expense of the SPD whom women see as responsible for the current situation.

I.e women don't want this situation anymore, they found they don't like it afterall. But they want to virtue signal and they want lots of gibsmedat and social services. So they're switching from the SPD to the Greens. Because they're political illiterates and retarded as hell.

She isn't. The EU is a conglomerate of incompetent, inferior people who have risen to power through sheer bureaucracy and are now terrorising the population of half a continent with their inaptitude. They have the backing of the US, which is why no one is firing back at them. But don't worry, the French will save Europe again, just like it was them who got rid of medieval feudalism.

I thought that was what the NATO is for?

I'm saying they have a similiar gender ratio as the AfD.
I actually can't imagine how worthless the franc would be

they wish

>SPD is far left itself
They aren't far left. Did you already forget the Genosse der Bosse
Though I don't think there's a single party I hate as much as the greens. I really hope they act as retarded as last election

It's not necessarily so much a misconception as it is the desperate need to have an easy scapegoat. Germany lends itself fantastically for that, as even WW I and II propaganda is quite alive in the minds of people in Britain and the US who propagate it further.

Germans are one of the few groups you are still allowed to hate, insult and be angry about. Thus Germany is used as an outlet for all their anger and frustration they can't get rid of anywhere else. It's why even I as half Anglo know that the British and Americans are at best frenemies whom we need to work with to overthrow institutions such as the EU. Beyond that, they're not our friends and never will be. Even nowadays many of them wish they could murder us all and are convinced this would solve all problems in the world ever. Not so much the Sup Forums crowd altough you see that flaring up here quite regularly as the average person over.

The SPD is far left. The entire political spectrum has moved to the left. Which is one of the few reasons they're not seen as outright communist themselves nowadays.

The SPD has since forever been a hotbed and refugee of far left, communist and socialist sentiment. They have rebirthed the communists and sheltered them since forever, because ultimatively they're their brothers in arms and mind.

Sounds like German mischief if you ask me.
This is more accurate, but NATO is mainly to stop communism and the East so its pretty out dated now.
EU is just protectionism for German industry, a little chink kid will build a car at less than half the price of Fritz.
It would probably be pretty bad, at the same value as the the Euro by my reckoning.

Most powerful nation on EU parliament.
Germany has most seats.

Quite honestly you're literally retarded if you think the SPD qualifies as far left.
>because ultimatively they're their brothers in arms and mind
Thanks for clarifying that you have no clue about german history

>SPD is far left
what are you talking about? under Gabriel the SPD became more of a center party than ever, fuckin fatso

Because after failing miserably 2 world wars they are now trying to screw up Europe with economic pressure and social justice policies.

This time they seem to succed.

Ist mir egal.

You know lad, Germans want to protect their industry.
Crash this union with no survivors please

she's not in charge but everyone expects her to be in charge because the usual european leaders france and uk are constantly shiting the bed since like suez crisis. Someone has to fill the vacuum.


It's a Man dressed as a woman. Like Theresa May, Nikola Sturgeon, Michelle Obama, Princess Diana, and many, many more!

>Not a totalirarian project


does the parliament and council and president guy donald even do anything or is it just merkel saying lol we should do this

it's you fault france...
man up and tell her to shut the fuck up.

Are you saying Diana had a feminine penis?

Don't worry Franco, We've done it twice before.

ich glaube er denkt prince harry und seine geschwisster sind arschgeburten... da könnte was dran sein.

because UK just voted out and merkel begs for refugees and everyone to join the EU and lets people get raped and germans still support her

who else can you blame for it

>man up
>Holland the cuck on viagra
>man up

Not happening in this life or the next.

charge like €1000 per person and say you'll take them to Britain because that's where they all really want to be.
Then actually drop them in Poland where the Poles will quickly make sure they disappear.


Germans don't support her, the muslims who now overpopulate the indigenous population support her.

t. Mohammed

t. Mehmet

t. Pajeet

Hollande is Merkel's boytoy. He would never say anything against her

t. Merkels lapdog


She's not the president, Germany is a parliamentary republic, not a presidential republic.


oh for fuck's sake Winston give me a break

the fucking "chancellor" if you're so picky

you know what i meant