>> be me >> finals week of college >> trying to sleep >> roommates get home at 2 am >> drunk off their asses >> with a bunch of friends >> still drinking >> music loud af >> rage.jpg
One text to the PA and they'd be kicked out, if not arrested.... decide our fate, Sup Forums
alright mate, i'm trying to keep up my grades so i dont lose my full ride but yeah fuck me for wanting to sleep before my finals, right?
Ian Brown
you r pathetic no wonder your roommates treat you like this do something about it or dont
John Nelson
I mean you're right but I'm still kind of torn on that exact issue. If I do nothing, I lose, but if I do anything, I'm the asshole who snitched on his roommates
Michael Stewart
Call 'em.
Senior prank bro, haha
Elijah Lopez
its college football Saturday don't be a faggot and join them
Ryder Miller
my university literally doesn't have a football team and this isn't the first time they've pulled this shit
Andrew Ross
What's a poorfag like you going to do with an education? It's a waste of time.
Brody Carter
can't you just fucking nut up ? pop off on them so they take their little fag party elsewhere calling the cops on them is fucking retarded, just walk in there and flip a table pussy
Parker White
Yeah but you're the asshole who's going to graduate. Fuck those people. They're not going to pay your bills or support your family in the future. You're going to get nowhere being a people pleaser. If someone is blocking the path to success you run them over without remorse or warning.
Landon Wood
>Chad Being a meathead stereotype is great!
Adrian Smith
>should I use the PA for the reason they exist?
Is there any good reason you haven't yet??
Lincoln Johnson
Don't you mean an RA? Why would you need to text a Physician's Assistant?
Robert Morris
stop being a bitch and tell them cut it off. Had this issue once, simply went over to tell them to stfu as i had a final the next day. They shut up and that was the end of it. No need to go snitch like a rat.