Drunk thread, how is b?

drunk thread, how is b?

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please b, i need friends i cant think right now all i neeed in life is someoen to talk to

How u doin m8, where ya from?

I just woke up from a dead sleep to horrible tooth pain, went outside and threw up, came back inside and shit a gallon of water like my asshole was on autopilot, and now I’m here telling all you lovely people about it.

Why does that dog look like how Christoph Waltz sounds?

hey mate, im from the west ckast, seattle area. I just got rejected from someone who i thought liked me but turned out to lesbian.
Im okay but very drunk, howre you?

Have you tried reaching out to friends or family? Surely you can do better than strangers on the internet.

damn mate that sucks, my back teeth hurt constantly. I hope your shits get better so you arent dumping diarrhea like a water spigot

Shit happens dawg, plenty of fish in the sea.
People who are into the other sex normally come off as very comfortable because they know they can do literally anything around you and there's no sexual tension

I'm just chillin, browsin 4ching and listening to moozick

It was honestly one of the strangest shits of my life. It was almost zen like if it weren’t for the pain of my tooth keeping me grounded in reality.

damn dood ur right, i feel. I wish i had ppl to hang w, honestly im cool w her being les but stio feels bad yeno? It makes sense thats ahes comfy around guys tho sense theres no sexual attractuo nfor her. jsur od

oh nice bruv, hope ur groovin well

YOOO ive had zen shits before. I was hiking in NM and i had a zen shit on top of a mountain - absolutely amazing. Is there somsthing you can do about the teeth or are they just reckt?

m9 i got no clue i found it in an AI video that made up photos that were simialr to the previous oen

Yeee don't stress my nigga, but I understand it doesn't feel bad
When's the last time you had sex?

I just need to get the fucker pulled, but tomorrow is Sunday.

fokin A mi prolly a a coupke weeks ago. im licky to be (somewht) good looking so i can fuc k around, but im looking for a good emotional connection, not just a sex fix yeno?

Yeah thats fair mate. Hopefully youll get that shit pulled, i couldnt imagine having a rotten tooth. Everything else going aight?

Yeah I feel ya dawg. I banged some chick a couple days ago and there was NO emotion behind it so it was kinda weird
Just keep putting yourself out there and you'll find somethin
What are you drinking on?

yeaaah exactly! Jusr some chick that wanted a good dicking but theres no emotional conenction, wbixh is all im lookign for at this piint.
Im makig ghrtto moscow mules. 2-3 shits vodka, fill up the glass w ginger ale. its a nice mixed drink and not to alcoholic tasting if you do it right

Bruh Moscow Mules are BOMB!! So tasty!
Yo I got a Q 4 uu, I have some Bailey's which is some Irish Creamer. You decide if I drikn it or not

BRAV you know you wanna fill up on thar bailey's bailey is AMAzin. My first cockctail i made myself was a white russian using Bailey's

Also mate im p sure im about to pass out but i jusr wanna let you know its good to know theres people out there who'll just be a good mare and have a chat. Good on ye for being a good bloke and cheers to your decency!