That feel when more Jessica Jones in sexy biker boots incoming
That feel when more Jessica Jones in sexy biker boots incoming
I think we should call her "Niggerfucker Jones" from now on.
man that purple light looks really good on the borking dogger
>goblin feet
i think we should call you handfucker user from now on
how about Niggersucker jones?
or Jessica BLACKED Jones?
Jessica Niggerdick Jones?
Jessica BBC slut jones?
American TV is such joke, white woman getting fucked by niggers and white people watch this filth.
Luke Cage ain't no nigger you Sup Forumsyp
I highly doubt season two will top the first one. The show was actually pretty bland aside from Killgrave, he made the show for me. With him gone I can't see them having a good story to keep me interested
Of course he is a nigger.
A huge bulletproof white woman fucking nigger.
>americans like this so much they wanted a second season
What? You're not interested watching long Interracial sex scenes for another season?
Dude like get a grip.
Let's just hope she keeps them on
What was the name of that blonde qt?
>he doesn't know the difference between black people and niggers
She will, but only during the mandatory Interracial Sex scenes (which are around 70% of the season)
You wish cuck
There is no difference nigger.
Black skin = Nigger subhuman
I was just stating facts dude.
Its clear the show wants to shove down interracial relationships down your throat and pass them through as "normal".
>filthy animal calling me filthy animal
what are you talking you nigger loving spastic?
>shove down interracial relationships
I liked the show and I would never fuck the white girl
You're a fucking ape no matter of color of your fur
With that kind of charm I bet you're practically swimming in chocolate milk user
>he likes a show which is only filler and interracial sex between nigger and white protag
outed yourself as nigger lover right here
I bet you're swimming in nigger semen with that kind of taste in TV shows.
>defending niggerfucker jones and niggerfucker jones apologists on the internet for free
You're brain is literally cuck
>thread already derailed by insecure white bois
U mad Sup Forumsyp?
that dogger looks mean as fuck too
You mean yours is, after all you're the one defending interracial Sex between white woman and nigger on Sup Forums.
No just laughing about the retards who eat up that shitty nigger enabler show.
i only like seeing pale girls getting fucked by niggers, something about it is just hot af
Tv isn't real user. They don't have sex.
lmao this thread
"waaaaah i should be fucking jessica!!!
Sup Forums told me im better than blacks and i believed them because my life is literal garbage and i need something, ANYTHING to make me feel superior, why am i not fucking any white girls? or any girls for that matter???
just fucking get laid already you'll stop caring IMMEDIATELY"
Lol the only thing you cared was some sex between white woman and black guy. Stop pretending you don't wank everyday to interracial porn you cucklord
Thats not changing the fact that its literally making advertising for interracial relationships, painting niggers as humans and pretending that Multicultural societys work.
>implying I want to fuck that coalburning ugly slut
Why are you projecting so much, not everyone cares about interracial affairs as you do.
The plot is shit, the whole story is shit, every episode is shit, the protags are shit, the soundtrack is shit and it forces interracial sex on you.
The show is pure jewish made garbage
youre just proving the point im trying to make but it doesnt even matter fuck this board
"Daddy issues" Jones more like.
It's probably unintentional but she's a pretty spot-on representation of a typical pattern of self-destructive behavior resulting from having a fucked up childhood.
its literally brainwashing aimed at the underdeveloped brains of capeshit loving retards/kids.
again, i'm just stating the facts here, nigger.
>The plot is shit, the whole story is shit, every episode is shit, the protags are shit, the soundtrack is shit and I watched it because I'm a huge cuck.
>Pretending multicultural societies work
I reckon they're the only ones that do. White people are the most mixed race on the planet.
>underdeveloped brains
Like yours? No one ever cared about sex scenes in that show except for some retarded Sup Forumsyps
I skipped through it while "discussing" it on Sup Forums so I could make fun of the actual cucks that think this show is good.
Protip: its not, its pure nigger hyping garbage
a white girl fucking black guy is not a society retard
>that feel when these are what's inside of those biker boots
Multicultural in the sense of ape niggers living with white humans.
Nah, you watched it because the only thing that makes you aroused is BBC
Holy shit why Sup Forumsyps are so gay
go back
that feel when im supposed to think shes cool but im just cringing the whole time
Jesus christ, that explains why no white man would want that disgusting shit.
Guess the niggers can have her
>"u hatin niggers means you wan da BBC"
typical braindead libshit kind of talking.
Its always the same with those ugly mouthbreathers.
>I'm talking about niggers dicks ans interracial sex all the time
>why do they think I'm a white beta cuck?
Holy shit nigger stop embarrassing yourself
Isn't every first-world society composed of multiple cultures?
Thats what the show is literally about you braindead libshit
>imagine them footjobs tho
Like, she could completely wrap your cock with her soles with that foot size
post her hairy arms!
>'Not mad haha I'm just laughing haha'
>proceeds to shit up entire thread in a fit of blind rage and sexual frustration
No, not even remotely. If you think that you've got a poor concept of what a "culture" is. A nation that doesn't maintain a monoculture doesn't remain a nation for long.
>caring about feet
Nation is a spook though