The great debate

>Silvio: When I came to open up one morning, there you were with your head half in the toilet, your hair was in the toilet water... disgusting.

>Chris: I told you, I had the flu.

>Silvio: I said my piece Chrissy!

Who was in the wrong here?

Sounds pretty disgusting to me. Based Sil is right again.


>never trust a junkie


Tony vouched that Christopher was actually sick for awhile.

So the answer is Christopher.

Sick or not, if his hair was in the toilet eater that it truly disgusting, Sil is still correct

nah nah nah nah nah, you were sick a little bit.... got a little sick yourself

Have you ever had the flu? It saps your strength. You try holding your head above the toilet water.

Silvio was never in the wrong. He was the only one without mental issues in a show full of whiny bitches

Columbus Day is the only time he went full retard and he rightly got chewed out for it.

>Silvio was never in the wrong
Well there was that whole Christopher Columbus thing. His obsession with it had danger of bringing negative heat to the family.

its nearly time for my annual re-watch

i usually read the AV Club reviews as i watch each episode.

is there any other analysis i can read apart from AV club?

He deserved to be irrational over one thing for a change

Go go go go

But the point of Sil was that he was supposed to be the only guy who was never supposed to get irrational. That's his job as consigilere

>86 episodes
>Tony bitches about something in all of them
>Sil only bitches once. ONCE
>Sil is in the wrong

Did Chrissy do anything right? He was always fucking up. Had he not been related to Tony, he would've never made it higher than a soldier. He would've been lucky to have been made in any other outfit

Tony is the boss so bitching is kind of his job.

>Alzheimer uncle mocks him
>cuts ties to him

Killing Barry Haydu with extreme prejudice. Whether or not he killed Dickie is irrelevant: Tony wanted him dead.

They made up that very same episode when they're watching Animal Planet.

Finn, my Arch Nemesis

Wear a shower cap or don't have long hair like a faggot, simple enough

His hair was in the toilet water? OHHH. This piece of gabagool makes me sick, fellas.


>it's a Tony only gets emotional when animals are harmed because he's a sociopath episode

You know realize Cosette and Pie O My are the reasons he killed both their killers

>caring about the life of a mobster over an animal

In the car crash when he holds Chrissie's nose he should've been like THIS IS FOR LITTLE COSETTE YOU BASTARD, YOU THINK I'D FORGOTTEN BECAUSE IT WAS A FEW SEASONS AGO?



Honestly I doubt Chase did this on purpose but this just makes it even better for me. Can't believe I've never noticed the link before. Like when on rewatch and knowing Gloria's fate, you notice how asphyxiation is always hinted at. Brilliant.

Chrissy was a piece of shit who was terrible at being a gangster. Should've been whacked way sooner


fuck i love this show.

Junior wasn't diagnosed with Alzheimer's at that moment so he took it personally

>its a Charmain sucks Tony's thumb episode

Patsy's scene was awesome with Gloria in the car

Alan Sepinwall

you know Quasimodo predicted all this

Why are gangsters so stupid?

i have to be loyle to quasimodo

He was never really given attention. The only two sideplots by him I remember are Columbus and the day he rules the mob and fails at it.

Why was Tony lucky again after he killed Chrissy?

tony gave chrissy chance to fix himself. Dozens of chances. Imagine what would happen if tony wasn't lucky during that car crash. Chrissy was a problem and tony realized chrissy was a lost cause.