I can't fucking do this

I can't fucking do this.
I just went to my first part time job and finished 5 hours and I'm already so fucking drained and fucked.
How do full time wage cucks fucking do this shit 40 hours a week, what the fuck?
Is there something wrong with me or have other wage cucks just turned their brains off?
Also, please tell me of a fucking job that doesn't involve standing whilst working for 6 hours.
It's so fucking shit I'm literally gonna spiral into a suicidal phase by just thinking about doing this shit every week.

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Well quit and study user. To answer your question, standing all day gets easier, you're just not used to it yet.


That's what all entry level jobs are like. My first job was at a scrapyard moving metal and junk around. You just gotta push through it. What job do you have?

Data Entry is usually good for not standing, Working in a call center also, but has the disadvantage of dealing with idiot customers.

>How do full time wage cucks fucking do this shit 40 hours a week, what the fuck?
By developing skills that are in demand which yields higher paying jobs. It's on you if you're stuck in bullshit part time jobs forever.

user, I have a 40-hours-a-week job. And God damn it grow a pair of balls and man up.

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Welcome to the real world you stupid faggot. Either go to work like a man or just blow your brains out and lower my commute.

Don't worry user, only another 50 more years and you can retire homeless.

probably sucks cuz you have bills to pay. when i was in high school work pretty much meant free money

I've been doing a 8-5 5-day a week job for 25 years, kiddo.

“Wage cucks” hahahaha holy shit you are so not ready for the real world. One shift for just 5 pussy hours and you cry like a bitch to Sup Forums strangers, either leave this site and man the fuck up or end it now faggot

Welcome to adulthood, aka reality. You are a slave, you have always destined to be a slave. This is our truth, our world and our reality. You are part of the working class. You are an ant with a singular function and that is to serve everybody else in order to make society function. The only escape is education to get a better job however no matter how you cut it most likely your time will be put into working even if youre getting paid more. Your life will stolen from you and there is no other option. You have done something either in your passes life or the beyond. This is your sentence to serve. To learn what it is to suffer. Maybe after you learn your lesson in the next life you will be free but here you are a slave. They did not abolish slavery, they just changed the terms.

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5 fucking hours is all it took to drain you? I worked 84 hours this week. Man up bitch tits.

Why wait 50 years to retire homeless when OP can retire tonight with a rope and some initiative?

Are you like... a nihilist?

Kitchenhand. Restaurant kitchens are surprisingly filthy compared to household kitchens, but I guess it can't be helped.

I just finished high school. I'm free until uni starts next year.

Then quit fucking bitching faggot. You're still going to work 40 or more hours a week after graduating and that's assuming you even take university seriously. You're no longer in the free trial phase of life. You're about to spend most of your adult life doing mundane shit that you hate so you can even remotely do the things you like.

I get neetbux from the government. Feels good knowing wage cucks support my bad habits

U dumb faggot... Imagine loading 50 pound concrete bags in to a hopper for 5 hours straight, or moving concrete hoses all day, i hate my job, i do it to feed my family, this is tje jewish world, get used to it or dont, nobody cares

So you literally have no life?
Imagine wage slaving then thinking you can retire easy. Enjoy your arthritis/cancer/not being able to move when you realize you've wasted your life for nothing

What job do you have

Lol I hope you wear a mask while helping your boss buy his 10th holiday home. All that cement dust must be good for your lungs

lol not everyone works at McDonald's you stupid nigger. enjoy being poor

I don't know if these anecdotes are supposed to encourage me but I'm getting sadder because of how low it can get.
I hope you guys find a way out.

Goddamn your voice is soothing.

Honestly, that sounds better than what I had. Phoenix is hot as fuck and hauling bare metal for 8-10 hours a day sucks ass, but at least the pay was good. You're gonna have to get tougher, 6 hours is a very light day to most people. Get another job or work harder


What is the point of sitting at home shit posting when I can pick up shifts on my days off and get paid to do it?

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Toughen up sweetheart


This gay shit is why zoomers will never own property

Ok, boomer.

No you didn't.

I work about 25 hours a week and get paid £65 an hour. Only 24, but graduated from a top university.

However, while a student I had to find myself doing these shit dead end jobs like waiting, construction and gardening. Waiting was the worst as you had to turn off your brain and serve cunts for 10 hours straight. Just power through.

I actually quite enjoyed gardening as I mostly worked on my own listening to music while getting some food exercise in the sun.

Construction was also fun as the guys I did it with like to fuck around and have a laugh.

Cleaning shit is good for your soul OP. It might just be nerves. Put on your headphones and clean that bitch better than anyone ever has and if your boss doesn't realize you're killing it or hassles you, go to the next place and do the same thing.

Thanks guys. I guess it's just because it's the first time. I'll try sticking to it and see if I can find a less physical job in the meantime.

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I've learned that the more you get paid the less shit you actually do. You BUST YOUR ASS at minimum wage crap, but as you 'climb the ladder'' you have more liability to get things right, but you're not breaking your back shoveling. Check out top CEOs or managers. They've got responsibilities, but also take 2 hours lunches and expense all their meals. I used to make $1000 a month cleaning toilets in 2008. After finishing school, and a few more jobs and an entry level full time, I made it to a new job where i made $80K so far this year. I work from home, remote for a company and I'm fapping or playing video games at lunch. Getting high at 420 before I clock out. I have responsibilities on my shoulders, but it's been 10 years working to this level. Gotta mop those floors before you get to chill the fuck out.

Hope you get there.

At least you're working. Whatever you do, don't become a piece of shit neet

You sure are a fucking pussy. And a fag.

A couple years ago I was working 50 or more hours a week in landscape construction, plus doing my own landscaping side jobs on the weekends and also collecting scrap metal in the remaining spare time.

Nowadays I don't work as hard. I do power washing for 44 hours a week and I'm earning more than when I was landscaping. I start at 11 AM everyday and it's a tiny fraction of the stress of what I was doing before. Plus I get to work alone all the time.

It can take years but eventually you will find a job that suits you. But in the meantime you have to stop being such a fag or maybe go gay and find a man who will support you if you hate working so much.

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Nobody cares. Everyone can lie online. You don't know his work environment. Calm down.

Lmao what a bitch

Nurses stand fir 12 hours.

My sister is an RN but makes $71 per hour.

Nope, fuck you. If OP can't handle a part time job he's weak and worthless. Maybe he can go on nigger monkey welfare and stay home and drink all day.


you have your entire life of this suffering ahead of you. it only gets worse. i am in my 30's and i want to kill myself everyday. just wait until you actually NEED to work full time, and possibly way more than 40 hours per week, just to make ends meet and be able to have what you had when you were a kid, like a house and food and clothing and the ability to buy little stupid things. life gets pretty terrible and meaningless, it's basically just slow torture and servitude, but everyone is walking around faking a smile

Your life sounds pretty terrible so far


Yeah, I guess some people are afraid of doing real work. What do you do, suck dicks for a living?

Nobody in this thread has ever consistently worked more than 40 hours a week and you're all larping faggots.

I too powerwash every day until 8pm, pretender faggot.

Why do you think I'm lying about that?
Why would anyone lie about that

typical response of someone who doesn't realize their life is awful

Idk why don't you tell us? If I had to guess I would say you lied to make OP look weak in 'comparison'. You don't powerwash anything 44 hours a week starting at 11am lol.

he lives in a high-unemployment area. he just cant believe you have a job thats not call center, factory or dick sucking

>all these wage cucks in this thread defending their job and how proud they are for being a slave.

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His response was the thing people who don't actually work hard say. People who actually work hard identify with the struggle even if it's a single shitty five hour shift.

>You don't powerwash anything 44 hours a week starting at 11am lol.
why not? kek i can't believe someone would think i'm making this up.

I remember my first job at 17. Bus boy, lasted for one month. I felt the exact same way. "How the fuck can I stand for 8 hours???" I mean I did quit because I hated it, but you get used to it. And then you realize, oh, I can go to school o learn a better skill. And you do that, and maybe shit still sucks. But at least you can feed yourself. And shit, nothing lasts forever.

Lol you think anyone doing powerwashing works 11 to 8

uh-huh and having no job living in mom's basement is what, freedom? the freedom to do what ever you want as long as it doesn't involve money and mommy says it's okay?

what are you proud of, collecting unemployment checks?

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Because you're lying. You just don't. Prove it if you want to but you're obviously larping.

He isn't criticize being a wage cuck. He's criticising the bootlicking attitude.

Take out a loan and get a drafting degree. Super fucking easy and pay is $20-$25 an hour or salary building random shit on AutoCAD.

Also Mining is a badass industry. And Survey Technicians have a super easy job but make a ton of money.

What job is it?

Read. Thread. Before. Push. Post. Button.

I'm the afternoon guy. We do a number of truckyards one of which is very large where I spend 30 hours a week. On wednesday for example I'll do One load of 500 gallons there first which lasts 4 hours. Then I go have lunch and refill. Then my second load is smaller accounts that don't park until after 4pm. Hence the hours of 11am to 7pm.

One employee does morning work, I do afternoons, and we have a nighttime guy who comes in even later than I do.

Is this an okay explanation for you? Is it okay with you that this is how my job works?

There's freedom to do anything you want to do, and freedom to not do anything you don't want to do.

Working doesn't make you a slave. It makes you a worker.

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Being comfortable your entire life has literally zero value in the long term. And if you refuse to work, what little comfort you have will be taken from you quickly.

Take on some responsibility in your life, stop relying on others to take care of you.

The more responsibility you take on now, the better off you'll be in the future.

Here are your choices:

Sit around and do nothing, trading your future potential for some short term comfort.
Work as hard as you can now to set your self up to be much more comfortable in the future and hopefully find a little meaning in your life besides seeking momentary pleasure.

literally this

I work as a software dev and instead I sit on my ass for 8 hours a day. Don't be such a pussy you get used to it

sounds like you're a bootlicking wagecuck.
also, it's impossible that you do software dev.


good joke user

the jewish world? lol, i work for a hardcore christian woman and it's fucking hell on earth. she can't comprehend normal thinking by any stretch of the imagination, and she has no idea how to run a business

11am to 7pm is 8 hours.
You have a mandatory lunch

Neither of those are 44. You're just making your hours up and pretending you get more than 40 to make OP feel bad. It's fun to lie online though huh?

Again he's not criticising work. He's criticising your bootlicking faggotry.

You have been doing absolutely nothing for the entire day, everyday, for almost 20 years.

You get used to it. You simply don't have rhythm. However tho, the more you study, and the more skilled you become, the more you can earn for the same amount of work hours a day.

Pro tip: there is nothing else in life to do with your free time than work, acquire goods, and fuck bitches.

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Can't wait to take your property after you die, boomer

Nobody said anything about refusing to work. Are you this cucked?

>consumer mindset
You can also experience life and learn things that interest you? Or you can try to fill your work hole with plastic like a good slave.

Lmao i just put in 56 hours last week.
I was actually bummed out i didnt make it to 60.
Once you start working hard and being able to buy things you want, theres no better feeling than the satisfaction of that.

I wish I was 12 too.

The definition of propaganda

Yeah and I'll cash in on my "short term effort" after 50 years and shove it up my ass.

I worked at Hungry Jacks when I was a kid, the job fucking sucked and you don't get used to it if you do it part time.

Do a job where you get skills that you can use around the house, once you become qualified for a trade then do university if you still want to pursue a career in something specialised, at least that way you can fall back on a trade if you can't find work.

Don't fuck around when you're young, it is a waste of time and you'll fall behind really quick.

You wish you were a child? Fucking lol


What if you don't want to buy anything other than the bare minimum required to live another day? What if you don't participate in consumerist culture?

Hey OP man up and learn some skills at a university.
>four years later
Where'd you learn about global warming and class struggles what the fuck?!?

(Excerpt from The Complaining Old, 2019)

Arbeit macht frei.

Childhood>adulthood. Remember not feeling the existential dread?

>wishes he was 12

Wait I thought the implication was that I was a child and it's bad to be a child. This is very confusing.

Being a child was the best part of life in every aspect.
Ignorance is unironically bliss.

Wow. You have a creepy amount of interest in my schedule. I'll give you a detailed breakdown since you are so interested:

My work week goes Tuesday through Saturday. The clock starts when I walk through the door of the shop. It takes 35-45 minutes for me to fill the van with water and soap and drive out to the Challenger yard while grabbing a coffee on the way, depending on traffic.
On Tuesday I go to the Challenger yard and do two loads. I wash 6 or 7 tractors in one load, approximately 3 hours. That's 12-14 tractors soaped, scrubbed and rinsed every Tuesday. Friday and Saturday are exactly the same. My boss told me he does not care when time I get to work, as long as it's between 10am and 12 noon.
Wednesday and Thursday are sometimes longer because I do one load at Challenger and then 2 or 3 smaller accounts after lunch. I wash the vehicles of a cabinet shop, a courier company, a moving company, a lumber yard, a window and door company, a food delivery company and an equipment rental company. Some of these smaller accounts I wash every week, some every other week.


My 60yo american frendo came to my shithole country because his retirement paycheck aint enough to live in gringolandia.

Good for you bro gotta put in those hours while you're still young right?

40 hours per week is actually arbitrary bullshit and unnecessary. People in primitive societies used to work 20 hours a week tops. When women used to stay at home, married adults worked an average of half the number of hours worked by the man, so 40/2 would equal 20. With only men working outside the home, shit still got done, the economy still grew, and things were great. This tells you that we could work 20 hours a week now and have everything we currently have if greedy shit parasites who want to take money they didn't earn weren't running everything(capitalists).