Insecurities thread. Post a selfie, age, and something you're insecure about, selfie not necessary. I have a lot of body hair and a big nose.
Insecurities thread. Post a selfie, age, and something you're insecure about, selfie not necessary...
I'm 19, sorry for being retarded and breaking my own rules
Head shape
37 y/o male insecure about the size of my gigantic penis
tits or gtfo tranny fuck
I'm not a tranny, just have a hairy crotch/buttcrack
25, I’m insecure about the job market
Show us then tf?
24 and I'm insecure about this guy's insecurity regarding the job market.
Please do show.
Show me fag
>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
don't worry that's normal for huskies. the real question is how did you learn to internet? and who's that cute chick with you in the picture?
Me fat. Show tiddies OP?
very indecisive. i always need someone to make choices for me
Absolute nigger
Double nigger
TRIPLE nigger
fucking kek user.
I'm deciding for you to post a pic of your gaping pussy hole.
Nice trips.
shiny, sunken, sunburnt and round face
I am insecure about the number of crickets in my forest
such a woman. you dont need to worry about that. it'll never go away. you will sleep with bulls, jerks until you are used up.
now post some titties
37 year old male:
Assistant Manager at a major US retail chain
Have a sugar baby of a girlfriend 21 female, who is half white and half Japanese.
Says she loves me, a lot, but sometimes I am not too sure.
One day I want to marry her.
How much of a loser am I?
Do you all think I will marry the college girl?
She has told her family about me...thats a good sign right?
are you fucking idiot?
you don't do that. keep fucking her. it must be a good sport. but that's it
do it quick and knock her up soon oldfag, ur running out of time. lol
I'm 27 and my body weight as well as just not being good enough
good enough for what?
She makes me feel she’s all bohemian with her crazy art, and the way she acts all art school girl(which she is) what’s a trip is she sends me selfies a lot and some of them she looks like a grown woman and others it’s like she is a little girl. She fucks good, but I have to guide her at times.
I think it’s love cause she tells her family about me. I want her to move in. Should I ask her?
how does a dog get such a cute human gf, OP?
Why not dude?
I wanna fuck OP, I can only land whales but i want a young fit slutty whore like OP.
Dogs are supposed to have body hair & a big nose. Sniff the girls ass, you'll feel better there's a good boy.
is this your first interaction with women?
are you a troll?
here is the thing dude, as an user, I do not know all the dynamics in your relationship, but I do know that statistics work. She is a woman, and I do not want a fellow user to be sad in the future or now.
if you want to live and learn, be my guest. I did, my friends did.
my 2cents.
I hope you are right about her.
29. virgin, and still think I'm doomed to have a suicide on my middle life crisis
Lol same
It’s not my first relationship but it is my first relationship with someone way younger than me, and with a woman who is very good looking. She makes me feel alive and she loves to fuck and her body is banging. I get nervous because I don’t wanna seem square or obsessive.
Why have you coopted this thread? Take your larping elsewhere you tiny dicked failcel.
age 18, I'm insecure about my patchy facial hair growth pattern.
28 male
fit and healthy
good job
×short lil manlett
×no personality
×no gf since I was 21
×friends are all married and having kids. It's awkward
25, not exactly fat (86kg and about 180cm tall), but I've got one hell of a beer gut.
21 and 40%
7 years no gf? its probably your personality
Bored, can’t sleep, my young girlfriend is in the middle of finals so she wanted to study this weekend.
Nobody cares and i hope she gets raped by niggers.
Checked and wrecked.
Or lack thereof
Ah the incel has shown his sweaty face
>takes a whole weekend to study
kek shes fucking someone else you retarded cuck
Think I know her.
You've used this pic for like 7 threads including as suicide and tranny thread, fuck off
How the fuck did a dog learn to type? And are you banging the chick in the photo?
20, insecure about this guy's insecurity about the other guy's insecurity about the job market
I have more sex than you, and she catches my sweat in her hungry slut mouth.