Hi Sup Forumsros, help me out please

Hi Sup Forumsros, help me out please.
I got a lower back pain but its a bit strange, while i do nothing or normal activities i feel nothing except for when i reach for something with my left hand, same side the pain is, left side near de spine.
But when im at work it kind of builds up, i still dont feel it but when i straighten my back it feels like a concentrated spot is pierced by a knife, it lasts for a few seconds before going away, its been going for a few months, prior to that i had a bad episode of lower back muscles getting locked, when i say bad i mean that the pain was so terrible i was not able to stand, with help or without, i had to go to the bathroom in all fours, lasted for weeks, about 3 weeks when it was done, it did not get to vanish completely and this started, if anyone has any idea what the fuck is going on and what should i do please help me out.

Attached: low-back-pain.jpg (493x335, 23K)

Get yourself some acupuncture mate, works fucking wonders. You will probably need a few sessions but you will thank me by the end

see a doctor. it could be anything from cervical problems to a tumor. minor to major.

Is it expensive? I dont have much money, i live in UK and have a bit of a rough time at the moment, tho i think i can afford a few rounds.

I will make an appointment on Monday

how old are you, op? what's your BMI? Do you exercise?

Sounds like a pinched nerve or nerve cluster. Chiro it up. They know what they are doing and can fix you in short order if you're not super fucked after a lifetime of beating the shit out of your body like me!

my dad woke up with back pain one day.... it got progressivly worse, turned out to be pancreatic cancer..... 7 months later he was gone. just sayin'

Im UK also, first sessions usually around 60 quid as they have to figure out what they are going to do, then follow up sessions around 40/50 quid. I had tennis elbow in both arms at the same time, wasted loads of time going to gp, physio etc and acupuncture fixed it in 3 sessions, have been for bad back, damaged tendons in my hand and general aches and pains (im a tree surgeon) and it always sorts me out

23, BMI?
And no, i dont.
Have a job tho, does this count?

Invest in an expensive mattress like a temperpedic cloud supreme. And buy an inversion therapy device to realign your spine. I moved furniture for years and thought my lower back was fucked up but after 3 years I'm ok now. I dont move furniture anymore it's not worth it

body mass index

ATTENTION STRAIGHT MEN AND BUDDIES WHO LIKE TO BULLY!!!!! - Looking for guys who would be genuinely interested... im 24 yo, 6’2, 170lbs, white, red headed gay male. My thing is, I like to be humiliated by STRAIGHT, sadistic, HETEROsexual men who would get a kick out of this and no sexual gratification. By that I mean, I’ll go on cam butt ass naked, write whatever you tell me to write on myself with sharpie. Stick random things up my ass (flashlight, end of a light bulb, sharpie... whatever I can find near) give over personal information about myself, passwords to personal accounts and you can expose me. Feel free to screenshot me, laugh at me, grab a buddy to join you in laughing at me. I’m not trolling, just looking for any straight men who would at least want a conversation about this.... please be of age (18+) and have access to a mic and cam if you’re interested!! Add me on discord @ DumbassFaggot4#6683

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Not sure if i will do it right but here you go.
90kg at 1,85m
A bit overweight but not much.

Fuck off

Where in the UK?


Do some yoga or pilates. A bit of light stretching and a workout will do wonders for most back pain.
Tai chi isn't bad either.

I was told that there is such a thing when a nerve gets stuck in between spine's rings, tho i dont think its this, i hears it hurts like hell whenever you dare to lift something

You’re young so it’s very unlikely something like cancer. Don’t worry too much. You should see a doctor and get a proper diagnosis before you start any kind of therapy like acupuncture or chiro.

My best guess is that the pain is coming from your sacroiliac joint and is caused by a lack of strength/muscles in your torso. You should start exercising regularly. Ask the Doc for physical therapy. I had similar issues and this helped me immensely.

I did removals and i had pretty hard jobs, lifting was never a problem, i have an athletic structure and im pretty strong and not in terrible shape, i don't understand why it never was a problem before.

Sorry to tell ya but I'm 100% sure it's cancer
t. internet doctor

Lol, thanks but im not falling

you're getting old just like everyone else. Wait another ten years and your knees start to hurt for no reason.

Forgot to mention that no matter how hard i touch the spot i feel nothing, tried hitting it with my fist as hard as i could too, still nothing.

Fake and gay

Dont know about fake but he is a massive faggot

Read Sarah Keys, The Back Sufferers Bible. It sounds like you have a bulging disc. As the nucleus begins to protrude into the annulus of the disc, the lower back muscles go into spasm as they try to protect the spinal cord.
A degenerating disc can also put pressure on the facet joint causing pain. An MRI read by a propper practitioner will show you exactly whats happening. Just make sure they interpret it properly as I had two make mistakes and recommend me for surgery I didn't need. Years of extreme pain for me, and now I have none. :)
Also get yourself a good nurtitional bone broth full of collagen and be aware that the pain usually comes about three days after the injury which can be confusing.

kidney stone??

accupunture is a joke, see a doctor

Except it isnt, doctor couldnt fix what acupuncture did.