Silver-Stina edition
Qualification run starts in 15 bings
Final heats in 3 bongs 15 bings
Silver-Stina edition
Qualification run starts in 15 bings
Final heats in 3 bongs 15 bings
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Who are the OARs competing in this?
How does this work? Do the men and women go at the same time? And if so, do they compete for the same medal?
Bolshunov's the only relevant one
Hoping for a cheeky bronze for Jessie. 4th in Planica and 6th in Lillehammer.
tough course should suit her
What about Belorukova? There’s always that one Russian in the top 5
true, forgot about her.
Neprayeva too
2nd place in the Tour de Ski classic sprint with obviously less competition
Apparently the home stretch is pretty short which is good for the norwegians and bad for Stina and Jessie
Katja Višnar trains with the Norgies but is shit. Explain this
>Is it all nords or are there any Amurikuns?
>Oh, here's one
Skate when?
Still a real american tho. She’s not one of those faggots who moves to another country to compete in the olympics
I know, just found the last name funny. Good luck to you, my Norwegian friend.
Fug this looks way too tough for Jessie
I've got a hella Swedish last name and I've never stepped foot outside of America.
Really bad from Harsem
Will Sweden ever recover?
Stina stronk
Jessie with an okay time. She’s always better in the finals
How's the format of this work?
30 best times moves on to quarter finals
I mean, these are super short rounds. Is quarter finals the same course?
Aurore ;_;
I just started noticing in January that Ostberg is pretty cute
it's a sprint you mong
what did the finns mean by this
whats the point of muh hertiage, if you not gonna mary person with same heritahge and down even speak the language?
You do realize that no amount of attention you give her will ever be enough?
Same course every round
what the fuck does this mean? this round ends ends super soon, then what next? what happens to the 30 who move on? next round but what do they do in the next round? the schedule says there's like 18 "events" total
damn that's tiring. they should mix it up. is it women's through into the finals, then the men's? all starts 15 secs apart like this? thanks
Five quarter-finals with six athletes each. Best two in each heat automatically qualify for the semi-finals. Additionally the two athletes with the fastest times that don't manage to finish top two qualify as lucky losers, for a total of 12 athletes in the semi. Same in semis. Six in final.
fucking seppo education strikes again
TOGO faster than Latvia and Croatia.
Top 30 move to the knock out quarterfinals, then to semifinals, etc.
There’s 5 QFs with 6 racers in each. They start at the same time and the two who crosses the finish line forst moves on to semis. Same thing in semis and finally the final
Is there a stream for this?
Are there medals on the line today?
Thanks. Is there skate skiing too?
I don't watch sports outside the Olympics. I XC ski but don't know anything about events like this. I'm trying to learn. Come on man, it's not hard to not be a dick.
Later, yes.
Use a VPN.
>is there skate skiing too
next olympics
Harvey will take a medal for sure
No, they only compete in one discipline at the Olympic sprints, this time it's classic. The team sprint is in freestyle however.
Fucking Togo in front of us, end this misery
I'd like to, but all the Scandinavian people in America live in Minnesota(which is where my dad grew up). My grandfather was 100% Finnish, my grandmother Norwegian/Swedish mix. If I could marry any of these girls at the Olympics I'd do it in a heartbeat. But here I am, shitposting at 1am.
huh that's something
Does it switch back and forth every Olympics?
Sad, I much prefer skate.
When is team sprints? Thanks for all my inane questions.
>that look at the sky
Allah why have you forsaken me
she was the iranian flagbearer, so happy to represent her country she was crying. really beautiful to watch
re: your hijab comments, egyptian women's team did well at beach volleyball. kys racist
21st. 20th midnight for you probably
Harvey has been pretty disappointing in sprint the past few seasons as he's been prioritizing distance races. Barely ever make it through to the final these days. He's also much better in freestyle.
*thanks for answering
Cool, thanks. Wonder how they decide to space/schedule the events.
Based Ana Marija, future star, just like Majdič was
Finals in 2 bongs
True, but this is a big event. and you always have to count North Americans in. They put 150% at them
I've tried using Hola on chromebook and it never works.
Still got the cold war mentality towards sports that's for sure
I mean, you really think so?
Must feel amazing being able to represent your country.
11 to 1 and then 12 onwards?
Is that how they always choose heats?
Hola is a botnet:
Literally pay $5 for a month of a good VPN and problems solved.
Not being racist, it's just sad that they're still forced to wear that garbage.
>If I could marry any of these girls at the Olympics I'd do it in a heartbeat
why would they mrry murrica mutt who doesnt even speak her languege
based stina
Jessie in an easy heat
Very tough heat for Harsem.
many aren't forced, they're just used to it and choose to. and that's their right. but though some places like saudi arabia yes
>falla avoiding stina and krista
w-when is the french qf
>Norway is already drooling over Diggins
She's ded mon ami...
bolshunov in slovenian hat, holy shit we dont even have hats
though i've heard he arrived in kroea only few days ago and sprint was not in his schedule, hu just decided in last days that he is ready for spint
Already? I’ve been doing it for years
i miss sweden's old suits desu
She's Iranian, she's being forced. The only people who wear it willingly are white women in America who think it's some kind of trend.
holy shit
secuirty carry m4 rifle????
Why is it taking so long between races?
I just installed Hola. if i keep it for a few days and then get rid of it. What is the worst thing that can happen?
stop being so racist
wtf I hate the USA now
FBI knocking on the door arresting you for CP.
You have some great male sprinters (Chanavat, Jouve, Gros), but they only excel at freestyle unfortunately.
I have a friend who lives in Iran and who does not wear one. Good try though. My guess is you've never been anywhere outside North America, maybe some of Europe too?
why dont you screnshot qt faces during choosing heats? btw russian site translates it in 60fps, so smooth and you can see very wrinkle around eyes, jut perfect. wish they had 5 cameras also
maybe will make webms some day after OG
It's a fucking botnet you retard. You essentially installed a virus on your computer.
Get a fucking job and pay $5 for a proper VPN, or skimp on lunch one day. Christ.
old suits are aesthetically more pleasing but tbf we haven't had a good luck at the new ones yet
Is there trouble if you've used Hola in the past but uninstalled it now?
Sounds made up.
Sorry bror, but the russians are using your identity to buy csgo items as we speak.